
Lolabilly Member Posts: 41
edited 17. Jan 2013, 11:51 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all,

I have had two letters through for my MRI and hip injection thing! Talk about fast! Has anyone had a hip injection under general! I'm abit worried as I'm not in the day case unit but on the elective orthopaedic surgery ward and even though a day case admission they put a staying as a in patient leaflet in with the letter!

Struggling with the antrip and co codamol so back to the docs today wish me luck!

Hope everyone is doing ok!



  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Quite a few here have had that injection done under general (it's probably the best way :wink: ) so let's hope it helps matters, yes? It's good it's come through so quickly because you do need to ge this sorted. If you do have to stay in it won't be for long, maybe just overnight. Joints are not meant to have needles inserted and stuff squirted into them, hip joints are pretty deep-seated within the body so you can certainly expect things to be sore after but, if it works, then that won't matter. Good luck with that.

    MRIs are noisy machines, at our hospital they give you ear defenders but no music. The machine makes different noises depending upon what type of scan is being done, you just have to lie there and think pleasant thoughts and you have a call button to hand. My feet get cold so I ask for a blanket. I've had three done of my knees so I don't go all the way in, you may have to go a little further. It's OK though, just noisy. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Lola
    I have had one done under local and one under general...the general was done because they were having a look with a camera has well as the injections...must say with the general I came round very quickly and didnt have much of a anesthetic feeling if you know what i mean...I went home that night..but they have to have a bed just in case you are kept in.
    The local was ok, I was given some good advice to take my cocodamols...just before then they are like a light sedation....and I must say it wasn't too bad...I went home after a couple of hours.
    I do wish you well with them and hope you get some answers and relief x.
  • Lolabilly
    Lolabilly Member Posts: 41
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you dd and Barbara :) you've settled the fears I had :) last time I had a general was because I was having a hip screw removed so i was a little nervous :)!

    I've been back to the docs and got some tramadol and antrip which is slowly making the world of difference at long last!

    Thank you
