Member Posts: 321
Hi all....hope you are all as pain free as you can be.
Not been around for a while so apologies for any pocket duties missed. I have not been too good lately with pain, inflammation popping up everywhere it seems. Anyway I had my atos "medical", I use this word loosely because that is certainly not what it is!! I was accompanied by my daughter and the "medical profession" assessor came to the waiting area and asked us to follow them into the "examination" room. She asked how we'd got there (by car, daughter driving) how long the journey was (15mins) about my illness/disability (fibromyalgia and inflammation in the sacroilliac joint, sclerosis and other irregularities which are still being investigated) and how it affected my daily life. I told her I was in constant pain and all aspects of daily living were difficult. My husband/family/friends do the cleaning, shopping and accompanying to hospital/doctors etc etc. I have trouble sleeping because of severe pelvis/hip pain and my feet have now started troubling me aswell so I am always tired and lacking in energy. Then the "medical examination" starts. Right Mrs R are you ok for me to examine you?
Yes not a problem.
Can you stand up for me (i stand up)
Put your arms out straight(put arms out)
Bend them from elbows (i bend them)
Lift them above your head (i lift them)
Ok fine she says, from your description of pain it seems to me that all your disabilty stems from waist down.
Yes thats where all my problems are.
Can you just pop onto the examination table for me please.
Sorry but i can't, even using the step underneath I could not have gotten onto it because it was about 2.5 feet off the ground (that is not an exageration) and it wasn't one that could be lowered. Even the "medical professional" admitted that it was rather high.
So....I thought she would do like a range of motion exercise, limited movement exercise, bending, touch your toes sort of exercise but no, nothing.
All she said was that she didn't think it was fibromyalgia because all my problems were waist down and that was the end of the "examination" bye.
Well got my results and surprise, surprise nil points. It says that she couldn't do the lower limb "examination" because I refused to get onto the couch!!! I didn't refuse I physically could not have gotten onto it.
Any how I'm appealling and have requested my esa85 medical assessment form.
sorry for the ramble but just had to put it in writing.
Dee x
Not been around for a while so apologies for any pocket duties missed. I have not been too good lately with pain, inflammation popping up everywhere it seems. Anyway I had my atos "medical", I use this word loosely because that is certainly not what it is!! I was accompanied by my daughter and the "medical profession" assessor came to the waiting area and asked us to follow them into the "examination" room. She asked how we'd got there (by car, daughter driving) how long the journey was (15mins) about my illness/disability (fibromyalgia and inflammation in the sacroilliac joint, sclerosis and other irregularities which are still being investigated) and how it affected my daily life. I told her I was in constant pain and all aspects of daily living were difficult. My husband/family/friends do the cleaning, shopping and accompanying to hospital/doctors etc etc. I have trouble sleeping because of severe pelvis/hip pain and my feet have now started troubling me aswell so I am always tired and lacking in energy. Then the "medical examination" starts. Right Mrs R are you ok for me to examine you?
Yes not a problem.
Can you stand up for me (i stand up)
Put your arms out straight(put arms out)
Bend them from elbows (i bend them)
Lift them above your head (i lift them)
Ok fine she says, from your description of pain it seems to me that all your disabilty stems from waist down.
Yes thats where all my problems are.
Can you just pop onto the examination table for me please.
Sorry but i can't, even using the step underneath I could not have gotten onto it because it was about 2.5 feet off the ground (that is not an exageration) and it wasn't one that could be lowered. Even the "medical professional" admitted that it was rather high.
So....I thought she would do like a range of motion exercise, limited movement exercise, bending, touch your toes sort of exercise but no, nothing.
All she said was that she didn't think it was fibromyalgia because all my problems were waist down and that was the end of the "examination" bye.
Well got my results and surprise, surprise nil points. It says that she couldn't do the lower limb "examination" because I refused to get onto the couch!!! I didn't refuse I physically could not have gotten onto it.
Any how I'm appealling and have requested my esa85 medical assessment form.
sorry for the ramble but just had to put it in writing.
Dee x
Hi Dee
You know this really annoys me..Why is the government employing and I use the word very loosely indeed "professionals" to examine people when its quite clear they are often, as was in your case, simply not qualified to do the job? I mean anyone can tell you did not say to this person that you would not get onto the examing couch, you could not physically - big difference totally...
How the heck does she come to such a conclusion too that beacuse all your problems are below the waist that you havent got fybromyalgia..I mean youve been diagnosed by a specialist and then this person casts judgemnent on you saying she doesnt think you have got fybro! Unbelievable!
