Post Natal Arthritis - Advice please

dizzybizzum Member Posts: 26
edited 11. Jul 2012, 22:42 in Say Hello Archive
Hi there
I have just been diagnosed with an "inflamation of the joints" which has happened post pregnancy and delivery. I cannot really find much information on this although there is plenty about being pregnant and having arthritis.
As it is affecting my physical ability to care for my daughter some days my consultant has prescribed Methotrexate but having read about it, I am wary about going onto MTX.
Any advice, tips and help would be greatly appreciated.
Fee x


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,763
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello dizzybizzum. Welcome to the forum but I'm sorry you had to find us. I've not actually come across the term 'inflammation of the joints' before but 'inflammatory arthritis' is a normal way of describing any of the....well...inflammatory types of arthritis when they're not quite sure which one it is. That often happens. It can take some time to determine which type. However, in purely practical terms, it doesn't matter much because the treatments are essentially the same and, yes, methotrexate is probably the most usual 'starting medication'.

    I'm afraid it's not uncommon to start with arthritis after a pregnancy. I had mine beforehand but, on both occasions, it flared badly afterwards so I do understand the difficulties of having arthritis and a young baby.

    Most people are scared of meth at first. It is a powerful med but then arthritis is a powerful disease. The good thing is that, while on it, you'll be monitored very carefully - by means of blood tests - to ensure that all is well. You'd be advised not to drink alcohol at all at first as meth, like alcohol, can affect the liver but, once established, it's usually OK to drink in moderation. I've been on meth for about 11 years and, apart from a few hairs on the pillow occasionally, I've had no problems with it. You'll be prescribed folic acid at the same time and this mitigates any side effects. Some people experience nausea with it. I don't. I always take it with food though. Those who do get nausea often find it goes if they take their meth late at night.

    OK, I've waffled on long enough :) if you've any questions, I suggest you post them on the Living With Arthritis forum as more people look on there. We have a few young Mums but they're not on as much as us oldies as they lead busy lives - as you will know :)
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dizzybizzum
    dizzybizzum Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Stickywicket
    Thanks for the reply, I'm know to it all and thats the term the specialist used.
    I'm finding that the stories I am reading seem to be the negative ones - one saying that MTX had killed her mother... Unfortunately you dont always get to hear/read the successes.
    They said I'd be monitored closely with blood tests and ?chest xrays? (I think) Was in a bit of a daze when I was there to be honest.
    Beig tea total is no problem for me, I pretty much am already and at the end of the day, its to better my life.
    I'll check out the Living with Arthritis forum and search out some of the youg mums to see how they cope etc
    Thank you so much again
    Fee x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,763
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm afraid the real successes are out there living their lives not stopping to tell people how they're getting on. You have to remember that many people, especially older people, will not only have arthritis wrong with them but other things too and might be taking a lots of meds. Methotrexate, as prescribed for arthritis, is not given in huge quantities. I guess it's possible that someone, somewhere has died as a result of taking it but there are millions of people whose lives are improved by it.

    One last thought - don't google :roll: You'll come across all sorts of weird stuff much of which is at best misleading and at worst a pack of lies. If you've questions, ask the docs, or us or our helplines.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dizzybizzum
    dizzybizzum Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have now stopped looking at Google lol

    Thank you again, I've put a post into the forum you suggested
    Fee x
  • lucia1
    lucia1 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello dizzybizzum,
    Recently i've been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis.I gave birth via cesarean and i dont know if somehow the epidural trigger it? I've heard lots of women talking abt back pain after epidural.I wonder if there is a group meeting around Stratford...I would really like to discuss this with more people.

    How did you gave birth?
  • dizzybizzum
    dizzybizzum Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lucia1
    I have no formal diagnosis so far other than its an 'inflammation of the joints'
    I had a natural birth with gas and air and 1 shot of morphine. It was clearly in my notes that under no circustances was I to have an epidural or spinal because I had read up and 1 in 4 woman are left with some kind of long term back pain. I already have lower back problems due to a sports injury and didn't want to take the risk if being left with anything more.

    I put a 2nd post in the forum 'Living with Arthritis' forum and have had a lot of replys. Have a look at it and maybe post there. There might be people nearer you that can advise on a group. I'm up in the north of Scotland :)

    Thanks for replying and I hope there's others better experienced to advise and help you there xx
    Fee x