Blood tests are in and.....

Rewter Member Posts: 77
edited 16. Aug 2012, 15:10 in Living with Arthritis archive
I was fine on everything thank goodness :D So, they can now rule out RA.

So, back to the OA in my hips. The GP is still certain that surgery is still not the best of options at 36 and its just a case of suck it and see though I did requests that I get some pain killers... Codeine phosphate.

I pushed him for further support now have an appoitnemt with the consultant in a few weeks though he specialises in hips. Problem is, I still am not getting any clarity on the situation in my knees and these are giving me equal amounts of problems. The GP has wrote to the consultant and mentioned my knees so hopefully he can do something with regards to X-rays for these also.

I am no doctor but I really feel that stiffness, pain and grinding in my knees is very similar to my hips....hmmmmm.


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rewter
    You are very young, but there are quite a few people on here that have had to push for new knees and hips.
    Its understandable that they want you to hold off, has they wouldnt want to do more in the future
    My hips do cause a lot of pain in my knees, referred pain they say, although you mention grinding , I dint get that in the knees, have you seen a physio, they can help you build up the muscle around the knees.
    I do hope you get some answers very soon x
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rewter

    Good news on the RA front :D but I am sorry about your hips. I hope that they are able to give you some good meds to dull your pain and perhaps refer you to a pain clinic or physio for more advice.

    love juliepf x
  • Suestpeters
    Suestpeters Member Posts: 94
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi Rewter - really good news about the RA tests but I can understand your frustration with the pain you're having.
    At the risk of preaching to the converted - have you tried any of the 'alternative treatments' out there, I take 3 x 1000 mg tabs of Omega 3 and 3 Glucosamine tablets daily and have just started on Turmeric as someone told me it's good for inflamation. I know they help because I'm one of those silly people who stop taking things when I start to feel better. I stopped the alternative stuff and the pain, stiffness and grinding came back with a huge thwack!
    I've re-started them and the pain in my right knee is much, much easier. The left one is playing up but my GP told me this morning he thinks there is lose cartilage floating around causing havoc and is referring me to the Orthopaedic Surgeon at the local hospital.
    I know Omega 3 and Glucosamine isn't cheap but they do work for me - I still have to take pain killers but not as many as before.
    Good luck
    Fiddler, my lovely boy for 28 glorious years : 1981-2009
  • Rewter
    Rewter Member Posts: 77
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all,

    Yes, tried fish oils and Glucosamine but to no avail. The pain killers and Naproxin dont really make much of a difference at all. The anti inflams must be doing some good even if I don't really feel the benefit. At least the pain killers make me feel a bit woosy and a bit more relaxed but don't really stop the pain when it flairs up.
  • Suestpeters
    Suestpeters Member Posts: 94
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So sorry the fish oils didn't work for you, hope you get some relief from the pain soon.
    gentle hug
    Fiddler, my lovely boy for 28 glorious years : 1981-2009
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I take fish oils, don't know if they work, but I HATE fish - the smell makes me feel sick.... Anyway, the physio said to take them, but it would be about 6 months to notice any difference. It's longer than that, but I've not noticed anything, but keep on, as I thought my pain killers didn't work until I ran out of them one weekend.... Ouch!!! Yes, they do work, not compleatly but they work! So maybe the fish oil does too! :)
    Love Sue