Getting fat

Annah Member Posts: 92
edited 2. May 2012, 04:58 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Everyone,
I've been on gabapentin for pain for about 3 years now, plus other drugs, all of which warn that they may cause weightgain.

When I was first ill, I was in so much pain I couldn't eat, and I was immobile so I lost all my muscle mass (I had been quite fit, before). This meant I was losing a couple of pound a week.

But recently, I've started to gain weight and what's really upset me is that all my weight is going to my belly. I look pregnant! (an impression not helped by the scoliosis in my spine).

I've got relatively slim arms and legs but the middle bit is just fat. My doctor says if I lose weight, it'll come off my waist, but that's a pretty big 'if'. I can't seem to find the willpower to eat less, and because of my mobility problems, most commercial diets suggest I only eat 1200 calories per day (half of the normal, daily requirement for a woman). There is no way I could stick to such a restrictive diet more than 5 minutes. Especially as my meds make me ravenously hungry.

I did one commercial weightloss program, and actually gained weight. On another, I was lucky if I lost half a pound a week. I confess, I have almost given up.

How do others cope? I feel particularly demoralised because according to the 'experts', people with my problems are usually underweight.


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annah,

    Its a side effect of the pregabs as well and I have as well! Horrible isn't it?! I have siege dieted all my life so that doesn't help either.....

    Its the lack of exercise for me... I do everything at a plod and plodding doesn't burn off calleries but I can't un plod cus the bones wont let me either....

    I wish I knew the answer. There was a slimming club on CC once maybe it needs recreating? We might be able to encourage each other a bit eh?

    I sometimes wonder if seeing the diet nurse at the surgery could help me.... anything to get some of the weight off the back.... I don't know flower this bone stuff is shift isn't it? Hang in there and set your self small targets re weight loss and I hope you can get some of it off. Cris x
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi, hope things ain't too bad for ya tonight..
    I think it's a bit silly for the GP, to tell you that you'll just lose weight from one place, I don't think it works that way..
    I'm like you were, I've lost a lot of muscle mass from my upper legs, I know it's because I don't hey about much but it's not something we can always control eh? I had put weight on a while ago but now the Sulfa has taken away my appetite, I've none these days and have lost over two and a half stone.. Im managing to eat very little..
    We can't win eh?

    I wish you ask the best though and hope that you can find a happy medium of some sort.

    Be well :D
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I know how you feel. My weight has been getting me down, but I am a comfort eater, which is not a good thing to be in our situation.
    I blame my Nan because when we were young she would always bring us some sweets or cake to 'cheer us up' if we were ill.
    Now I feel ill or hurt nearly every day and crave food because of it. I have actually caught the thought of 'what should I eat' :shock: popping into my head if anything goes wrong or I feel particularly down.

    I was always so active, sporty and rushing about everywhere and could eat anything without increasing weight. Now, like you it goes on my middle, and I hate it. I can't find clothes that fit nice so tend to wear 'comfortable'.

    I know I have got to take charge and make sure no more weight goes on, but on the other hand I do love food which makes dieting very difficult.
    I know I will never be stick thin again but to lose two dress sizes would be good.

    Good luck any of you that are trying to lose weight. We know we should don't we?
  • freesia
    freesia Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    What a bunch we all are...

    As if we haven't got enough to deal with - but putting on weight too is also a BIG downer...

    I despirately need to lose some weight, but lack of mobility doesn't help.. I try to eat healthy - but nothing seems to work..

    Very frustrating

    Hugs to you all
    freesia x
    hugs freesia xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is a tricky one Annah, I lost weight by weaning myself off oral steroids and now I need to shift another couple of stone in case I am granted new knees two years hence. As I said in 7worlds thread to Freesia, I cut out one thing at a time (so as not to feel 'deprived') and once settled on that I cut out another. I have also changing my mindset: food is not a comfort or a reward, it is fuel, pure and simple. I know that the pain will not lessen if I shift the weight but I do appreciate that I will feel better in myself for looking a little thinner. I have never bothered with commercial diets or weight-loss clubs, that is just lining someone's pocket with money I need for myself. Like you most of my weight is around the stomach area but it is reducing steadily albeit slowly, and that for me has to be the way to go. It isn't easy but it can be done. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Annah
    Annah Member Posts: 92
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I least I realise I'm not alone :)

    Some doctors tell me the weightgain is nothing to do with my meds, but my pharmacist pointed out that practically everything I'm on causes weight-gain. I forgot to mention the steroids I was on last year!

    I've just come off SSRIs which I was taking for pain and depression, basically because I couldn't cope with the weight gain side-effects. But now of course, my pain and depression are worse! So I'm considering asking for a different SSRI instead.

    I know I'm being too hard on myself. I miss being fit - I was mad-keen on martial arts and used to go to 2 or 3 classes a week, plus training in the gym. I used to have muscles! I have returned to martial arts, but now I do Tai Chi and the easier bits of karate (I potter in the dojo, rather than impersonating Kungfu Panda).

    Maybe this is all part of learning to come to terms with my change of lifestyle.
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Anaah,This wieght thing its irelavant .........the focus is get better stop the dammage stop ......MOST.... of the pain .......when you are well feel better then you can get rid of these pounds ...........but a kind heart a willing spirit good friends really does not matter those extra pounds I dont think people judge others by wieght you know that to .Marrianne :)
  • Annah
    Annah Member Posts: 92
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    marrianne wrote:
    Anaah,This wieght thing its irelavant .........the focus is get better stop the dammage stop ......MOST.... of the pain .......when you are well feel better then you can get rid of these pounds ...........but a kind heart a willing spirit good friends really does not matter those extra pounds I dont think people judge others by wieght you know that to .Marrianne :)

    I'm more worried about my high risk of Type II diabetes, to be honest, although I hate to look fat.

    The problem is, I'm not going to be 'better' - my condition is getting worse, although I'm coping more than before.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annah
    I'm in much the same position as you.......
    What a silly doctor.....I think females will admit that it never comes off one place....especially bum and tum...with me if it come off its my face, neck and upper arms and I look like death warmed up. Its my stomach that it needs to come off. Another thing I completly agree with is when you have scoliosis it makes you look even worse whn you have weight on your stomach.....I can sympathise with that. I've got Kypho scoliosis which is a hump {kypho} at the top as well as the scoliosis. I'm now waiting for an MRI to confirm that I have spinal stenosis as well as OA and all the other things we lot have :? I went to WW last night and weighed in....lost half a pound....thats a lot of good. If I could be mobile it would help but thats like wishing for the moon
  • Annah
    Annah Member Posts: 92
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well done on the half pound - I know just how hard that is to lose.

    This problem wasn't as bad even a few weeks ago. I've put on a lot of weight in a very short time and its all on my tummy. I'm wondering if this is actually something medical, rather than just my penchant for cakes?

    I'll definitely mention it when I go to the hospital, but then, they will weigh me so I'll no doubt have to explain myself. If it's not my thyroid or something then I need to start paying attention to what I eat.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annah

    l grew a pot belly when my back went and prior to and post surgery on it. I am almost certain that 'someone' said it was connected :? . Sounds mad doesn't it :oops: .

    Either way l agree it is odd ( I looked pregnant), and l was a bit embarrassed about it.

    I also agree with Tony that lack of exercise (and l think you do fantasticly well with all you do - well done :) ) leads to loss of muscle tone in arms legs etc.

    I am sorry...wish l could help :?


    Toni xxx