psoriatc arthrits

gazebo Member Posts: 10
i been feeling really fatigued lately and feeling really depressed i didnt know this could be caused through this problem im on methotrexate i get odd days of insomnia and fever like symptoms pain and discomfort in hands irregular times im a self employed decorator so things are hard are these symptoms going to get worse because theres days i struggle to get out of bed any advice appreciated


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear Gazebo,

    Thanks for your post to Helplines. I'm sorry to hear about these low feelings. If you are not sleeping that well and if your arthritis is not yet well controlled it can be really difficult.

    It's hard to say what the future will be like. In order to improve the way the arthritis is controlled it may be necessary to take things gently for a while as things begin to find their level. If the methotrexate dose and things are still being adjusted, then that can take time.

    Your self management may make a difference too - but for now I wonder whether having a chance to talk a bit might be helpful?

    I just want you to feel that you can talk to us online or however and we'll be there to listen. I know that other forum members will want to offer a listening ear too

    I hope we can help further.

    all the best

  • gazebo
    gazebo Member Posts: 10
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thx guy it hard i live on my own and try run my business too its so hard and financially difficult .i try only take on maybe 1 job a week cos if i took more i just be in agony people dont relise im 43 they dont understand cos ur not deformed in any way they think u not got this or days i feel fit as fiddle the next week like death so unpredictable
  • mike26
    mike26 Member Posts: 416
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi gazebo
    the truth is you dont know how long it could go on 4 ,or how (severe or mild) its gonna get. but i do know what your feiling m8 im got PsA as well.
    you only 43 im now 60 so at least not to far to go untill retire.
    my psoriasis started when just after (50) just a few places knee and lower back and behind ears, mild realy ..
    THEN last year arter accident at work (damaged my shoulder)
    it started psoriatc arthritis (inflamatrey) feet.knees,hands,wrists,fingers,
    shoulders, at moment im on methotrexate 20mg, per week and prednisolone 10mg per day.
    I got to the stage where i couldnt work any more. im walking round like a old man of 99 and lost most of my strength.
    just hope can stop this and get better! good luck to you .mike26 :roll:
  • gazebo
    gazebo Member Posts: 10
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thx matey it in my hands elbows and wrists mainly not good in my line work lol i didnt think this could clear up. i do archery too which does help too imho if u you dont keep moving it feels worse and it gives me social life instead of the pub lol its the unknown that get ya down i cant write with pen to much it hurts and i lose control so when u ask someone to fill a form in and explain they just look at ya funny and do it with a huff !
  • mike26
    mike26 Member Posts: 416
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    yes you right
    but youll find hear we know what the pain and living with our conditions are like. the people on here just know what its like more informed.
    forgot to say ive also got plantar fasciitis (foot pain) dont think up and down ladders all day helped.... im self employed to.. mike26 :roll:
  • gazebo
    gazebo Member Posts: 10
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    glad i found the site now i know wot u mean bout ladders lot my work in summer is ladder work so now only regulars get me on ladders good to know theres people understand and help with advice too cheers mike