What actually causes this awful pain??

Puschinka Member Posts: 176
edited 17. Apr 2012, 16:12 in Living with Arthritis archive
Although I fully understand what OA is all about, what causes it etc... and why walking, going up/down stairs, sitting up/down and basically anything that puts strain on the affected joints causes pain - I have a question:
What actually causes these truly agonizing, 'deep down in my bones' shooting pains (best way I can describe it :? ) that occur even when I'm not even moving about, but resting, be it sitting or lying down or trying to sleep at night??
I am experiencing these horrid pains more and more lately. Mostly deep in my shins, like someone is torturing the bones, and sometimes my wrists and shoulders, fingers and toes. But mostly my shins, where I've also noticed the muscles that used to give me fairly shapely calves, are literally disappearing and my lower legs look thinner, whereas my knees look slightly bigger and swollen.
My thigh muscles and upper arm muscles also ache a lot, as though I've been lifting weights ( which I haven't done for many years)
I do suspect that these other joints have perhaps been slightly invaded by Arthur as well, but what causes these pains when I am actually resting and why do my muscles ache so much? They are not joints, after all?!
Some nights I feel like I am on some sort of medevil torture implement and my legs are being forcibly stretched, I spend hours tossing and turning instead of sleeping. This pain is also quite differeent from the pain I get in my knees.
Is it all just part and parcel of OA? Can anyone explain it to me please?
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.


  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Are you on any sort of Statin by any chance ?

    If so check with your doctor about side effects.
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am not on any medication as yet, all I take is Paracethemols when the pain gets too bad. Have an awful fear of taking painkillers, which I know I will have to overcome sooner or later.
    I do take various supplements, but have done so for quite some time.
    I don't know what Statins are.Thanks for your reply thewifey and welcome to the forum.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I hope you find some relief. Has the doctor no suggestion for the pain and muscle wasting ?
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!
  • CJHunter
    CJHunter Member Posts: 1,038
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hiya Pushinka, The docs do say for OA paracetamol can help some people, but if the pain is bad dont u go suffering in silence, i know that many are affraid or have concerns but i would rather have my pain eased.

    With regards to the sharp shooting agonising pains, well i have been told that they could be nerves but i am not sure, as there are so many various problems accociated with various conditions who really knows, I just know it hurts like hell when it does but the pregabalin has eased it.

    Do try and do some excersise as mucle wastage happens so fast, i am now trying to build my legs back up, its frightening to realise how fast it can happen,. I am doing this with the help of Physio, do u see one or ask to be refered.

    Hope things ease for you, see the doc if you need extra help hun. all the best xx
    Clare xxeyeore-1.jpg
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I agree with Clare, the deep shooting pains are nerves, because a couple of years ago I woke up and could'nt feel my legs, I was so scared that I'd become paralysed, my OH called an ambulance because he was so scared. The ambulance came and did lots of tests and agreed there was no feeling there but because I was upstairs and they needed to be careful they ended up calling 2 more ambulances so they could carefully move me!!( I don't remember this as I was totally gone on Pethadine at the time!! My OH & next door neighbour told me what happened from now!) I now had 3 Ambulances outside my house! God knows what the neighbours where thinking!! And they had to carry me lieing straight down my stairs goodness knows how they did it. Anyway found out I had trapped the nerves in my spine and I couldn't feel my legs properly for a couple of weeks!
    I do get alot of nerve pain as well as joint pain, think it's pare for the course with Arther!
  • debram
    debram Member Posts: 115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Puschinka- Im a new user of thi forum and read your post with interest. I have recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritus and some of the symptoms you describe are happening to me too- I told my rhumatologist at the initial consultation that I get terrible feeling at the front of my legs below the knee and sometimes wish I could chop off my legs- he listened intently.I also get a strong shooting pain down the back of my left leg- I also have sever psoriasis and put it down to that as my leg as sometimes gets tight. I got my diagnosis of PA in my toes but have been told its probably right through me. I forgot to ask if that pain was linked because I was in shock at that meeting. I was left wondering if that pain in my legs is linked-I also have terrible cramp at night. I go to see my consultant Monday as I have been put on Methotrexate which the hope will slow down the PA and clearthe Psoriasis. I am going to mention these pains to him and see what he says so I will keep you posted on his response. I am also going to ask can I go back to my rheumatologist so I can now ask more questions about pain and pain managemnt. My reply doesnt help you Im afraid but youve helped me because i now know that the pain Ive experienced has to be linked and Im not just going mad.
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you all for your replies,much appreciated.I see my GP tomorrow and have my first rheumy appointment in a couple of weeks.See what their view on this is.
    The pain in my shins feels exactly like the pain I was having a few years ago when I had shingles. That was a different part of my body and has nothing to do with shin pains I am experiencing now, but it does make me think it's nerve pain, as the pains you get with shingles is nerve pain.
    I think the muscle wasting must be due to the fact that, before OA struck, I used to walk sooo much, and at a fast pace too and in my job I was on my feet most of the time, for long 10 hour shifts.
    .Whereas for the last 4 months,any walking I do is with 'babysteps', holding on to a stick or crutch, and I am nowhere near as active as I used to be. So I guess it figures that certain muscle groups will wither away :(
    It's true, if you don't use it, you lose it, I suppose.
    As for physio, yes I do that religiously everyday, with clenched teeth through the pain, the ones the physio told me to do and then some of my own Yoga stretching excercises,although they're a drop in the ocean compared to what I used to be abe to do.
    None of those however really target the lower leg muscles.
    Maybe the shin pain, if it is nerves, is connected with that icey cold wet feeling I still get now and then just below my knees.
    Hopefully I'll get some answers from the docs and something that works better than Paracethemols. Just need to pluck up the courage to take them then, as I really do have a fear of becoming dependent on any kind of medication. But I think that day is fast approaching... :?
    I'll let you all know what GP and rheumy make of it all.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi debram and thanks for your reply. Just read it after I had already posted my last post. The shooting pains you say you get down the back of your leg, I get them every now and then, out of the blue, in my buttocks and at the back of the top of my legs and in my groins, my hips and occasionaly round the back of my ankles. They are sudden and sharp and make me catch my breath.
    The shin pains are so bad they make me cry out in pain and I've only ever done any 'crying out in pain' when I was giving birth to my children (long time ago)... but that is honestly how bad these pains are. And I don't think I've got a particularly low pain threshold.
    I have suffered from Restless Leg Syndrome for many years, even before OA struck, that's a very unpleasant sensation too but not painful as such, just drives you mad when you can't stop moving your twitching legs about and it stops you from falling asleep. But its nothing compared to these deep shootinng pains. Oh boy, they're nasty, aren't they.
    Welcome to the forum as well.And I'm glad my post was of some help, I'm sure we're not really going mad, even if it feels that way sometimes.
    Let us know how you get on at your next appointment.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Have a go at the tablets, Puschinka maybe they will help. I'm like you, don't like taking medication but sometimes it can be neccesary and life changing !

