help with arthritis pain

rachelnaero Member Posts: 4
edited 27. Sep 2012, 03:31 in Living with Arthritis archive
hello all, excuse me if this topic has been posted alot but i am new to this forum and haven't scanned them all just yet!!
just wanting some advice really, i have osteoarthritis in my ankle joint pretty bad due to a horse riding accident and so far i have been managing (albeit not very well) on paracetamol 500mg and codeine at night. I have had steroid injections which do take the edge off it and even though i am allowed up to 4 a year this never seems possible due to waiting list etc I have seen my doctor a few times regarding my pain and other aspects e.g but i seem to get the feeling that she doesn't quite believe how painful it is. I must admit i am still active and work full time but this is not without every step being really uncomfortable or extremely painful and i manage it by will power!!! anyway, i am booking myself in to see a new doctor soon and i wondered if anyone could recommend painkillers that find useful. the codeine that i take makes me drowsy which is no good for me during the day and to be honest doesn't always work. I have also tried homeopathic stuff but for some reason they don't agree with my body. any tips or advice would be very helpful.

Also, i think i need to change my job as shop work and waiting on is certainly not helping. would a occupational therapist be the best person to advise me?

thanks again and apologies for waffling on!

Rachel :)


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    welcome you can ask to be sent to a pain clinic they might be able to help more it not easy to cope with pain and co cods send me to sleep great for night time but no good for work messed till up couple of times :oops: val
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, you have not waffled on in the slightest. OA in the ankle is far from pleasant (as it is in any other joint) but there is not much to be done in terms of pain relief. I am on cocodamol 30/500 (30mg of codeine, 500 of paracetamol) for OA in my ankles and knees (and some other arthritis too) and it dulls the sharper edges. My favourite pain relief is general anaesthetic but that tends to leave me unable to get on with things. :wink: For those without arthritis the term pain killer may be appropriate but for us it isn't. I have found over the years that the stronger the relief the further I am removed from the pain rather than the pain being removed from me. Pain is not an easy thing to deal with, it impinges on so many areas of life. Have you tried wearing an ankle support? Supports can be very helpful in easing the strain on the joint but they should be wisely used so that one's muscles don't become too weak. I'm yawning my head off and have to go to bed - I wish you well and if I have any further thoughts I'll come back tomorrow. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rachel, welcome to the forum. Unfortunately OA can set in after injury. You are doing the right thing by planning to go to see another gp. Some have so much more interest in patients with arthritis than others. Well worth finding one that knows about OA and listens to you so that you can both work as a team. Just because you get on with your life that is no reason why any gp should be dismissive of your arthritis.

    Physio can help and for this you can be referred. Pain clinic, as DD suggests can also be beneficial. Again GP can refer you. Steroid injections are good for a time. Perhaps if you wish to have the max injections a year you should chase the hospital up on these so that you are not forgotten. I have a feeling they do not like to keep giving these injections for too long though.

    There are other meds that can be prescribed but many of them do make one feel tired. A good GP will know all the combinations. My opinion is that the meds should be taken regularly to really work rather than on a hit and miss basis, when the pain get really too much. Best get the meds in your system to be continually dampening down the pain/discomfort. That is my humble opinion. Wear sensible shoes of course :wink::) :roll:

    We all try to help and support each other on here so do keep posting as it does help to not feel so alone with it all if you do not know of anyone else who is suffering similar symptoms as yourself.

    Look after yourself,

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rachel,

    Its rough hen its really hurting an the gp's don't seem to believe you. I am with Elna and think a referral to an orthopaedic person would possibly help you. They might be able to do something to help and certainly know more about how much it hurts than most gp's.

    Its seems fairly obvious that the pain relief your on isn't strong enough and could you see a more sympathetic gp maybe in the mean time? I personally think an ortho referral is long overdue and maybe it is something to ask about?

    I hope it will ease up for you for a while soon. OA burns and then goes quiet for the first 2 stages and by 3rd stage the pain tablets you are on will be ineffective and your gp should know that and be helping more so please see a different one as well as ask for a referral. Nice to meet you Cris x
  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Rachel

    I can't add to what's already been said, but just wanted to say "hello" and "welcome".

    Tilly xxx
  • rachelnaero
    rachelnaero Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hello again, thanks for all your responses so quickly! :)
    Unfortunately i have had three bouts of physio and it gets to a stage where i have to give it up as there is so much swelling and stiffness that my angle just will not move past a certain point. i have to walk on tip toes in the morning and after ive been working just until the stiffness eases again! oh the joys.
    I do wear an ankle support made from a swedish company "back on track" and if anyone else is interested i would definitely reccommend one.
    I have tried to be put on regular steroids injections by my local hospital but i keep getting "missed off the list" apparently.. nice! :shock: infact after making my own appointments for the past 3 years and waiting 7 months in-between each one (even though i can apparently have up to 4) i've got fed up so today i am travelling 1 1/2 hrs down the m6 to wrightington arthritis hospital and hoping for a better service!

    i have seen an orthotics specialist so i also wear heel raisers and those special rolled shaped trainers! however to be honest i am happiest in my wellies!!!

    so thanks again everyone for your help, its the first time i have been on a chat forum especially dealing with arthritis and although its crap everyone has the same problem it really helps xxx Rachel :)

    p.s dreamdaisy, hope you don't mind me asking, but do you work and if so what type of job do you do? i am really struggling to think of job types that would suit my ankles. I tried an office job and i stiffen up really bad and a job in a shop kills me half way through!