can i apply/what r my chances for dla in pregnancy

lizzieuk1 Member Posts: 302
edited 4. Feb 2013, 14:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
So am happily 8 weeks preggie with no2 also scared :o !! I know crazy but if we didn't get on with another not sure we ever would have -rheumy wanted me stable first but since thats failed fo r 2 years decided to try anyway.
Anyhow been suffering with my ra since ds1 was born 2 years ago and the meds just aren't working-am off everything at moment but have had a depomedrone which has had limited effect this is my 8th depo in 2 years prev have helped for a few weeks whilst we tried other drug combos but no luck as yet :(
I am self employed in a very physical job and am really suffering my hands shoulders neck and knees are v sore so am struggling to cope esp with house and toddler to look after.
So I've been wondering if I should apply for DLA or if I'm not bad enough for it, I can walk but am in constant pain, I can't grip well in fact cant make a fist at all and managed to break the top off my juice carton using the jar opener aid oops! I am struggling to tighten rt he seat straps on my toddlers car seat which is worrying me.
So for those on DLA and others how bad do I need to be to apply?
Thankies :)


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I know nothing about DLA but I hope someone can help.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi lizzieuk1... and welcome from me
    Sorry I cant really help, but there is no harm in going for it, I think it is mainly the walking and having help dressing,
    hopefully some one will come on with more info.Good Luck.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    you have had RA for longer than the 6 months anyway so it is a long-term condition. I would have thought your pregancy was irrelevant in a sense the RA is though. In your shoes I know I would be giving it a go anyway and taking some advice from CAB as well :)

    Many congratulations on your pregnancy :D Fantastic news!


    Toni xx
  • lizzieuk1
    lizzieuk1 Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks guys I keep thinking about applying then feeling guilty I'm not bad enough seeing those in wheelchairs and using sticks makes me think that I should just carry on but am really struggling to work and not sure how we would cope financially if I didn't work :(
    Am so frustrated my ra was really well controlled for 6 years but since baby arrived has been a nightmare. Am thinking I will need to change jobs but after 10years of studying it grates a bit to think its all wasted as I can't do the job I trained for anymore :( I would have to go fulltime to make anywhere near the money I do now and not sure I can cope with that with the fatigue' any ideas welcomed xx