Does methotrexate have better results injected

Niknak Member Posts: 44
edited 15. Jul 2012, 05:07 in My child has arthritis
My four year old daughter has been on methotrexate oral syrup for 5 months, but it hasn't been very successful. The consultant wants us to try the methotrexate by injection instead as it is suppose to have better results. Does anyone have any advice or experiences regarding methotrexate. As I am wondering will this work as my little girl is not getting any better. Xxxxxxxxx


  • worriedmum
    worriedmum Member Posts: 72
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Niknak,
    I've been told the efficacy of sub-cut MTX is about 10% better than oral. However, my daughter is still on oral after 2 years as it worked a bit - she had uveitis aswell so they increased the dose from 7.5mg to 10mg which worked well on the joints but not the eyes and they mentioned switching to sub cut, since then though she was started on sub cut Humira which has had an amazing effect on the joints and the eyes!
    Would they consider the switch to sub cut better than a slight increase in dose? Perhaps this has already been discussed/tried.
    Let me know what happens and i wish you luck.
    Sam. x
  • illihor
    illihor Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry can't be of much help, my daughter at 3 was put straight onto subcut. She has also been put on etanercept also a subcut this is in addition to MTX so not all the time does MTX work by itself. Mostly does from what I've heard.

    Michelle xxx