recently diognosed arthritis in spine help

daisyjay Member Posts: 8
edited 9. Nov 2012, 04:57 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi Im totaly new to this so plz bare with me.
i have recently been diognosed with degenerative arthritis in my spine, i also have problems with my discs and a bulge in one. after being told i had pulled a muscle for 1.5years i demanded an mri which showed the bones in my spine deformed etc.
it has totaly changed my life and i am in serious pain all the time. im on tramadol and it still wakes me in the night.
im only 21 and was planning on going back to education to be a nurse. but this effects my walking and everything. im so confused and sometimes feel guilty because i see so many other people saying how they can go to work and stuff and im not sure with my pain and mobility difficulties if i could, sometimes its because im not totaly crippled and people dont believe me and think i enjoy not working. is anyone else in this situation i mean what happens next? totaly confused sorry for the rant


  • Soretoe2
    Soretoe2 Member Posts: 198
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Daisyjay, I am very sorry to hear of your pain and problems, especially as you are only 21. I have recently joined the forum too and know that there are lots of people who will be able to support you in any questions you may have.
    I have had arthritis/nerve pain and associated problems nearly all my life.
    On top of this I was involved in two (separate) car accidents that have left me with significant spinal damage and chronic pain.
    You say you have had an mri scan, that's great as it is the first step to finding out exactly what the problem is and hopefully leading to treatments that will help you.
    Do you have an appointment with a hospital consultant? If not I think it would be a good idea to ask your gp for a referral to one. Either Orthapaedeic or Neurologist depending on your gp's decision.
    There are a lot of different treatments out there, even surgery if necessary. Also if the pain is not being kept under control by the doctors then a referral to a pain clinic is always a good idea.
    To be honest it really depends on how your condition is as to what is available to help you. However you are very young and I am sure that you will improve.
    I am sure that things will settle down and there is no reason why you shouldn't continue your training or even divert to something else.
    You are naturally feeling down and upset by all that is happening to you but you need to get proffessional help.
    There are also many other types of pain medications that may suit you better than the tramadol. Please go back to your gp and explain that you don't feel that they are keeping your pain to a reasonable level. Then you can also ask about referrals.
    Perhaps you could take a friend or relative with you for moral support.
    Good luck and please let us know how you are doing.
  • Soretoe2
    Soretoe2 Member Posts: 198
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Daisyjay goodness knows why I thought you'd had an mri scan. It would be a good idea to have one though via a consultant/pain clinic appointment.
    Put it down to being forty years older than you!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi daisyjay
    And a warm welcome to the forum, only I am sorry you had to look for us in the first place.
    Please dont compare yourself with others, the one thing I have learned is how different everyone can be with the same diagnosis, pain wise and mobility we are all so different.
    Have you had an MRI scan on your back, it shows up so much more than xrays do, I was offered surgery on my back to ease a bulging disc, but am also waiting for THRs...its a matter of what is causing the most pain...the jury is out at the min.
    I do hope you get the right help, and then you can go and study to be a nurse, never give up on your dreams.
    You take care xx
  • frogmella
    frogmella Member Posts: 1,111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi daisyjay,

    I am a "spiney" too. I had a fusion because of a prolapsed disc three years ago and have had other problems since and now have arthritis the next level up.

    I totally understand how much pain you are in. Tramadol wasn't much use for me because I had mostly nerve pain, espescially with the disc. I have had amitriptyline for the nerve pain and that did help but I have now switched to gabapentin because I also suffer muscle twitching etc and my physio thinks it will help. I only got either of these by asking for them, they were never suggested by my gp. Might be worth asking. Amitriptyline cured my sleeping problems too so it might be good for you on more than one level.

    I have recently had spinal injections and they have given me a window where I could exercise and do physio etc. That might be the first step in your treatment.

    As far as working etc goes, I think it is too soon for you to even think about it. You have to get your head around all this first and get some treatment plan in place. I know it is scary thinking how you might be "stuck like this". I know that my head has been a total mess and it can feel all too much to handle. It is OK to give yourself a break. Be nice to yourself and take the time you need.

    Hopefully you will find a good surgeon who will listen to you and help you. My new surgeon is a gem.

