Worsening condition

Annereedley Member Posts: 2
I am new to this site so forgive any mistakes i make
My arthritis is getting increasingly worse im trying to keep going the best i can wondering what to do .
Ie maybe using crutches instead of a stick which is now really not helping
Increasing pain medication im trying rosehip capsuled at the present not really been on it long enough to say anything about it yet but any advise about it would be great
I have oa in most of my joints hands knees feet hips being the worst the pain has been awful lately i am wondering how much longer i shall be able to walk its getting that bad
Im 70 years old and have had oa for half of my life now starting with a minor problem at 35
I would be greatful for any help i would try anything to get some relief sorryif ive gone on a bit im really just worried all doctors do is give pills but offer no help anyway thanks for your time I,ll be waiting for any help you can advise me to do thankyou anne


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,784
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anne

    Thanks for your posting. I’m really sorry to hear that your arthritis seems to be getting worse. It seems to be very tough for you at the moment.
    To get advice about whether it’s better to use a stick or crutches, it may be worth asking your doctor for a referral to a physiotherapist, as they can advise on this, as well as on things like exercises to do to strengthen the muscles. In relation to rosehip and other complimentary therapies see http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis-information/complementary-and-alternative-medicines.aspx and on Coping with pain and Living with Osteoarthritis see our booklets at http://www.arthritiscare.org.uk/@3235/Listedbytype/Booklets.

    You are welcome to give us a ring on the helplines (0808 800 4050), anytime you would like to have a chat about things.

    All the best

    Helplines Team
  • MUM1
    MUM1 Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi anne sorry to hear that things are bad for you. I hope you get sorted out soon. I too have OA in my knees right hip lower and upper back and and a re-occurance of carpal tunnel from 15 years ago. I am 48.