In shock

squasshedfrogg Member Posts: 5
edited 15. Jul 2012, 05:58 in Say Hello Archive

I am defiantely in shock. I went to the GP with a very painful left index finger knuckle last week. He noticed all my finger joints were swollen, my pinkie steers away from the rest of my fingers, he thinks I have RA. So tests have been done, including tests for Lupus etc, get the results soon.

Would this explain, a painful pelvic joint too sore to sit on for about 4 yrs, and severe lower back joint porblem for 8yrs, dry eyes, sudden hair loss, pains in knees joints, stiff hands and feet on waking for 10yrs, pains in my wrist and shoulders, sometimes waking to hands and wrist uable to move,a dry cough, mainly at night but now by day for 2 yrs, a tickling on the right side of my throat. Chest pains and shortnes of breath?

I have put all my symptoms down to stress over the years, due to caring for our severly autistic teenager as has my GP. I had no idea concept of RA. i am a 46yrs old woman.

My hands have been fully swollen for 4 weeks, no remission, taking 2400mg ibuprofen a day, which dulls the pain a little.

Please be honest, I prefer to be knowledgable if I have a challenge to face. Thank you.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello squassedfrog and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you had to find us and, yes, I imagine you will be in shock. I started with RA in a very similar fashion. I had thought I had chilblains on my knuckles.

    I share your view that it's better to know the score but I must point out that none of us here are doctors and we can't diagnose things. I guess many of the symptoms you describe could be related to arthritis but they could also arise from very many other causes or, sometimes, things seem to have no cause whatever. I imagine looking after your daughter will be extremely stressful at times.

    To me, you seem to be on quite a high dose of ibuprofen. If you have any stomach problems with it, please ask for a stomach protecting med such as lansoprazole or omeprazole.

    When you get the results, if your GP thinks you have some form of auto-immune arthritis, such as RA or Lupus, he will arrange for you to see a rheumatologist and you will be started on suitable medication.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. If you have any questions they are best put on the Living With Arthritis forum as more people go on there. (It doesn't matter that you don't have a proper diagnosis yet.)
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello squasshedfrogg, what a descriptive name. I am currently a flattened DreamDaisy, so I can't be of much help to you at the moment, but I am so glad you have found the forum. I am currently going through a very low patch but the help and support I am receiving from my cyber-friends is making a difference to how I am doing, and I hope you will be looking in every now and again to get a 'feel' for the forum.

    As Sticky said, we are not doctors and cannot possibly tell you what is going on but yes indeed, some of those symptoms sound remarkably familiar. I don't have RA, my disease of 'choice' is PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and that has led in turn to OA (osteo).

    As you get to know us, and we get to know you, I am sure you too will soon establish a relaltionship with people on here. We are all in very similar boats, there is always someone around to listen and to support and once I am properly back I'll be keeping an eye out for your name, I promise. Take care, we're here if needed. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Colin1
    Colin1 Member Posts: 1,769
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Frogg nice to meet you sorry its under these circumstances,
    I agree with what Sticky says, it sounds like RA to me but i'm no doctor i think all you can do now is waite for the results. Please get back to us and let us know how it goes.
  • squasshedfrogg
    squasshedfrogg Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Guys,
    Thank you for your kind replies. I type this with invisible needles stabbing my fingers! But a glass of wine in hand and in good spirits. I am pretty confident that I have a form of arthritis. Having had many pschological type aches and pains over the years due to constant stress, I recognise the difference between that and real blinking regular pain.

    I am actually dealing with it fairly well, well trying not to be dramatic around my family, but finding the daily pain has got me a little grumpy! LOL! I had to apologise at work today for being really tetchy in a meeting!

    It is so bizarre how it hits you so hard at night and in the morning. Anyway, I have already changed the way I type, drive, etc. So will manage no doubt like you all do. I am just a newbie, so thank you for sharing and holding back your tetchiness.

    Off on my stiff tootsies to pour another glass!! Test results on Thurs, will report back. Thank you xxx
  • squasshedfrogg
    squasshedfrogg Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi guys, Thanks for posts, I am now on Prednisolone and being referred to rheumatologist. Sudden onset RA seems to be the the diagnosis just now. Hands have visbly deteriorated in last 3 weeks, one pinkie finger is pulling away from my hand, and I am finding trickier to type with my left hand. Now I know what I am dealing with I am reading up on the condition at NRAS.

    I am off to see the GP next week, my breathing is very shallow and breathless, at night only, is something I should mention? Thanks again for the direct support.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The pred is a normal first resource, squashedfrog, usually until DMARDS (disease modifying meds) kick in. The latter can take several weeks to work and the GP can't prescribe them - well, he can write the prescriptions but only for what the rheumatologst tells him.

    How long have you been on the pred and do you think the breathing difficulties are connected? Actually, those are two separate questions :oops: I asked about the pred because most people find it works quite quickly. If it's not doing you may need a higher dose. Breathing difficulties I would always get checked out asap. I don't know if pred can cause them but many of the paindullers are opiate based so they can affect breathing. Don't take any chances. Breathing is quite essential :wink:
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • squasshedfrogg
    squasshedfrogg Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ha ha , breathing essential, yes I guess it is. I have had it for a while, plus a dry nightime cough for a couple of years, will mention it at next appointment. I think the pred is giving me a lift by day thus highlighting the differnce at night, so I have maybe noticed it more. Thanks again foru your post x