    I have found though, that you have to be quite persistent. I have pushed for second and third opinions. It has been tough and I have BUPA so should be easy! Like I said, I had to directly ask for my nerve pain meds and my first surgeon never really believed me when I said I was in pain.

    I hope that you find some relief soon.
  • knuckleduster
    knuckleduster Member Posts: 551
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello daisyjay

    Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear about your problems at the tender age of 21. My problems started in my spine in my late 30's and thought that was bad enough with two young children to look after. I had x-rays and the report read like a disaster zone, but here I am at 60 and still going strong. Everybody is different and what works for one person, may not help another. Have you got another appointment with your doctor due soon? If so, ask what is the way forward ie could physio help. For me, osteopathy has helped and each day I do certain stretching exercises and lift weights. But you MUST get expert advice BEFORE trying any exercises. Swimming and aqua aerobics are another possibility. I would have thought at your young age and with the correct help and guidance, your condition will settle and you will be able to get on with your life. Keep the forum posted as to our progress.

    Janet x
  • daisyjay
    daisyjay Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thankyou so much to all :) you have no idea what a sigh of relief i felt knowing that i wasnt being crazy and that theres help. i had an mri scan which showed a bulging disc, bone spurs and work discs and was told i have dejenerative arthritis in my spine, i have an appointment with a spinal surgon on the 19th of september so fingers crossed very nervous i dont realy understand what they will do.
    having a little lad makes me a bit aprihensive about any surgery but i deffo want to enquire about any injections and swimming, i was unaware that it would settle down and was upset by the fact i was stuck like this but knowing that it could with the right help is a big boost. im just glad ive finaly found people who understand. :) xxx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Daisyjay
    Welcome to the forum. My spinal appointment must be about the same time as yours. I've just checked.....its the morning of the 19th Sept. Same as you.....I had an MRI on my spine because the consultant thought I might have spinal stenosis as well as OA and kypho scoliosis but when I went back to see him he said he couldnt be sure so to wait until I saw the back consultant. I'm very apprehensive as well......I'm a lot older than you so doubt if they will do anything.....hope not in a way.
    I'm waiting for a 2nd hip replacement but they are trying to find out if it is referred pain from my back to hips or referred pain from hips to back???????? Still havent had that.....sorry not a lot of help but I can sympathise with you being in the same position.

  • frogmella
    frogmella Member Posts: 1,111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again,

    Just a quick extra on swimming. I swim, a lot. During bad times I swim less but every surgeon, physio and GP has said to do it. But I wanted to warn you against breaststroke. Not all of them remember to tell you not to do it. It does play havoc with your lower back. Front crawl is generally ok, my physio and gp both think it will be doing wonders for my core and back strength. On a bad day a few lengths on my back can be a dream. The weightless effect of being in the water helps too. Some days I can't believe how heavy I feel when I get out!!

    I would encourage you to ask your GP if it is OK for you to start swimming and see if it helps.

    Don't worry, you aren't going mad. We understand. Sorry that you have such problems so young.
  • daisyjay
    daisyjay Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi havent posted in a bit, tramadol is starting to work on the higher dose when taken regularly, in 5 months my doctor has done what my previous doctor of 6 years couldnt. i have had symptoms of ra for 6 years he said it was stress and in my head after arguing i was nt every month or 2 for 4 years he decided it was ME. :roll: at one point he gave me calcium tablets :s. luckily my new doctor has helped alot and has booked me an appt with a rhumitologist. although im angry its taken 5-6 years im finaly being listened to. my gp has had it confirmed that ive had OA for at least 5 years and prob ra.

    my hands have started to "deform " there all bendy and curvy but not enough to be able to tell from across a room.
    looking at google pics just terrified me and was wondering if anyone knew how fast deformities progress ?
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for the update, daisyjay, and I'm glad things are moving on for you with the new doc. The rheumatologist is a good move and I hope he/she will get you on some meds that will stabilise things and might even suggest some physio that will help the fingers. How fast do deformities progress? How long is a piece of string? I'm afraid there's no one answer. The good news is that things are now going the right way to slow it all down. Good luck with the appointment.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright