Have Applied For 2nd Blue Badge

elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
edited 17. Sep 2012, 10:57 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi All

I have just submitted my application form to renew my blue bagde which runs out on October 8th 2012...Im crossing every digit that it gets renewed...
I have no doubt that last time it was too easy to obtain as all I did was call a number and answer half a dozen questions, sent £2.50 admin fee and photos and had blue badge...Im also in no doubt that there are people much worse off than me (i have osteochodritis dissecans and am waiting list for TKR) but I do struggle any walking that I do and it does help me get nearer to where i want to be/gives me extra room to get out of car space....
I have however heard they are refusing a lot more people and some of the questions I answered this time seemed like trick ones but I have told the truth and can only hope they will reissue....My main thing is that as my knee has been chronic for last 2 years and as had to seek 2nd opinion i have walked with a straight leg for that time and am fearful that wil continue post op.....
Here's hoping....



  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine, I think they phoned me up to ask how far I could walk without severe pain, I'm not sure, but I think I heard somewhere that so long as it's less than 50 yds/metres, you're in. Anyway, I got mine no problem.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine
    Good luck......My renewal is next month and I'm not looking forward to it at all. This will be my first renewal.....how long do you think it will take to come through? I know....how long is a piece of string :lol:

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine I have only had to update once, a couple of years ago,I filled in the form and took it along to the council office that gave it to me in the first place, paid them the money and I got it back before my old one ran out.
    Good luck with it xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Well I answered the question - How far can you walk without pain - I answered I walk with a lot of pain, uncomfortably and put in 13 metres in 10mins.....I can only hope...

    Elaine, I think they phoned me up to ask how far I could walk without severe pain, I'm not sure, but I think I heard somewhere that so long as it's less than 50 yds/metres, you're in. Anyway, I got mine no problem.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I think they process it fairly quickly as my dad got his in about 2.5weeks and he submitted it late...He is 80 though and stated his conditions are never going to get better at his age with new knee and new hip so maybe he had better chance.....
    I really do need mine and would be honest enough to say if TKR was 100% successful then would happily give it up if was fit as a fiddle...

    Good luck for next month with yours?

    hileena111 wrote:
    Hi Elaine
    Good luck......My renewal is next month and I'm not looking forward to it at all. This will be my first renewal.....how long do you think it will take to come through? I know....how long is a piece of string :lol:

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara

    Yes well I the form is a bit bigger now with the usual questions we now associate with ESA/DLA.....Id love to see the people who approve or disapprove, how qualified they are?

    barbara12 wrote:
    Elaine I have only had to update once, a couple of years ago,I filled in the form and took it along to the council office that gave it to me in the first place, paid them the money and I got it back before my old one ran out.
    Good luck with it xx
  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine, I think I told them I could walk 10 metres in severe pain, which was true. I also told either them or the DLA people that I was waiting for two TKRs and hoped to be pain free eventually. I got DLA for a a year, and a Blue Badge till....2015!!! My knees are improving lots and I think and hope I may feel morally obliged to return it to them before then, but it's great now. The best of luck with yours; it seems to be a bit of a lottery.
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have never had a problem getting my blue badge, I think you will be fine. I had to go to my local neighbourhood office (council) to get mine.
  • JuliaHod12
    JuliaHod12 Member Posts: 456
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I applied in March this year, and had to go for an assessment in July shortly before my TKR as i dont claim DLA or anything.
    I filled out the forms, but as a backup i got a printout from my GP which stated all my medications, and my various medical conditions. I believe the evidence on the print out from GP was more than helpful as it showed how long i've had the conditions before applying.

    I got my badge within a couple of weeks of the assessment (it was dated 2 days after the assessment, so it was a quick decision!)

    I am sure you will get it, good luck xx
  • SteveBurns
    SteveBurns Member Posts: 177
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My application was refused recently - May 12.

    I told them that I was getting a TKR and they considered that my walking would improve, also I had to do a short walk, I failed the test.

    Do not tell them you are getting a TKR and if they want you to walk don't do more than about ten/fifteen yards before needing to rest.

    If you have DLA you will get the badge 'cos of the DLA.