Im glad you had your daughter with you as some people, even relatives when you tell them how farcical these examinations are would not beleive it...She can back up your case if need be and good on you for getting the appeal rollling...I seriously hope you show this incompetency of a professional for what she is...A waste of space!
Shocking but sadly where ATOS is concerned not surprised...
Good Luck
Elainexdeedeeitsme wrote:Hi all....hope you are all as pain free as you can be.
Not been around for a while so apologies for any pocket duties missed. I have not been too good lately with pain, inflammation popping up everywhere it seems. Anyway I had my atos "medical", I use this word loosely because that is certainly not what it is!! I was accompanied by my daughter and the "medical profession" assessor came to the waiting area and asked us to follow them into the "examination" room. She asked how we'd got there (by car, daughter driving) how long the journey was (15mins) about my illness/disability (fibromyalgia and inflammation in the sacroilliac joint, sclerosis and other irregularities which are still being investigated) and how it affected my daily life. I told her I was in constant pain and all aspects of daily living were difficult. My husband/family/friends do the cleaning, shopping and accompanying to hospital/doctors etc etc. I have trouble sleeping because of severe pelvis/hip pain and my feet have now started troubling me aswell so I am always tired and lacking in energy. Then the "medical examination" starts. Right Mrs R are you ok for me to examine you?
Yes not a problem.
Can you stand up for me (i stand up)
Put your arms out straight(put arms out)
Bend them from elbows (i bend them)
Lift them above your head (i lift them)
Ok fine she says, from your description of pain it seems to me that all your disabilty stems from waist down.
Yes thats where all my problems are.
Can you just pop onto the examination table for me please.
Sorry but i can't, even using the step underneath I could not have gotten onto it because it was about 2.5 feet off the ground (that is not an exageration) and it wasn't one that could be lowered. Even the "medical professional" admitted that it was rather high.
So....I thought she would do like a range of motion exercise, limited movement exercise, bending, touch your toes sort of exercise but no, nothing.
All she said was that she didn't think it was fibromyalgia because all my problems were waist down and that was the end of the "examination" bye.
Well got my results and surprise, surprise nil points. It says that she couldn't do the lower limb "examination" because I refused to get onto the couch!!! I didn't refuse I physically could not have gotten onto it.
Any how I'm appealling and have requested my esa85 medical assessment form.
sorry for the ramble but just had to put it in writing.
Dee x0 -
Thank you for your reply Elaine....yes it's a case that if you weren't there you wouldn't believe it. Honestly it's a joke. I would strongly advice anyone who is due to go to one of these so called "medicals" to take someone with them. I am sure even someone able bodied would have had difficulty getting onto the examining couch so how they expect someone with a disabilty to do so is beyond me.
Dee x0 -
I know its a joke but why when they continue to do such an incompetent job do they keep the contract? If I do a job badly I get warned, sacked, how come they can put their own interpretations of what they see happening in the examination down and its okay?
For my ESA examination I asked the nurse to help me with two hand onto the step to get on the couch then the same back to get off it too..She then proceeded to put in the report "patient was able to get on/off examining couch with ease"...GRR!!
You ramble all you want but you sound pretty determined and level headed, smart so I think you will put forward a damn good case!!
Elainexdeedeeitsme wrote:Thank you for your reply Elaine....yes it's a case that if you weren't there you wouldn't believe it. Honestly it's a joke. I would strongly advice anyone who is due to go to one of these so called "medicals" to take someone with them. I am sure even someone able bodied would have had difficulty getting onto the examining couch so how they expect someone with a disabilty to do so is beyond me.
Dee x0 -
Thanks again appeal letter is typed out and ready to go recorded delivery tomorrow. I have stated in the letter that I want my assessment rate of ESA reinstating while the appeal is being considered as they must keep paying you whilst you are appealing. I have also asked for the names, professions and General Medical Council numbers (they should legally all be registered) of all the people involed in the decision that I was capable to work therefore not entitled to ESA (you can request this information under the "freedom of information act")
I am making an appointment to see my gp this week to ask him for a supporting letter to help my case and also making an appointment to see my local welfare rights officer for information and maybe representation.
Believe me you are soooo angry when you recieve these results letters rejecting your claim and the pathetic reasons why. They are basically accusing you, and all the true medical professionals we have had to see, of lying. But when the anger dies down the fight kicks in and boy am I going to fight this.
Will keep you informed Dee X0 -
Hi Dee
I know exactly how you are feeling. I had mine in January and unfortunately for me ILA helped me fill DLA around the same time. I did get in the WRAG ESA and was happy as I expected not to get it. I was advised to get the medical report and could not believe my eyes.
