Animal Antics. Whats your pet been up to?

Avrielle Member Posts: 182
edited 18. Jun 2012, 07:48 in Community Chit-chat archive
Thought it would be fun to hear all the silly things your pets, past and present, have gotten up to.

Perhaps you have a funny story of your curious cat, or a houdini hamster, or maybe even a bungee-jumping budgie?

Doesn't have to be your pet, even if it's just something funny you saw of a wild animal while out on a walk.

Share your sights of animal-antics here!
Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.


  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My step-father keeps spaniels for gun-dogs, so I have some rather daft stories about those dogs. Three of them over the years. His first spaniel was Oliver. Very intelligent dog, and he seemed almost thoughtful most of the time. When he reached his Golden years, we got Jill who was a funny looking dog with big long legs and huge paws and loads of wild fur that needed clipping in the summer, or to just make it easier to get all the gorse and bits out her fur! But she was my best friend in the whole world and I still miss her to this day. Then there was Sam, who we got as a puppy. I never took to him and he was a horrid dog and I couldn't train him or have him obay me. Didn't like him at all, but he is utterly mad, and is still here today, but not seen him in a couple of years now.

    So thats the low down on the dogs. Currently, I have a cat, who is part wild cat, but you wouldn't know it! Very much likes her home comforts, but she is very big for a female cat. She came from a troubled home and we have had her for nearly 5 years now and she is the most lovable cat ever now. Her name is Tinkerbell. (named before we got her)

    We also have tropical fish. But not much in the way of stories with them.
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ok. Story 1. Oliver and the Teddy Bear.

    Oliver, the first dog, used to go to work with my step-dad as he used to work putting up marquees. He was given a job to put up marquees for a millionaires birthday party. He took oliver with him as he normally would and have him tied to a pole in the ground, but with a long rope so he could still run around and stuff, but not stray too far.

    But Oliver learned quickly how to slip his collar...

    After they finished the job, the Millionaire offered them a drink and they had a talk about stuff. He gave them a tour of the mansion and he talked about when he came in to his money, he started collecting teddy bears. They go in to the room where his prized teddy bear collection was and there is Oliver in the middle of the room with the most prized of his collection in utter shreds and Oliver just standing there looking very proud of himself.

    They were not offered another drink before they were asked to leave the premises...
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • Numptydumpty
    Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One sunny afternoon, believe it or not, quite recently, I was sitting in the garden, lazily throwing a ball for my very friendly, but slightly stupid Westie. She being friendly wanted to include the cat in our little game. So she kept taking her ball over to the hydrangea bush where said cat was sleeping. She would drop her ball and wait, tail wagging, for the cat to throw it for her, (I told you she was stupid).
    Any way, the cat soon tired of these interruptions to his afternoon nap, and he slunk off.
    I carried on throwing the ball for a while, then I noticed the cat, tail waving angrily, hiding behind the hydrangea, ready to pounce on the passing dog. This he did. The dog was so shocked she took off down the garden at speed, the funny thing was the cat had somehow landed on the dogs back, and for a few seconds, the cat "rode" the dog down the garden! If only I had a video camera!
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ha ha!

    Story 2 - Traning Jill to Pick Up

    My step-father spent ages trying to tran Jill to pick up birds when on a shoot. Jill loved to run and chase birds, so she made a great beater (flushing out the birds) but getting her to pick up and fetch was just impossible!

    Well, one day at a shoot, a large bird dropped to the ground as they do at a shoot, and Jill ran off towards it instantly. My step dad and all his friend watched in disbelief as Jill picked up the bird in her mouth and stood there about 50 yards away. Everybody was very impressed and patting my step dad on the back. My step dad called over to her to bring it back. Jill stood there and saw everyone watching and looking proud of her. Her tail began waving furiously as she was getting so much attention for doing something right. She looked at all the people, then at her master.... Then shredded the bird to pieces! Feathers all over the place, throwing it in the air and pouncing on it..... My step dad was so mortified that he refused to go back to the shoot the followng week.

