pepperflo Member Posts: 91
edited 9. Sep 2012, 06:52 in Living with Arthritis archive
Well for the last 3 years Ive had the high rate on the mobility side of DLA, nothing has changed in fact have got worse, and now been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well as RA, and they have told me I'm now not allowed it, I wrote to them, and they have reviewed my claim and have come back with the same decision.
How do they work this out ? has anyone else had this happen to them, and have they won in the end ? what is the best thing to do to fight this ?
Its just so upsetting and stressful to think us genuine people are targeted, and yet others who know how to scam the system get away with claiming it.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm sorry, pepperflo. I don't have any answers. Have you tried getting advice from CAB or DIAL UK?
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Soretoe2
    Soretoe2 Member Posts: 198
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I had been receiving the higher rate for years when last year I suddenly got a letter to say it was being reduced to the lower rate. As I hadn't had a miraculous happening I was a bit miffed to say the least.
    I also know quite a lot of people who have either lost it completely or had it reduced. Not one of them has suddenly got better or improved in their chronic and disabling condition. Only one person I know has had it reinstated at appeal.
    I'm not sure if you can appeal a second time, it may be worth enquiring. I know that you can reapply by starting again as a new claim.
    I too get mad at the scammers. I can't believe how they get it in the first place. I've had two proper medicals by proper doctors, backed up by hospital and gp records. I 'm now told I will get another medical early next year with a 'trained person' Whatever that means.
    It's all about saving money on the health budget and we are easy targets I'm afraid.
    As stickeywicket says perhaps the CAB or DIAL could advise you.
    Best wishes, Joy
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry to hear about this pepperflo, as has been said numerous times, we are an easy target as it is not expected that we will put up any sort of fight. I was only saying today, if you are drunk and high on drugs and scream and shout, I don't think there would be a refusal, just my opinion.

    I remember when I was going through a similar situation a year or so ago, I asked for a formal reconsideration of my case. This means your appeal and medical information is handled with a completely different person in another section. I sent in yet more Drs and Consultants letters, along with my own letter, stating where their consideration was way off the mark. I stated that I was willing to take the matter to a hearing. I received a decision in favour and the appeal was stopped at that point.

    Anything you do send in, keep a copy of, for your records. I hope you GP and Consultants are supportive, I am sure they are used to those of us who are often at our lowest ebb, are made to jump through hoops at every point. Keep us posted and take lots of care XX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Trayce
    Trayce Member Posts: 110
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i was on high rate care and high rate mobility when I had a renewal form they reduced it to middle rate care and lower rate mobility only because of mh issues I saw the physchirtist for a one off and his evidence was not supportive so I backed down at the appeal waited six months and re applied its has come back with same award I would appeal and good luck
  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Definitely appeal! I was even advised to do that if necessary by the DLA lady who phoned to try to sort out my delayed application....two days after I got back from hospital after my TKR! Luckily they approved mine despite my situation having changed so drastically; never found out why, and didn't ask. It seems to be a bit arbitrary, so keep on trying.
  • earthspirit
    earthspirit Bots Posts: 278
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    when these reviews are coming up there is something i would advise everyone to do.

    write a list of what you can and cannot do. write down how you achieve things - like use a raised seat to get on loo or a large handled knife to cut your food. make this list clear and easy to understand. its for your gp and then you make an appointment to see gp and tell them you are applying for/renewing a claim for higher rate mobility and care (or whatever level)

    ask your doctor to refer to this when the benefits people write to them.
    then your claim will have more chance of success.

    your doctor does not know what you can and cannot do. you go to them for treatment for an illness not a disability. they know how ill you are but this does not mean you are disabled.

    if, for instance you went to doctor and said i live on my own and am struggling to put on my clothes, to wash to bath and cook and eat my own food, how do i get help. then the doctor might know what to write on the dla forms but you dont go to doctor for this sort of thing, you go to social services or whatever. but.....if you have the help you need at home either cos there is a person to help or a gadget, how is the doctor meant to know you have a problem/s?

    i learn this retrospectively (& very painfully i might add) but it makes a millions miles of a difference.

    also, by doing this, we are making our lack of ability more public.

    this, indeed will root out the scammers. its easy to write on the form what you cant do cos nobody but you and the person at the dla reading it knows what you wrote and therefor lies can be concealed.

    telling your doctor in writing records it, so that if you are on the fiddle, it can be checked up on!!!!

    ive become very adept at spotting the scammers when i physically meet people - you may appear very disabled but that does not mean you actually have a real disability.

    ive had RA for a very long number of years, undiagnosed and for most of them, although i had massive flares, i was not in any way truly disabled. when i got to the transitional period i knew then i was disabled but nothing prepared me for the massive increase in severity that gave me higher rate for care and mobility. i got it by what they could visually see for themselves but i als got it when i ended up doing what i describe above, out of sheer desperation for help. they then tested me physically and mentally on everything i had written.

    i now know that they know i aint a scammer. it give you a greater feeling of security with your claim and has made a vast amount of difference to my thinking about the system and why its getting such a shake up.

    ( i should get paid some sort of commission from the dla for writing that lol or get a spare time job finding all the cheats. they seriously ARE everywhere)

    ps to this - there are also so many people who havent even thought of claiming who in my opinion pass the tests with flying colours - many of these people have the support and help and finances around them so dont think of benefits, that in theory they are fully legally entitled to.
  • RitaW
    RitaW Member Posts: 83
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi,When I first put in a claim for DLA I was given high rate for both the care component and mobility.After a review 2 years later(my conditions had got worse R.A and Fibro)I was given nothing for mobility and low rate care for life. :roll: Then 4 years later I asked for a review (conditions had worsened even more)and was given high rate mobility and medium rate care indefinately.I don't understand how the system works.Your conditions can worsen and yet you sometimes get a lower rate. :?
    R.A. FMS IBS RLS IGD with honours.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    To me Pepperflo this is their latest trick :(

    Lowering it or doing away with it altogether for individuals. Appeal, but do it with help CAB or DIAL. It costs nothing and they know how to help you best.

    The reducing is extra sneaky because many fear loosing it altogether so don't dare appeal :roll:


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi pepperflo
    Like Toni says this is another tactic of there's, putting the fear of god into people then you wont apply for the higher rate or appeal.
    You have nothing to lose in appealing now, so go for it, and good luck with it all xx