new to the forum HELP!!!!

nickyr Member Posts: 6
edited 1. Nov 2012, 10:41 in Say Hello Archive
Hello, sorry I havent used a forum before (bit computer illiterate as my children tell me!!). I am 46, i have got psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis and I am now having to choose which anti-tnf to help improve my symptoms.
My mum had the most severe of rheumatoid arthritis in the past and i ahve a desperate fear that I will end up in a situation like she did with no independence (although i know she was treated in the old destructive regime!!) I am really looking forward to being part of the forum and I hope that i can pick up some good advice to help me choose which medication would be best for me. I have recently lost 10kg through really hard work and refocusing on food and I am very aprehensive about starting anti-tnf which will make me put on weight. Any help, support and advice in relation to the anti-tnf with the minimum weight gain will be significantly helpful to me. Thank you so much in advance :):)