    The funny thing was that Jill thought she had done something amazingly good and paraded about so proud of herself for days after!
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Story 3 - Jill and Sock

    Instad of expensive toys that last 3 seconds with springer spaniels, Jills toy was and old heavy duty sock that had a hole in. It was tied in to a knot and it was her lovable toy.

    One day I'm in the living room and I hear a muffled howling noise. ARROOUUUMMMPHHH! I run to find out whats happened and I find Jill with sock in her mouth, but it had looped around her back leg and she was hopping about on three legs, howling because she was stuck, but refusing to let go of the other end in her mouth that would free her!! Hilarious sight!
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You need to find my WHY RA IS THE WAY HE IS thread lol..
    Some tales to tell on there :D:lol:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Heh! That thread is very funny! Ra, the Supercat! Have considered writing a comic based on his tales? You could become rich and famous!

    Story 4 - Nearly Breaking the Gun Dog.

    After my step dad got Sam, he had begun training him to the gun. My partner and I had the job of walking him one afternoon, so we took him down the river. My partner loves dogs and tired him out well by throwing stones and sticks in the river for the dog to fetch. This day he found an old cricket bat at the river and picked it up. At the bank of the river, he batted the stones off the cricket bat to see how far he could hit them and tire the dog out too.

    He picks up a stone, chucks it up in the air and *CRACK* The impact on the bat echoed right across the whole river and indeed,the whole town!

    We look around and Sam has gone. Dissapeared. Then I feel something move beneath me. A nose appears from under my skirt, the dog was between my legs and trembling. Sorrowful eyes peeping out from under my skirt! We had to shake him and pet him to get him to move and come home! He never left my side for the rest of the day! Tail between his legs and trembling...

    What a fright we got. We thought we had broken him! I thought my step dad was going to have to kill me for making his dog gun shy! Luckily, he was fine though. No problems with the gun. *phew*!
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Story 5 - Sam trying to make sense of the World

    As I said, we got Sam as a pup and I must admit it was funny watching him growing up and trying to make some sort of sense of the world. Where my parents lived, it was a flat and our living room was upstairs. The living room had big tall windows that looked out on to the small road and the river and trees and miles across over the land beyond the town. The dogs always used the chair next to the telephone that was also next to the window to look out and see what is going on. Often watching when my step-dad went out or waiting for him to come home. Of course, Sam learned quickly of this place to watch from Jill who showed him that sitting on the chair was a good thing. But he was still too small to get up himself, so I used to pick him up and have him on my lap so he could watch when my Step-dad left the house, or if we were bored.

    Anyway. I have Sam on my lap to watch his master leave the house and he got so confused when his master had suddenly shrunk to just a few inches tall! :lol: He couldn't work out distance this way and kept look around him like there was a massive conspiricy! Then when he returned, he was very unsure of him due to his size changing powers!

    Even funnier was when he was watching the seagulls flying around outside from the window. He kept trying to bite the glass thinking that he could catch them easily because the were so 'small' and he couldn't understand why he couldn't catch them. He thought they were right in front of him! (Still a mighty struggle with working out distance = size!)

    Well, one time a seagull was flying aound outside and he did his usual trick of trying to catch it, but it started flying closer to the window. Sam still bumped his nose on the window trying to get it... until it flew right up to the window - full size! Sam got such a fright at the size of it he bolted from my lap and out the room! :lol:
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Story 6 - Sam and the Balloon

    After a party, we had a helium balloon left and we left it inflated as Sam thought it was great fun. He kept trying to get the balloon down to the floor, and he learned very quickly that if he pulled the string down then the balloon came down with it. Very funny watching him work this out. The balloon was loosing its helium anyway so was only half floating, so he eventually managed to get the balloon down to the floor. First thing he does? Bites it. *POP* Dog has dissapeared! We found him at the other end of the house in such fright! When the shock wore off, he came back through and spent the entire afternoon looking for the balloon! He was so confused as to where it had gone, he was convinced that someone had stolen it from him! Of course, we tried to show him the remains of the popped balloon on the floor, but it was no use. It consumed him looking for that balloon!
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.