Hi im new here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

michelle123 Member Posts: 5
edited 25. Feb 2013, 16:40 in Say Hello Archive
Hi i am a 45 year old female who has been diagnosed with RA some years ago but the last few years i find that it is sucking me in it has altered my life which was so different a few years ago .i dont realise the impact it has had until i sit and think about the stage i am at now i thank god for my two children a son aged 21 a daughter aged 12 and a beautiful grandson aged 2 but i am slipping into a very lonely place because of this illnness and would relate to people on this site that are suffering with similar issues its hard to put down in words what i accually feel but i have made a start (well sort of)


  • Thelaststarfighter
    Thelaststarfighter Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi michelle123 it's very nice to meet you and your very welcome.

    I myself am only knew to this game as I was finally diagnosed two weeks ago after 7months of tests with seronegative arthy. First thing I did was log on here and found he folks extremely helpful and very knowledgeable.

    As for a lonely place I know the place well! I am 31 and a joiner,for the next we while anyway. The changes that I have had to make from the first day I arrived at the doctors with the symptoms are huge. :roll:

    My wife and I have not yet had any family and at this age we were thinking of starting one soon, but that was knocked on the head last monday for this year anyway as the sulfasasalinze puts an end to my fertility! :?

    I couldn't help but cry like a baby the other night as I was in so much pain and with all the thoughts of me having to stop the job I love and not being in charge of being able to have a family when it suited us was just to much. :|

    What I do in situations like that is let it all out, have a good cry or what ever suits and when its over pick myself up and carry on.

    You have made the first step, here I am some one you probably never met and prob wont meet letting you know your def not alone.

    We all have our issues and we are all here to help each other.

    TLSF xo
  • michelle123
    michelle123 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you for your reply and yes i have made a start it was accually my husbands idea for me to find a site where i can relate to others and them to me .I have just slipped into a way of life that brings along with it depression i was so active and full of fun and endless energy you know a real life and soul of any party HOW THINGS CHANGE i now find i dont go out anywhere dont want to see anyone and have had to except that my mam is having to help me some days that and not being able to go very far with my grandson has had the biggest impact on me . i to totally understand how the pain brings you to tears ive just come off sulfasalazine onto methetrexate they going to see how i get on with them but some days i just wanna scream the bloody place down so nice to speak to another unfortunate sufferer.....
  • Thelaststarfighter
    Thelaststarfighter Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi michelle,

    The biggest impact on me due to this illness was when my wife broke down due to her feeling insecure. She felt insecure as there was her once strong vibrant very active youngish husband needling help to get to the toilet and to even get up from it! I found hat very hard!

    I still find it so frustrating that this disease has brought me where I am, I didn't ask for it nor want it yet I have it! :oops:

    One guy on a previous post said, suffering is a term he didn't like ad it was passive, he preferred to say he fights the b#g##r! :lol:

    It's lovely to chat with you keep it up sis! we will fight this disease together through the good days and the bad. Just post your thoughts, get them out of your head and on here!

    As for me I'm as usual exhausted an crave sleep, probably he result of the 4 co codamols and two tramadollies i have munched so far today, or the sulfy! Some one of them is bound to make me tired! :lol:

    Nite nite and will look you up tomorrow and see how you get on!
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, it's nice to meet you and your husband was right: you're no longer alone as such because everyone on here can relate to what you are feeling and going through. I am 53, married, no children and reliant on walking aids but so what? Other people are destined for lovely lives, that's never been an option for me. :lol:

    I have psoriatic arthritis in more than a few joints and the joint damage from that has led to osteo in both ankles, both knees and latterly my right hip. I have learned over the years to tailor what I do according to my 'energy' resources (whatever they are :roll: ) and the best lesson I've learned over the years is to stop when I think I can do more. I now routinely cook, clean and iron sitting down (it's not that easy but that way I can get things done) and if something like changing the bed takes all day then it does. My husband is very supportive and never moans about the state of the house etc. He could (and has grounds) but as he knows my response will be something along the lines of 'two of us live here' he wisely doesn't. :wink: He's been quite poorly himself recently and I think now has a better idea of what life is like for me (I told him the stop when you think you can do more thing too). Right, beddy-byes beckons. Take care and keep posting. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben