Feeling got at

pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
edited 4. Aug 2012, 04:17 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all

My Parents are doing my head in. First of all they keep banging on and on and on and on about my weight nad how I should be eating differently blah blah blah. I KNOW I need to lose 4 stone I do not need them to keep banging on.

They also keep making out that the hospital doesn't need to see me as often as it does.

I could go on for ever but I'll stop there!!!

Pink xx


  • LignumVitae
    LignumVitae Member Posts: 1,972
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ahhh Pink
    I have much sympathy for you. My Mum and brother spent about 5 years giving me some strange victorian advice on my arthritis - that my work would sack me, that I should toughen up and live a different lifestyle. For reasons unarthritis related I ended up back at my folks for 6 weeks (felt like 60 years) to live. My Mum watched me hobble down the stairs just for a couple of mornings and how I did things differently and her attitude altered like a flash. My brother was subsequently silenced too (first time in my life).

    IGNORE them, do what you do, your way because they are not in your shoes and do not have to deal with that which you have to deal with. Be yourself, don't let them do your head in and try not to be hurt. Just keep going, chances are, it is misplaced concern and hurt, I know my Mum felt responsible in some way that I was how I was. I think now she sees it has made me who I am and well, that aint too bad. Good luck, come back to us if you need support.

    LV xx
    Hey little fighter, things will get brighter
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks LV.

    I do need support.

    Pink xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Parents do this...When i say im in pain or anything else, i get told "oh im in pain everyday but i dont mention it" or "what you going to see about now"...Also had comments about my weight and before lost 3.5 stone always harked on about it but still bought things such as chocolate eclairs saying they werent "fattening"....My brother also said when i started my weight loss "i dont think you will do this at all"...Grear support but live your life the only way you can...

    Hi all

    My Parents are doing my head in. First of all they keep banging on and on and on and on about my weight nad how I should be eating differently blah blah blah. I KNOW I need to lose 4 stone I do not need them to keep banging on.

    They also keep making out that the hospital doesn't need to see me as often as it does.

    I could go on for ever but I'll stop there!!!

    Pink xx
  • LignumVitae
    LignumVitae Member Posts: 1,972
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You've got it. :wink: xx
    Hey little fighter, things will get brighter
  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Here for support :D
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi only some one who lives our life can understand how you can be up for 30min and need to go back to sleep, how exercise is so difficult because every day tasks take all of out energy. but we understand and no one here will get at you we all find it so hard to loose weight but a little is good so when you are in the right mind set go for it but do not bother telling them see if they notice. leaving a big ((())) to help yu through val
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Pink
    This is what parents do...in there own way they are trying to help, hopefully you can ride above it, and let off steam here. xx
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks everyone for your replies. Xx
  • Chelle123
    Chelle123 Member Posts: 23
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hiya Pink,
    I'm not sure how long you have had arthritis and how informed your parents are. My son is recently diagnosed with Systemic JIA and it has been really difficult to get members of our family to understand the fatigue he feels, also why he may feel ok one day and in pain and totally wiped out the next.

    Is it worth taking them to one of your appointments (cringing saying it as I can understand that not always a preferred option) but your specialist, Dr, nurse or OT may be able to explain things to them. Leaflets relevent to your arthritis are also useful.

    I have found that the better informed our family are the less we have to put up with 'stupid' comments.

    Good luck
    Chelle :D
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chelle

    I've had arthritis since March 2011.

    I wouldn't take them into any of my appointments they are too controlling as it is!!


    pink x
  • dibdab
    dibdab Member Posts: 1,498
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Pink, sending sympathy and a bit of understanding- my lovely mum insists that I take too much medication-like I want the hassle of taking so much and the tummy trouble they create- but I try to put it down to ignorance and her way of showing she cares :? .
    Like you I badly need to lose some weight, and it really gets me down so I decided to take the bull by the horns and went to meet a dietician at the hospital- she was wonderful, really understanding about hard it is to live with this stupid disease- she suggested making 1 change at a time- not trying to change all of my eating habits at once- I was inspired at least to try- so now I'm back home from Keswick I'll be upping the vegetables at mealtime and missing out the puds-well I'll be trying to at least!

    Keep your chin up, and let off steam here where folks understand.

    Deb xx
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Pink

    Perhaps your fiance should have a word with your parents. He surely gets annoyed by their behaviour towards you as too.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • vwkamper
    vwkamper Member Posts: 132
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi pink,

    I am a mum to grown up kids and i always say you only have one life do what makes you happy.

    When i was 19 i hadn't seen my dad in a while i had my son who was nearly 3 at the time and the first thing he said to me was " cor you got fat "
    i said " no **** sherlock "after that he said no more.

    It made me laugh because when i was younger they said child your too thin you need to eat more. Ha Ha your never win fat or thin.

    So ((())) and loves your life you live it.

    P.M.A Positive Mental Attitude.