Pain in the neck

constable Member Posts: 2,115
edited 22. Nov 2012, 23:46 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi All,

I've just noticed a post about necks and I have been wondering about what to do. As a lot of you know I had the THR just over 18 months ago. Since then I have OA in other parts of my body. I've had no xrays as yet on my neck. It is getting really painful. And it cracks on nearly every movement I make now and giving me bad headaches. Also getting pain coming down my arm and feel sure there is arthur in my elbows because they get very uncomfortable(you know when you know the funny bone, that feeling)Also there seems to be a constant swelling there. If I move my head in any direction it course pain. Worst is bed time when I dont know which way to lay.

Just wondering if anyone has these symptons, should I insist on an xray or not.

Thanks in advance.
Karen xx


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i not had xray but have had physio and if you get good one they great my neck so good now makes life so much better if they tell you to do the exercises stood up they not the best my second one told me to do them layed down and as she had had same thing she knew what she was talking about and trusted her still do exercises if it starts to play up val
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen
    I had xrays on mine and showed up OA,it is blinking painful and yours sounds quite bad, like Val say exercises are good, so I would try to get referred to a physio, then they can give you the right exercises to do, the pins and needles sounds like you have a pinched nerve in your neck, and this can be freed, good luck with it x
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Val and Barbara, you know what it's like. You get fed up with telling the doctor all new things. Much appreciated.
    Karen xx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    constable wrote:
    Thanks Val and Barbara, you know what it's like. You get fed up with telling the doctor all new things. Much appreciated.

    so much so that you avoid going till this lot make you yes been there done that but do not let it get worse or will take longer to sort val
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Val. I wont let it go on.
    Karen xx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think when one joint improves then other pain comes to the front of the pain queue. My ankle was fine until just weeks after my THR.

    I am experiencing similar neck symptoms at the moment although mine is fine at night. I do get the cracking all the time. It seems so loud yet nobody else hears it. An xray would be a good idea so maybe you could mention neck pain keeps you awake at night and you are starting to get frequent headaches. The GP really should take your concerns on board.

    All the best
    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen

    If you are getting headaches and pain down your arm you should really go and see your gp and hear what he has to say and suggest about this. You could ask about xrays and then physio, if he does not suggest it in the first instance.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • knuckleduster
    knuckleduster Member Posts: 551
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I too have neck OA and bad headaches. My osteopath is of great help and I do my bit by doing stretching exercises each day. I have to be careful when going out in the car and I have the back of the seat straight up so I can rest my head on the headrest as I find even the slightest jolt will cause a headache. I also make sure I don't twist my neck to look at the tv and always sit facing friends.

    Ask your gp for an x-ray and then you will know what is what.

    Janet xx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi there,

    Elizabeth, Elna and Janet. Thanks, I will be making an appointment. I am grateful to all of you who have posted.

    Karen xx
  • Soretoe2
    Soretoe2 Member Posts: 198
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Once your arms/hands start tingling or having pins and needle type sensations an MRI scan is the best way to diagnose what the problem is.
    Most gp's will take these symptoms seriously and arrange for one as an x ray doesn't show any where near enough information.
    An irritated nerve is probably the most likeliest option but there are other spinal reasons for this.
    I have several conditions in my cervical spine none of which are easy to live with but the earlier the diagnosis the more likely treatment will help.
    Good luck when you see your gp and hope you have a positive outcome and some pain relief too.
    Let us know how you get on. Joy
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen,

    Flower necks hurt! Mine is shot and apparently unstable;..... Mind they haven't mri'd it for years but they diagnoses advanced spondy and inflammation.

    A coloar isn't my answer as it pushiness the head back and I get pain and pins and meddles but it might be worth seeing a physio?

    You should get an x-ray! Its best to know what's going on there.

    I so wish it was easier for you though,. Nice to see you again by the way. Cris xx

    Karen mine is also zapped with a ton of steroid and botox reagually so maybe you should also ask to see a pain doc... get a good one and they really can help x
  • Fitzroy
    Fitzroy Member Posts: 32
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Karen, Your neck sounds a lot like mine. I finally went and had X-rays last week and got back from the docs just a couple of hours ago. So good topic of discussion for me. I have mild with some moderate degeneration in a couple of disks. Nothing too unusual for a couple of serious whiplashes and a light compression injury a decade or two ago. I find like with my hip, all is not too bad until it's not. I slept a bit funny one night and that was enough to set off an episode of bad pain, spasms and a very stiff neck. I used to like going to sleep because it was one of the few times in the day when I could forget about pain. No such luck at the moment. My doctor tells me to see a physio. Get the exercises and do them every day. No exceptions. Hope you get yours under control. I hate the cracking. It sets off a bad wave of headaches to the point where it's hard to think.
  • lozzC
    lozzC Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I have just found your post! I am bad at checking these forums and always comforted when I do!
    I have RA.... But I have also been having an awful lot of neck pain, when I lie down my arms (and more recently legs) have been going numb/tingly as soon as I lie down, which has been affecting my sleep.

    I am waiting for an x-ray/scan on my neck, but in the mean time I have been going to the physio. As my neck has been too tender to prod too much (and my physio doesn't want to until she has had the results through!!) I have been having acupuncture....
    I can't quite put my finger on it... BUT after 5 weeks, I am feeling looser, and more relaxed and more comfortable.... it has more affects than the silly amounts of tramadol (that just seem to mask the pain of my body).

    I know it doesn't work for everyone, and not everyone reacts in the same way but I do recommend it. It isn't a miracle cure... I know we are all waiting!!! But I am more comfortable :)
    I am willing to try ANYTHING :)

  • LolaCrayola
    LolaCrayola Member Posts: 152
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have chronic nerve pain from the OA in my neck, down my left arm. I had physio, x ray, MRI, and Pain Clinic. I am stuck with it so I try and manage it using physio, medication and heat. It took a year of shooting pains, pins and needles, burning and numbness to get the MRI. Eventually I started dropping things. I hope you all feel better soon.
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all,

    Thanks again for all your posts. Sounds like the neck business is quite common with all of you. I will be making an appointment with the doctors. Just need to get the family sorted first and then I can think about making appointments for me.

    But I will say, by george, doen't it drive you round the twist in the neck, you just cant stop using it.

    Thanks again.
    Karen xx