A friend drove us to the place and I cannot walk without pain and as a result I borrow a wheelchair when I have to go out. I was wheeled in and out of the exam room by my daughter. I have pain in my right hand and can't lift it above my head. The nurse said it himself that he won't ask me to get on the exam bed and would ask me to do all the things while sitting.
On his report he wrote I refused to do squats and I can walk 100 meters well and good, I would be fine in 6 months time. I took the medical reports and they stated that I have spine degeneration and all the symmetrical swelling in both hands, wrists, knees and ankles. Unfortunately I never appealed as I was not aware that I could and by the time I was the timewas up. I was therefore refused DLA as they used the ESA medical report.
I don't know why they are lying and in my opinion it then costs the government more to pay for the tribunals which many people are winning.
As for your ESA assessment rate, I believe you'll have to keep sending the sick notes so please do check when your last one runs out and ask your GP for the next one. You'll keep sending them until your tribunal. Did you have reconsideration because if not that is what they do first before the appeal. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Good luck and do not let them getaway by withdrawing your request.0 -
Hi there....yes I sent my sick/fit note in on friday before I got the decision from ATOS on saturday. I've sent the GL24 appeal form along with a letter by recorded delivery today so hopefully will get there around the same time so, in theory, there should not be any gaps in my payments. Major flare for last two days though, we could all do without this kind of stress as we struggle enough (obviously not enough for ATOS) with everyday life never mind throwing something else into the mix.
Thanks again for your replies and hope you are all well as can be expected.
Dee x0 -
Oh dear I am very sorry to hear these stories (nightmares) about people's claims and medicals.
I have just submitted my claim for DLA and am waiting for a decision. Does everybody have to have a medical or is it only done on appeal?
It has taken me over a year to pluck up the courage to claim, not sure I can cope with all the stress and hassel involved for an appeal.
I salute you all for your strength and determination.
Good luck everyone
Petals x0 -
Hi Deedee
ESA 'doctors' irritate the hell out of me!! They are appaling.
You are doing the right thing in appealing and asking for your medical assessment form.
Keep us all posted in how you get on.
xxx0 -
Thanks for your replies and I'll keep you informed, if it helps anyone else then thats a plus.
Petals....I think most claimants for anything nowadays are being put through medicals (if you can call them that) but please don't worry, not everyones the same. There are a lot of sites now with a minefield of information about challenging these claims by appeal and if you get a representative behind you (I am using welfare rights) then you are not fighting alone. I feel strong enough to fight now that I have started this thread and all the support you get on this site is amazing.
We must fight these decisions which are not even based on "real" medical evidence. They don't even ask for a medical report from your gp/consultant/therapist etc so their decision in made purely on their "medical assessment" of you in the 20/30 mins that they see you. Crazy!!!
Dee x0 -
I think and somebody correct me if you know otherwise, GPs, consultants reports are ignored and the so called ATOS medical professionals opinions are what they choose most of the time, registerd nurse did mine.
When my ESA forms were filled my GP had made the hospital referral and in the letter wrote polymyalgia rheumatica. By the time DLA forms were filled it was sero negative arthritis. DWP letter wrote that they have looked at my symptoms, medication and test results to refuse my application. I think they looked at someone elses form as my symptoms are written black and white but we wrote a letter to ask for reconsideration explaining every line on the medical reports but still a big no.
The symetrical swelling and 70% reduced bending, swollen wrists and right shoulder, arthritis in hands are in the reports. Report from OT stating my difficulties walking, using bath and toilet and all the things to buy to help is among the documents we sent.
Contacted my MP and explained that the report they used is filled with lies and then they said they don't pay DLA for childcare. They only referred to one of the parts in the letter where I was explaining how the disease is affecting every part of my day to day living.
Got the appeal papers and went through them. Listen to this, they have based their decision on someone with polymyalgia rheumatica and not rheumatoid arthritis. Their medical advisor says it goes away and full recovery within a year and is not so painful as I make it out and the painkillers I was on are not strong enough for someone in pain as I say.
I was under the impression that they don't look at the illness but at how whatever illness affects your day to day living. Benefits advisoe from CAB is helping me with the appeal and told me I should havebeen in the support group in ESA. That one line from the ATOS nurse has deprived me of the help I need most as some of the help I need would have been available had I got the DLA. When I go to the places for face to face appointments, they can't believe I don't get DLA and have to go those WFI and I inform them I can't go to early appointments. They ask me why I was put in it and I don't know how to answer.
How I wish I could bet my life back as these people seem to think we are ill just to claim these benefits the way they treat us. Asking for recording of the medical works wonders from what I've been reading as they can't lie on the report. I will ask for it for my next one as we've filled the esa form again because my six months is up.
