Pneumonia and RA flare up

Mormodook Member Posts: 130
Hi .... Wonder if this has affected anyone else . I have had pnuemonia this winter and keep being sent for X-rays to see if it has cleared. Each time I have a little less pneumonia but not totally clear . My RA had been more or less behaving itself for the last couple of years and my RA dr took me off my methotexate in September but then came the pneumonia and it has caused a big flare up of the arthritis. I can't get back on the methotrexate or steroids because of the pneumonia and my rheumatologist is so busy you sometimes can't see her for months . I 've also been told I have nodules on a goitre last week so that has been thrown in to the mix too . Anyone else had this problem or similar experience ? I'm taking Celebrex and solpadol but its not really helping. Thanks everyone .


  • michelle123
    michelle123 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes i to suffered something similar i had the pnuemonia then for the two years after i had it i have had unbearable flare ups have now gone on to methetrexate but i am still having the steroid injections but i am still having trouble with certain joints but i feel your pain and hope things get better for you and kind regards .........
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,874
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mormodook

    Thanks for your posting. I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties your pneumonia has caused you in relation to your RA and having to stop your medication. It could be worth posting this on the Living with arthritis forum , as other people may have had a similar experience.

    For more information on pneumonia see and on goitre at

    You are welcome to ring us anytime you would like to have a chat about things.

    All the best

    Helplines Team