    All medicines have side effects but not all of us get them so have a go...you can always stop them if they don't suit and ask the doctor for another type till you find what works.

    Have you had any sort of scans to check if there is pressure on any of your spinal nerves which could be causing the pain ?
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thewifey - I see a rheumy for the first time on 1st May with a list of questions and a friend suggested I put a bone scan on that list.
    I will also ask about more effective painkillers. I have a bit of a delicate tummy that doesnt take kindly to painkillers... (enough said) but my dread of taking painkillers on a regular basis and becoming dependent on them is deep rooted and stems from my childhood (perhaps I need concelling for it to overcome it... no way, only joking :o ) but I think these pains are gonna force me to overcome it very soon as I can't go on like this for much longer.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Bubbadog - what a horrible ordeal that must have been for you! You poor thing, you must have been so scared!
    Delboy - is there anything you take or do when those shin pains strike?
    And does it help? All I've tried so far is the heated wheatbags that I use on my knees when they get really bad, but they do not touch that shin pain one bit.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    When you get the tablets check with the doctor and or Pharmacist about when to take them. A lot of these tablets are best taken on a full stomach to stop them irritating your stomach lining.
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for the tip Thewifey,I'll remember that about the meds.
    Take care. x
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I dont like taking painkillers, but when your knees feel like they have just been kicked about 10 times, then run over by a truck..really I have no choice there is only so much you can handle.. paracetamol (sorry cant spell it) dont do much on there own..but after many trips back and forth to the GP I finally got some proper killers..(co-cods, diclofenic and tramadol)..still they only bring the pian down..they dont silance it...

    I have been trying for ages to get referred to the hospital, but he feels they wont do anything more than him dure to my young age (40 today).

    oh well i will keep trying.
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Happy Birthday to you!!! :P
    I'm at the docs this afternoon and will be asking for some better pain medication. Had enough of struggling on like this now. Wasn't so bad when my knees ached mostly when I was moving about, walking etc
    but it's got much worse lately and I can't remember the last time I've had a painfree day or night and it's really making me very weak and miserable now and the lack of sleep is leaving me totally drained everyday.
    Have a nice day and treat yourself, sbolam.
    Especially on a Big One like this!!x
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    How did you get on at the doctor's ?
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Aaah, thanks for remembering thewifey, how sweet of you. :)
    My family havent even phoned and asked how I got on yet.
    I really appreciate that,it means a lot.
    I have just posted a new thread re my appointment this afternoon,
    my GP suspects I've got Fibromyalgya.
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • thewifie
    thewifie Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Aww poor you (((((hugs))))) still at least you have a diagnosis and they can give you something for it .
    You only get one life, love it, live it, grow old disgracefully !!