Dee I'm happy you are going to fight this all the way. Petals you may be lucky and get a decisiom maker that will actually read your reports and form so please don't stress until you get a reply.
Good luck Dee, they may change their decision after your reconsideration request.
Babs0 -
I agree it must cost them more in appeals and tribunial, them doctors sure do make you feel like your a fraudster, and as if you have nothing better to do than sit uncomfortably in pain in a car or other transport to get to the medical for them to pull, shove and prod at you like cattle, when you could be sat at home and not have to endure their snide remarks and looks they give you, and then for them to lie on your medical report.
I have to go to my local job centre next week for an interview regarding my ESA, this also to me is a waste of tax payers money, if I was able to get back into work, I would do, I mean do they think I like sitting at home, unable to do anything relying on others to even make me a cup of tea, prepare me a meal, have to have someone help me in the bath or shower, how I would love to go back to that independant person who never needed anyone to help me with anything, but unfortunatley I do.
So come on medical assessors grow a heart and show us some compassion.0 -
Hi all...just a quick update.
I have had my ESA reinstated at assessment rate after it was stopped on 11th july because of 0 points at medical which of course I,ve appealed. Still waiting for a copy of my ESA85 full medical report but not holding my breath it will come anytime soon. My doctor is writing me a letter of support to help my appeal.
I have got my appointment to see a different rheumy at a different hospital for my second opinion to try and get properly diagnosed. My feet and knees have added to the mix now (sacroillic joints/hips, right one more than left and lower back). I am so stiff in a morning now and hobble round like a little old ladyMy toes do not bend properly now and a couple of them do not bend at all now
. I am also having sternum pain which is quite excrutiating at times (feels like I'm having a heart attack) Did go to docs with this of course but he said it was connected with all the other problems I'm having at the mo, he did call it something (costrocon something :? ) an said it is quite common with arthritis.
Hope you are all as well as can be.....Dee xxx0 -
Hi Dee
Lovely to hear from you
I am so pleased your ESA has been reinstated and that your GP is ready to support you
The second opinion sounds a good idea too....I hope it results in you getting some effective treatment too.
The sternum issue is not uncommon at all - I get it myself too from time to time. One or too on here have had steroid jabs into it which can be helpful.
Thanks for asking I am doing ok
You take care
Toni xx0 -
frogmorton wrote:Hi Dee
Lovely to hear from you
I am so pleased your ESA has been reinstated and that your GP is ready to support you
The second opinion sounds a good idea too....I hope it results in you getting some effective treatment too.
The sternum issue is not uncommon at all - I get it myself too from time to time. One or too on here have had steroid jabs into it which can be helpful.
Thanks for asking I am doing ok
a jab in the - i cant think of a more painful process. i got told this pain was reflux from taking dicofenac and take the lansoprozole for this, which makes absolutely zero dirrerence.
i cant get over that jab location lol
You take care
Toni xx0 -
Jab into the sternum
. Found some info on this condition and it would tie in with arthritis.
Costochondritis is a painful condition of the chest wall. It is caused by inflammation in the joints between the cartilages that join the ribs to the sternum (breastbone). Although painful, it is not a serious condition. Usually it has no obvious cause and settles over time. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication can be used for relief of symptoms.
Just something else to add to the mix.
Have a good day all x Dee x0 -
when I went for my so called medical I was asked to the lift arm bend arm thing and when it came to crouch bit I said sorry I simply cannont do that without it being extremely painful. and in here report she put down i refused.. piff..
oh and on top of that she called my painkillers (co-codamol 30/500, tramadol 50mg, diclenic 50mg, amytriptiline) and standard pain relief, yeah like you just pop into boots and get them off the shelf..these people are just bad bad.
and if anyone say despatches and the panaroma the other week. if says it all.0 -
Don't they make you feel like your a fraudster, trying to scam the system, I always feel guilty when Ive been for these medicals. Ive got an interview for my ESA next Monday at my local job centre, I think its just an interview, and not a medical, as I usually have to go to the main job centre in halifax for that.
It really gets me mad how so many out there know how to scam the system, and yet here we are in genuine pain and discomfort, and made to feel like dirt on the bottom of their shoes, the lowest of the low, because we are asking for some of the governments money, its not like we have asked for one of their many cars, or many houses, just some money so we can scrape through.
Sorry but it gets me so mad.
Maybe if they had to suffer pain everyday like we do, and rattle when they walk from the many painkillers we have to take, then maybe they would be a bit more understanding of what we are going through.0
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