Hi haven't posted on this 'new' board...

tiddleyboo Member Posts: 4
edited 15. May 2012, 11:06 in My child has arthritis
I've been a member of these forums for a while but there never used to be a parents of JIA kids bit :-)
I have a 6 year old daughter who has 'extended oligo' aka polyarticular! Shes had it since 2 years (possibly symptoms before) and is on methotrexate. We've just had dosage increase after a flare up-still awaiting mtx to kick in!
I also post on the Facebook group which has been very helpful and supportive.
Is there anyone in the Cambridgeshire area?
Look forward to getting to know you all!


  • CherryDrops
    CherryDrops Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tiddleyboo!
    I havent been here too long but my 10 (almost 11yr old) daugher has poly art and also a disease called Morquio (MPS4A). She is currently on mtx and prednisolene, only diag in feb this yr but have been suffering with various things for a looonnngg time. We do not live in cambridgeshire unfortunately, we live in lincolnshire but I'm still happy to 'chat' cyber or otherwise! They seem a very friendly bunch on here and there is normally someone who knows/understands what you are going through at different stages etc. I also post on the FB page too - it is def a great source of info!
    keep smiling and chat soon.
    Cherry Drops.xx
  • Pegsboard
    Pegsboard Member Posts: 29
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi. I have a daughter who's got oligo arthritis. She's 3 and due to start MTX soon. What's the face book page? Didn't know there was 1!
    I live in Yorkshire but, like cherry drops, am happy to chat when I can on here.