ESA Interview

pepperflo Member Posts: 91
edited 17. Aug 2012, 19:06 in Living with Arthritis archive
I had my 1st interview today since changing from Incapacity Benefit to ESA. I think it went ok, and have to go back in 6 months, the lady I saw was lovely.
Was quite relieved to have it over with, only to get home to a letter about my DLA renewal.
My last award I got low care and high mobility, they have just informed me I will continue to get the low rate for care, and none what so ever for tyhe mobility side of it.
I don't understand that as nothing has changed on that side of things if anything they have slightly got worse, but certainly not improved.
So just how do they come to their decisons, I know the government are having to cut back, but surely they need to focus on them that are scamming the system, and not us genuine ones.
Has anyone else had this happen to them ?


  • Harlansmummy
    Harlansmummy Member Posts: 89
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've just asked for my DLA to be reassessed and am dreading this sort of result as I am already fighting ESA. I hope you get a good outcome on ESA, appeal the DLA decision if you think it is wrong
    Twenty-something mother, home educating my wonderful son and currently TTC.

    My particular flavour of arthritis is yet to be confirmed
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I'm sorry I can't help I just wanted to wish you good luck

    Love Juliepf x
  • Rewter
    Rewter Member Posts: 77
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    This thing with DLA winds me up. How can they all of a sudden decide that you are not entilted to your mobility allowance. Do they really have a clue as to what criteria is required?

    My GP has a BB and he has just re applied for his only to be declined!!!! Nothing has changed other than he is slightly worse then previously. I don't get it.

    If they want to save on money, target the fraudsters, not the people who need it. :x
  • pepperflo
    pepperflo Member Posts: 91
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    They are my sentiments exactly, If I was ok then I would be getting off my backside every day and going out to work, but not every day is the same, one day can wake up bright as a button, the next it takes me all my time to get out of bed.
    I sent letters and reports from my consultant, the list of my medications so they know I'm on them, and all the other treatments Ive been having.
    I'm just going to write them a letter and see where that gets me.
    It has been great having my blue badge so that I can park closer to where I want to go, I have never abused it, like some do.
    I would be too scared to try to fiddle the DLA or any other government monies.
    But this has really upset me and making me an angry nasty person which I'm not, but if they refuse me, when I see people who have similar things wrong with them as me, then I will be writing with names and asking them why can they get it and not me, its just not fair us genuine people are suffering for the fraudulant ones.
    Sorry for the moan, but I feel really upset over this.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Oh dear this is getting to be too familiar, people going to interviews whether it be DWP employee or ATOS employee...They all seem as you say lovely and appear to sympathise/empathise with you and then you get the damn letter telling you different..
    Youre not one the people that the government should be hounding, why arent they hounding the ones i see loitering round the bookies every day, have never worked a day in their lives but get away with it cos they are devious and streetwise...I tell you id rather be honest than streetwise any day!!
    You need to appeal get it all pinpointed, highlight thier inaccuracies and state how this is making you feel which is no doubt hellish...
    I myself attended an interview for ESA and she was really nice, I couldnt do certain things such as crouch, get on examining table she seemed to sympathise but when the result came I scored 9points...I appealed but I felt like I was constantly on trial, I felt a fraud....

    Huge hugs to you Pepperflo..

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi pepperflo
    I just want to wish you good luck with the appeals, its awful how they are picking on the wrong ones, so don't you give up.
    And please let us know how you get on xx
  • pepperflo
    pepperflo Member Posts: 91
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you, I agree I wouldn't like to be streetwise, but hate this feeling of being made to feel guilty.
    When I was at my ESA interview she told me, another company connected through the government would be ringing me about going for an interview regarding going back to work, I got the call today, he asked me what kind of job I would like to do, I was gobsmacked, I just said at the moment I don't know, I struggle to use my hands my wrists are weak, my legs are painful, but he said I have to attend the interview, and would ring me back with a day and time, he rang me back to say he had arranged a telephone interview, then 2o mins later he rings back to say, he has found a note from the job centre saying I don't have to attend this interview at this moment in time due to my disability. yeah put the flags out someone actually listened to what I was saying, all I have to do now is convince the DLA that my circumstances haven't changed, in fact some days my pain is worse now than it has ever been.
    Its like we are having to prove ourselves every day, and its not fair we have enough to contend with in our pain.