    Good luck, I hope you do better than I did :)
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Well Im always in pain when I walk whether its from my knee or my hip bursitis or bunions....Im not the kind of person who is comfortable telling big or little white lies, its not in my nature and sometimes to my detriment...
    It does seem to be a lottery and im hopingmy numbers come up!!

    Elaine, I think I told them I could walk 10 metres in severe pain, which was true. I also told either them or the DLA people that I was waiting for two TKRs and hoped to be pain free eventually. I got DLA for a a year, and a Blue Badge till....2015!!! My knees are improving lots and I think and hope I may feel morally obliged to return it to them before then, but it's great now. The best of luck with yours; it seems to be a bit of a lottery.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Bubba/Amanda

    Well have to send mine to Carlisle, i live in Kendal so not possible, well it could be but a fair petrol fare to do so....
    I hope i get another..


    bubbadog wrote:
    I have never had a problem getting my blue badge, I think you will be fine. I had to go to my local neighbourhood office (council) to get mine.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Well i dont claim DLA either im not bad enough and thank my lucky stars im not! I have put in as much as I can didnt have a printout or statement from doctor...Im quite prepared to go to medical and be cute as have had experience of these snakes in the grass before!....Im kinda half optimisiic but you never know how the lead swings do you?

    JuliaHod12 wrote:

    I applied in March this year, and had to go for an assessment in July shortly before my TKR as i dont claim DLA or anything.
    I filled out the forms, but as a backup i got a printout from my GP which stated all my medications, and my various medical conditions. I believe the evidence on the print out from GP was more than helpful as it showed how long i've had the conditions before applying.

    I got my badge within a couple of weeks of the assessment (it was dated 2 days after the assessment, so it was a quick decision!)

    I am sure you will get it, good luck xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Yes i think its cos i read your posts that i am a bit pessimistic about my decision outcome it didnt seem fair...I have told them im on waiting list for TKR as stated before im not comfortable lying and it is the main reason I need my badge..There's no guarantee i will be better off the surgeon has said with someone as young it is a wee bit of a gamble but ive got to throw the dice and see what way it faces up havent I?
    If get called for assessment i will not walk far, will ask for seats and will ask for water also for painkillers....As I said im as straight as a dye but when these people try to trick you I dont see why I shouldnt respond in the manner im treated...
    I dont have DLA, just hoping someone sees it as it is...Im never going to be 100% fit, always going to have osteochondritis dissecans, bursitis and bunions...

    SteveBurns wrote:
    My application was refused recently - May 12.

    I told them that I was getting a TKR and they considered that my walking would improve, also I had to do a short walk, I failed the test.

    Do not tell them you are getting a TKR and if they want you to walk don't do more than about ten/fifteen yards before needing to rest.

    If you have DLA you will get the badge 'cos of the DLA.

    Good luck, I hope you do better than I did :)
  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine, I won't lie either, but there are different ways of putting things. Do we say we're in severe pain when it's true, or do we say that we can manage? Do you need to rest every few yards? I did, but I often gritted my teeth, ignored the pain, and went on, because I'm very determined and I can do that. But for the forms, I told them like it really was, not like it was when I was being tough.

    You might well be eligible for the mobility component of DLA too. I applied on the off chance, and got it for a year. Rules are similar; severe pain on walking. It seems to be even more of a lottery, but it might be worth a try.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine,
    I do hope you get it....I know all authorities/councils are different but did you get a reminder that it was due??
    As for the TKR.....well my mobility is worse since my THR {Dont get DLA either} I was told after the op that most people have a new lease of life, some people it doesnt help at all and the very small minority {like me} it makes them worse. So I cant see how they can refuse on the grounds that you are having a TKR and MIGHT be better

  • SteveBurns
    SteveBurns Member Posts: 177
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I believe I was guilty of supplying too much information and that was my downfall.

    I appealed but that was denied as well.

    Once the six months are up I will apply again, that is now after the TKR and I am much worse that I was berfore so it may help.

    keep on at them

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Yes I know we put down as our worst day dont we? I did put all I could and really if am called for assessment would be happy to as I am more streetwise than i was when assessed for ESA.....You just never know who or what numpty is judging you and how they interperet it though do you?
    I did fill in DLA as my sister who works for NHS Highlands mental health and my brother who is a social work manager were adamant I would be eligible for it, I filled it in as my worst day and to the best of my ability and got a fllat no!!That was only a few months ago..

