What next?

Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
edited 20. Apr 2012, 05:41 in Living with Arthritis archive
So, RA, (the disease that is, not the cat) takes another bite out of my self esteem. A few years ago, when I was given sticks to use, I was told they were a temporary fix. As soon as my disease was under control, they could go and I would walk unaided again. Sadly it wasn't to be. The sticks became a much needed permanent fixture. Now my hands and wrists are so bad, I struggle to use the sticks. Solution. Gutter crutches. Another step along the disabled highway.
I have had them for just under a week now. They are ugly and cumbersome, but, my posture is improved when using them, and my wrists are practically singing with joy and relief!
I know I should be grateful I can still walk, but, it's hard to come to terms with the degeneration of my body. I am finding it hard to stay positive. What's next in the downward spiral? No don't answer that!
Oh blimey, I just read this back and it sounds so melodramatic!
Your friendly neighbourhood drama queen, Numpty.


  • jillyb1
    jillyb1 Member Posts: 1,725
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One of my well used phrases has always been , " bring on the next indignity " ! Now I'm on wheels ; my hands are bent with dupuytrens ; my feet are deformed ; but I have an amazing life still . My hubby , family and friends are fantastic so we just adjust and move on to the next thing ! It does help to laugh rather than weep , although not always easy to do so . Jillyb
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Numpty
    I've got OA and have gone from walking miles, to walking less, sticks, wheels {on long or hilly journeys} and a rollator {4 wheel with a seat} but I can still get about.
    Decorate your crutches.......I did when I had mine :lol:
    Pimp them :lol:
  • Folara
    Folara Member Posts: 568
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I can really sympathise. 9 years ago I was given a pair of elbow crutches to help until my hip was sorted. Two years ago I finally got my hip done (BHR), but by this time my other hip, both knees and my lower and upper back were also suffering from OA.

    My hands and wrists scream with the pain of using them and I have callouses on my palms. I only use them for very short distances or at home and have to use a wheelchair for all other times.

    My physio has told me about crutches with a wide hand bit to make them more comfortable but I can't afford to buy a pair yet. Same as with the TENS machine I'm supposed to have for my back. I think it's wrong that I have to pay for these but it's just another kick in the teeth for the disabled.

    Really love the idea of pimping up the crutches. I might even do it to the wheely. Go on give it a go too and post pics

    Fols xx
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear F N Drama Queen (I love it :D ), 50+ years ago, when I was diagnosed with RA, I was told ‘a cure is just around the corner’. I’ve been round a lot of corners since then but I’m still trying to find the right one. He was a lovely guy, that consultant, and I’m sure he believed it but I’ve stopped looking.

    The good thing is that, when you get to my age (young Numptydumpty :lol: ) you find your contemporaries’ bodies are all joining the party. Suddenly people start to understand your difficulties. There are chairs where once there were none.

    What’s next? Who knows? Changes happen all the time, some bad (Other joints packing in), some good (Joint replacements) some neutral. I find the wheelchair neutral now. I hated it at first, and felt a complete fraud when I stood up to walk, but it takes me to places I couldn’t otherwise go and in a pain free way – if you disregard Mr SW’s grunts. :roll:

    There are people out there who cross the Atlantic in rowing boats, or the Arctic pulling their own belongings on a sledge, because they ‘need a challenge’. We don’t need to do this, We have it made. Every day brings its own challenges and sometimes getting out of bed is the biggest.

    Come on Numpty! You’ll bounce. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and you are already strong. Take on something new and ‘doable’ to compensate for every loss. Right now you could get some spikes on those elbow crutches and crowds will no longer be a problem. :lol:
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • JuliaHod12
    JuliaHod12 Member Posts: 456
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    aaw numpty..........Drama is fine....you carry on! :-)

    pimping yr crutches is a great idea...........when i was aware i neded a walking stick i was offered several second hand, but decided i would walk with style and bought a beautiful purple adjustable stick..........and have had many comments on how lovely it is!

    Julia xx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes if you have to use sticks think of it as part of your wardrobe.
    Sw..ch Sti..ks have some wonderful ones.....Expensive but if its part of your wardrobe....spend spend. :wink:

  • kellerman
    kellerman Member Posts: 741
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Numpty.......If you scream loud enough hun you should be able to get what you need on loan from the physio.
    When I worked for the NHS a tens machine was like gold dust.....but they are there.If they work and help you ASK...You have nothing to lose.
    And yes spice up whatever you use.....its a fun thing to do so why not.

    You take care....Love May
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Numpty,

    it really is a bit like the others have said and bring on the next indignity but..... I kinda think what ever helps is better than the alternative.

    I have just got a rollator cus I lurch about like a drunk... its better to be seem with it than be thought of as a drunk as well....

    I know where your coming from but if they help they are worth it really..... On a good day that's how i think on a bad I do the dying swan leant against the tree hand on brow....

    Hang in there and hope they will really help you and be worth it. Cris x
  • Numptydumpty
    Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, thanks for answering. I'm sorry if I came across as self pitying! I didn't mean to. I just needed to vent a little of my frustration.
    I realize I'm very lucky. I have a wonderful husband, a lovely family and good friends.
    Oh Sticky, I do like being called Young Numpty Dumpty! and the spikes sound fiendishly good.
    I love the idea of pimping up my crutches, but Fols you made me laugh suggesting I post pictures! I'm afraid my computer skills don't stretch that far!
    May, my crutches are on permanent loan from physio, it's Fols having trouble on that score.
    Anyway, I'll persevere with these unwieldy beasts, and check myself before I wreck myself!
    All the best and thanks for listening,
  • Puschinka
    Puschinka Member Posts: 176
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Numpty - I was getting bad wrist/arm/shoulder ache when I was using my 'pretty' multi coloured stick and as I'm quite tall, even at its highest setting the darn thing still didn't feel right for me.
    I was not only limping but stooping as well. :o
    And the handle never felt quite right either, making the space between thumb and index finger ache after a very short while.
    As ugly and cumbersome it is, I much prefer the crutch now.
    I feel better supported,the handle is much more comfy and another bonus-
    when I need both hands free, the elbow rest insures the crutch stays on my arm, not like the stick that kept falling on the floor.
    From a vanity point - I hate using either, but I don't associate crutches with being old and 'past it' as much a stick...
    Sometimes I almost manage to fool myself that I've 'only' got a broken leg that's on the mend and before long I won't need the crutch. :lol:
    And folks might think I've had a skiing or riding accident, not that I'm in any way disabled.

    It's a mental crutch ( :D oh how witty )... and just helps me now and then with my ever decreasing self esteem.
    I love the idea of spikes, Numpty !!!
    They really would be a bonus!
    Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey there Numpty, Don't appologise for feeling down, we all go through periods of it. I've gone a little further than pimping my sticks out! I've pimped one of my wheelchairs out!! My OH did it so he could find me quickly on a holiday a couple of years ago. And you sure can't miss me!! The chair is covered in Moster energy drink stickers, bright, bright green! :lol:
    I use elbow crutches indoors as it's hard to roll on thick carpet, I still have pretty good upper body strength but it's slowly weakening.
    My little saying to myself is 'it's a test to see how mentally strong I am' I go from day to day with different emotions but who doesn't hey!
  • Numptydumpty
    Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for replying, Puschinka, yes, even after just a week, I am begrudgingly growing to prefer the crutches.
    I like the mental crutch bit! It's like my ladder. It's not my real ladder, it's my step ladder.
    Bubbadog, your wheelchair sounds awesome. Maybe you could get Go Faster Stripes, do you remember The Perishers, in the daily mirror?
    All the best,