Finally seeing the Rheumy!

Ldyalb Member Posts: 85
edited 9. May 2012, 08:02 in Living with Arthritis archive
As some of you know I have suspected autoimmune arthritis (most likely Psoriatic). Rheumy number 2 discharged me in November '11 but said if my symptoms of arthritis were still present in early Dec then I needed a scan of my hands. GP continually ignored her advice and refused to scan them, even when one of the fingers started to change shape. I saw a different GP in Feb and he referred me to a Rheumy, but still didn't sort out the scans.

I have been waiting aaaaages for an appointment (and been getting very angry in the mean time). Today they rang me up. My local hospital (50-60 mins away by 2 buses in my nearest town) can't see me until July at the earliest. But if I attend a clinic in a town in the middle of the next county then I can be seen a week on Friday.

So I finally have my appointment :D

I'm annoyed it's such a drag, the town it's in is 1hr 30 mins away by 2 buses, may need a 3rd bus/taxi to get to the clinic's location from there. Hopefully my Mum can organise time off work to take me and save me the long drag by public transport. I'm annoyed that I can't be seen locally for so long, but the main thing is that I can be seen.

I had my engagement ring finger equivalent on my right hand measured 2 weeks ago. It's a size M. Until January I was wearing a size K ring on that finger which I've had since I was 11, so almost 13 years. It no longer fits. So in a very short space of time my finger has increased by 2 sizes so hopefully we can establish what else is wrong with me soon and get me some treatment. I'm using my walking stick more due to knee pain and can tell something else is going on. Hoping to get some more help with Fibro related stuff too, hopefully I can have Hydrotherapy or Physio again like I did last year. I just can't believe I finally have an appointment!


  • Numptydumpty
    Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ldyalb, that is very good news! I hope you have a good appointment, and get the answers you want.
    Wishing you well,
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    it's awful that you have to travel sooooooo far.. Ridiculous in fact..
    However, I'm sure that you're relieved just to know you're getting to see someone..
    I do hope that can get some form of answers and treatment for you.. I wish you all the best..
    Keep us up to date?
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ldyalb,

    Glad you have got the appointment and hope your mum is able to get time off work cus that would be so much easier for you.

    Its a shame they can;t see you nearer but you were right to have the earlier appointment but sorry its going to be so much hassle for the travelling bit. Really hope they will be able to help you. Cris x
  • Ldyalb
    Ldyalb Member Posts: 85
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks folks. Mum's going to request the day off today and see how she gets on with her Boss. Hopefully she can get the time off.

    If not I can go by bus and my Father will come with me. I'd rather have Mum in with me though. Plus my Dad is 72 and has bad OA so it's probably best if he can avoid having to drag out (unfortunately going alone is tricky, I have Dyspraxia and can't navigate new places well without help).

    I just hope I get a decent Consultant who can give me some answers. As I don't actually have P itself (but appear to have Nail P) I'm not sure if it'll even be possible to diagnose me at this stage (unless I actually have a different type of Arthur, symptoms are half matching PA, half matching RA).

    Will let you know how I get on, will now have to start printing the pictures I've been taking of various swellings etc ready to show the Rheumy!