ESA report and miraculous cure

PollySid Member Posts: 343
edited 8. May 2012, 06:22 in Living with Arthritis archive
Had the copy of my ESA medical report today. I've not seen it yet as I am not at home, but Alan read a couple of bits out to me.

Apparently I am one of the people with arthritis that are going to be miraculously cured in 3 months time :o and by then I will be able to work.

As long as they put me in the WRAG group I will attend their meetings and apply for jobs, but not holding my breath for employment, nor keeping it if I got something. You never know there may be something out there that I can do for 6 months :wink:

If they put me on JSA I will appeal if there are any discrepancies in the report.


  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think ATOS must be a bunch a magicians if you ask me, with a miracle cure that nobody else knows about.. Lol
    I wish you well anyway.. :D
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    id appeal anyway hun, give it some serious thought , good luck with it all.
    my first medical report was so far removed from the truth he even put me down as male :shock: , with a buxam figure like mine im sure he was blind :lol: , won my appeal , that was nearly 9 months ago, got called in for another medical this morning, god knows what delights will be in that report, i let him know id already been to appeal and won once so will be requesting a copy of my report as soon asap.
  • kizzy831
    kizzy831 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i received my report last week and its so far fetched that i wish i was like what they said :lol: i would not have the health issues i have now.

    he wrote that because i can watch tv i can work at a work station :shock:
    what are we supposed to do if we cant get out of the house.

    i would appeal all the way hun and good luck.

    kirsty xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ah, did you see the same gang of twerps as SBolam? His report said exactly the same thing. What a farce of a system. Get your appeal boxing gloves on - and line 'em with lead. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Folara
    Folara Member Posts: 568
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Definately appeal. These so called medical professionals are ruining people's
    Ives hand over fist with their fictitious and vindictive so called medical reports.

    I wrote to them in January asking for a supersession, I have further written to them 4 more times. My MP has written to the Chairman and what response have I had?

    Nothing, nada, nowt!

    My payments are due to stop in 2 weeks. I should have been getting severe disability premium as well. Wrote to them about that too. All letters were sent by recorded delivery.

    Don't let them walk on you hun. There's no miracle cure because if there was we wouldn't be here.

    Fols x
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ahh same as me..i will be fit in three months, even tho I could not lift my leg off the bed to do them damned excercises lol. and she never even look at my knees and yet I can walk fine.amazing..

    still waiting for the score sheet to arrive tho not had that only the report..and its a joke (again). I will pull it apart becuase once I have it I intend to apply for dla.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Polly
    You appeal...they are again picking on the ones they think wont bother to because they are in so much pain , dont forget we are all behind you.
    If only there was a miracle cure on the horizon, :roll:
  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sbolam, was your nurse a short stocky (I'm being polite) lady with crutches?
    If so, it was the same one - probably she just copies the same thing down for everyone.

    I took my only handbag - a Disney shop special that my daughter bought me years ago - big enough to just about fit a standard dinner plate in.
    She put that I could carry a medium sized handbag with both hands :?
    What's all that about? It wasn't heavy, I don't carry the crown jewels or loads of makeup about with me.

    Alan didn't read much of the many pages as he is Dyslexic and probably got some of what he told me wrong anyway as he can read a word completely wrong sometimes.

    It will be an interesting read when I get home on Friday.
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    sounds like the same ummm...lady..she asked me how long it can take me to walk 40m I said on a really bad about 10 minutes and in the report she put that i can walk around the nieghberhood for 1o mins..

    sorrt about the spelling..cant spell for toffee.

    and in another sentance she puts down that I had to get up after 20 mins due to pain of sitting too long..yet in her summery she says that I can stand and sit for an hour..whats all that about..and yes in the relavent box she but does not apply.. really. i think 20 minutes is enough to get 9 points.

    oh well..just gotta wait and see what points I get or if the dwp over ride the report and do the right thing.
  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Alan read a bit more to me last night. She does appear to have got most of what I told her right, although not sure she knows her right from her left :lol: She got my bad leg on the right not the left.

    I do wish all of these medical people wouldn't keep describing my problems as a 'bad back' or 'back pain'. Although I think that the majority of my problems and pain come from my back it is not that often that I get a lot of pain actually in my back. It is usually referred nerve pain in my legs, neck, arms etc.

    I, too hope that the decision makers look at all of my details - the form I filled in, xray results, doctors letters etc and not just this disctrict nurse's opinion formed after seeing me for 20 minutes.

    We shouldn't have too much longer to wait Sbolam, they told me last week I should know within a fortnight. My medical was 1st April :lol: (very appropriate I think)
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    did you get a score sheet with your report as I never did...I have rang the dwp and was told the are running a little behind.

    I know what you mean about them not knowing there right from there left. I use a stick in my left hand as its my right knees thats worse but according to the report I hold my stick in my left hand...

    oh just have to wait and see.

  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The nice people who awarded me DLA also believe I will be cured from all my ailments but it will take a year. I have a few on top of arthur, so I can see why they were slightly more generous.

    On a serious note, it makes me really sad and angry that genuine people have to fight for what this country says they are entitled to. I knew it would all go downhill when I found out they were cutting DLA down by 20% despite them admitting DLA has a fraud rate of only 0.5%. I don't know what the stats are for ESA but I imagine it's not far off the mark.
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    from what i read, I think its about 1% yet ATOS are failing over 70% but 40% of those are winning on appeal.

    A lot of this has to do with the harsh test requirements they have now and when they think too many people are getting it they will adjust the requirements again so less get it.

    its not about helping those who need it, its all about saving money and keeping the rich richer and the poor fighting the poorer. and while we are fighting each other we are not bothering the rich.

  • joollywoolly
    joollywoolly Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh my word! just been reading all of your posts and i am amazed they allow a nurse to make such an important decision affecting peoples lives!
    I am just embarking on my ESA having made a fresh claim today. I am in the process of being discharged from my job of 16yrs due to ill health, a joint decision between me & my employer because lets face it i have been struggling on since diagnosis 4yrs ago, until last November when my entire body said enough is enough! This was a very emotional time coming to terms
    with leaving my job as a nursery asst which i truly enjoyed but it is only a job & not worth killing myself for! Anyway my point is, do these people not think that we would work if we could for our own emotional wellbeing if nothing else! WE are not in this position through choice.
    Seems like a lot of NONSENSE to me!
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I will be making that point about how can nurse know more than a doctor plus as a hcp they should an adequate understanding of oa to know that it's a degenerative disease and will not get better within three months if they don't know this they they really should not be making these kinds of decisions. As about 15 other points she reported

  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am in the process of being discharged from my job of 16yrs due to ill health, a joint decision between me & my employer because lets face it i have been struggling on since diagnosis 4yrs ago, until last November when my entire body said enough is enough!

    Sounds a bit like my story, I carried on at work as long as I could after working virtually all my life (I am 60 now).
    I was first diagnosed in 2008 after xrays showed up the OA in my spine, knees and fingers. It has moved to other areas too now.
    What makes them think that after 4 years of it getting worse it is suddenly going to get better in 3 months??
    I am just hoping against hope that common sense will prevail, but not holding my breath!
    They rang me back today and apparently no decision has been made yet as they are running behind. So much for the 4-6 weeks wait they originally told me.