What's going on??

YellowFish Member Posts: 33
edited 4. Dec 2012, 15:23 in Living with Arthritis archive

Haven't posted on here in ages because I've been really well :-) Hooray!!

Haven't had any problems apart from minor niggles easily controlled with brufen retard and paracetemol . . . had about 6 months or so in the clear. Got married, new job, moved house . . . even started running, been cycling, swimming, playing handball, pilates - generally a very active, happy bunny!

And then last Saturday . . .boom. Woke up with burning pain in my hands, they've swollen up and look like an old witches hands, struggling to straighten my fingers. My feet hurt like hell. Then I have less consistent pain jumping around to different joints - it'll be in my knee for half an hour and then my shoulder/elbow/wrist - but these joints aren't swollen or stiff. My hips get very sore after a few minutes of walking and I look like an old woman.

So 9 days on, I'm still in bits. Am going to see the GP tomorrow and I guess I need to ask to get referred to consultant (I'm in a totally new part of the country now - Darlington, so will start again from the beginning I guess).

Boooooo! But I am so grateful that I had some time feeling strong, and even more glad that I made the most of it!

Anyone else had similar experiences? The pain jumping around to different parts is wierd.


  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi. Sorry this has happened after you being so well. Hopefully, they will get you sorted out quickly. I see the rheumie at Darlington hospital. If you get to see him, he knows his stuff and has done a lot of research and he is very nice and friendly. My pain jumps from place to place. It can be in my hips for an hour then in my hands the next and my knees the next.
  • YellowFish
    YellowFish Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah, that's good to hear. Someone was telling me today I'd need to go to James Cook which would be a pain cos I live very close to the hospital in Darlo.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh bless yellowfish ..that is awful...like you say you are thankful for the time you had pain free, but letting you get used to it ...I do hope your GP has referred you , and please let us know how you get on.
    And many congratulation on your wedding, and good Luck in your new home...you have been busy...now take care of yourself ((((())) xx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    could be the change in waether hope gp good val
  • shandy4greenday
    shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mine is the same the worst of my pain is in my hands,thumbs,wrists and fingers but I also get like cramp and muscle pains in my arms feet ,legs and sometimes the top of my thighs can hurt when I walk and like yourself they could be there for an hour or so then they move around to another part I thought it was normal for that to happen i have only recently got Arthritis so when I mentioned this to the doctor he took no notice only with my hands yet sometimes the muscle pain can be really painful as well I'm still struggling to get a proper diagnosis so I am requesting an x-ray and even a referral if necessary.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Yellowfish, as you said long time no hear! This is what arthritis can do, it can lull you into thinking the drugs are doing their thing and all is well then it pops up when you least expect it. :roll:

    I hope you can get to see a rheumatologist soon and that they will be able to sort out a new treatment plan for you so you can once again get on top of things and get back to having a better quality of life. Please let us know how you get on, yes? I can't help with the hospital thing as I've been with the same one since 2001. Take care. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • YellowFish
    YellowFish Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks guys!

    I saw the GP today - just explained that things have gone past the point where me and him can 'manage' and felt I now needed to step it up a grade - he took one look at my hands and referred me straight away - he even give me an appointment time/date through choose and book which we couldn't do Down South!

    I then reeled off the painkillers etc that I knew I needed to get me through Christmas and so hopefully I'm sorted now.

    Don't think it's going to be an easy year though. I have a crazy class who are sucking my energy and the pain is so draining! Roll on the Christmas holidays.