wendgro Member Posts: 296
edited 10. Jun 2012, 17:25 in Community Chit-chat archive
Welldone Gary Barlow on your O B E the concert was fab and love the song "SING" congrats


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,789
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I quite often wonder why some people get OBEs

    My husband will be very pleased he thinks he is great Wend:)

    Why no-one has put ME forward I'll never know :?


    Toni xxx
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hmmm I can't say I go much on him or take that to be honest, their both over hyped, he's a tad two dimensional for me OK he "did a good job" as the front mad but I bet there's a hugh team behind him who did all the grafting he just takes the rewards, and now he's also well in with the establishment (BBC) inner circle with the likes of McCartney and the others like likeTerry Wogan and McFly west life etc, so from here on in he will still be getting up on stage each year on children in need to (cough) entertain us well he's in his 70's just like McCartney who still does but like a few others who ride the establishment entertainment junket train he should have retired a long long time ago, as just like Cliff Richard they are more than past it, same can be said for take that, it's the same old stuff churned out simply for adualtion and cash, there's no energy or statment to be made it's simply about zero's in bank accounts and an unhealthy does of US style brown nosing, and as always it's all wrapped up in the dear old cloak of "charity" to hide the truth from the plebs.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Good one Len made me laugh, I'm sorry I went off on a rant but I just get cheesed off with the celeb band waggon that's now running through the BBC and other media outlets, you even get up dates on C5 news I mean what the feck for?, I don't give two hoots if fecking Jason Donovan's stubbed toe is all better!, why do they think I need to know anyway?. And as for MacCartney he looks half dead as it is, I wonder if he smells of Formaldehyde if you get close to him?. He certainly looks like he's just come out of the chapel of rest, hey do you really think that's his own hair or just a bad fitting rug??. And as for dear old Queenie aka Elton sore bottom John he sounds like he's trying to sing with a mouth full of something or other(can't really say I'll get banned) but you can imagine what I'm on about.
    The guy sounds like a seriously drunk pub singer and is just frankyl embarrising to watch as is MacCartney. Their past their sell by's by about 20 years time to get new tellent in and not another 1980's washed up pap band either as all this is is repeating the same fecking mistake.
  • wendgro
    wendgro Member Posts: 296
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh dear what a collection of remarks my simple post has created I watched the TV programme Gary Barlow did on making the song it was great I enjoyed it a lot.My husband did 40 years voluntary work for the British Red Cross 100's of children and adults all benefitted from this alas he too was overlooked for any commendation you find when people give their time to organisations the rewards are always around them within the people. Lighten up and give credit where credit id due stop putting a black cloud on a lovely weekend. And I still like Gary Barlow :D
  • clanckyclara
    clanckyclara Member Posts: 32
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh rehab.....
    Against my better judgement I have to confess that I rather like Gary too (although not the song).
    I'm not convinced that the OBE was simply for that one night. I understand that he also does a lot of work for charity but is not the type to boast about it for his own ratings as so many celebs are.
    Sadly, there are many people who don't get the recognition they deserve but maybe dear old inoffensive Gary can carry the public flag for the many who don't get counted.
    Go on.......you know you like him. xx
  • clanckyclara
    clanckyclara Member Posts: 32
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Very true rehab, very true. :)