    Elaine, I won't lie either, but there are different ways of putting things. Do we say we're in severe pain when it's true, or do we say that we can manage? Do you need to rest every few yards? I did, but I often gritted my teeth, ignored the pain, and went on, because I'm very determined and I can do that. But for the forms, I told them like it really was, not like it was when I was being tough.

    You might well be eligible for the mobility component of DLA too. I applied on the off chance, and got it for a year. Rules are similar; severe pain on walking. It seems to be even more of a lottery, but it might be worth a try.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Yes i got a reminder about 3 weeks ago that it is expiring on 8th October 2012....
    I think i will be pain free or a lot reduced after the operation but i do think my straight leg will be an issue and will need some extra physio for it...Therefore i see it as a sort of 70/30 result which is better but Im never going to be a spring chicken....I tried to dance last weekend with my dad at the caravan and all i can do it move my leg, sort of half kick it out in a daft fashion, im stuck with my gammy leg!
    They did refuse Steve and think Julia also had to appeal so obvously they do see TKR as a betterment, how they can see so far into the future i dont know?
    I can but try..

    hileena111 wrote:
    Hi Elaine,
    I do hope you get it....I know all authorities/councils are different but did you get a reminder that it was due??
    As for the TKR.....well my mobility is worse since my THR {Dont get DLA either} I was told after the op that most people have a new lease of life, some people it doesnt help at all and the very small minority {like me} it makes them worse. So I cant see how they can refuse on the grounds that you are having a TKR and MIGHT be better

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    So once youre turned down you cannot apply again for another 6 months is that right? Seems harsh as situations can change in days or weeks?
    Its sad to read you are worse with new knee and i think you should qualify without doubt...We all just try our best dont we mate? Information can never be too much..

    SteveBurns wrote:
    I believe I was guilty of supplying too much information and that was my downfall.

    I appealed but that was denied as well.

    Once the six months are up I will apply again, that is now after the TKR and I am much worse that I was berfore so it may help.

    keep on at them

  • loovechocolate
    loovechocolate Member Posts: 77
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I applied for a badge pre my TKR and was approved.
    My philosophy is always tell the truth, the assessor was lovely and very kind she said she could see the pain in eyes even though I was joking with her about not having a leg to stand on if my bones keep crumbling lol
    Be yourself and be honest they know when scammers are trying it on.
    Good luck
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I will keep my fingers crossed it goes through without any problems. Keep us informed how it goes!
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI ILC

    It really is a lottery isnt it who approves or disapproves. I didnt put in lots of extra statements about myself or get my doctor to write anything so maybe I wont get another...I did put in that have grade 4 ostecohondritis and am going to be having a TKR operation and that I am very limited walking/abilitywise because of knee and hip bursitis.
    Id happily go for assessment but wouldnt chat again to the assessor like in my ESA as she appeared to sympathise saying she had bad knee and couldnt squat etc but turned me down flatly?
    I am myself and can see the scammers I think hope people dont think that of me...

    I applied for a badge pre my TKR and was approved.
    My philosophy is always tell the truth, the assessor was lovely and very kind she said she could see the pain in eyes even though I was joking with her about not having a leg to stand on if my bones keep crumbling lol
    Be yourself and be honest they know when scammers are trying it on.
    Good luck
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Bubba/Amanda

    Well im hoping if approved it will come in before old one expires however in the local paper an older lady who had had hip replacements and knee replacements was turned down and she just never got an answer, neither did they return her cheque or let her know if it had been destroyed safely. So if dont hear by 2nd week in october id say I havent been successful...Can only hope in vain...

    bubbadog wrote:
    I will keep my fingers crossed it goes through without any problems. Keep us informed how it goes!
  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine, mine took a long while, but I got it in the end. I think I said something to the effect that I was waiting for TKRs, but had been told it might be a long time after I'd had them that I'd be able to walk normally - it was true. Maybe that helped; who knows? Good luck anyway.