All that work

katekelly Member Posts: 975
edited 26. Feb 2013, 14:43 in Community Chit-chat archive
Well whilst I have been ill and am now recuperating I have taken up crochet again. I found that it helps with the jitters from the steroids and although the stitching is repetitive there is little or no resistance and so no pressure on my hands so quite therapeutic really. There have been more than a few moments when the air was blue because I dropped a stitch and couldn't feel the wool to pick it up again but never mind. I have done a few small pieces over the years so this time I decided to go for something a bit bigger. I have made a 'poorly' blanket. I think most homes have one -the one you snuggle into on the settee when you're not feeling well! It has ended up about 5feet square and I dead chuffed with it. I have bought a plain 'supersoft' blanket and have backed it with it so very warm. Only problem now is it's so blooming heavy! Ellie said she wanted it and when I said no she said she'd buy it off me! She was most disgruntled when I said she couldn't afford it. I worked it out that there is about 80 hours work in it at minimum wage that's nearly £500.00! Then I got to thinking about all those crocheted and knitted blankets you see in the charity shops
that sell for a couple of pounds all that work for pennies really . How sad is that?
This is a skill that is dying out and I really should show my girls how to do it. I remember my Nan teaching me but along with all Nan's she had so much patience much more than I do with my girls. Perhaps one day I'll have Granddaughters and I cn show them and I also will have patience just like my Nan did with me.

Love Kate x


  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kate,
    I'm sorry to hear that you've been ill, and I hope you are feeling better now.

    Your post reminded me of when I learned to crochet many years ago. My mother-in-law sat very patiently and taught me, so I have very fond memories of her. I also crocheted a blanket for my first effort, but not as big as yours. It was to fit a pram, as I was waiting to adopt at the time. I was very proud of it when finished, and my twins looked very sweet when using it. I've still got it, 40 years later, but now my cat sleeps on it :D

    I think your blanket will be an heirloom to pass on to Ellie. It sounds wonderful :D You are right that we should try to pass on these skills. I have three lovely grand-daughters who are keen to learn.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hello kate
    I am sorry you are poorly, our annie_mial..that used to be on this forum got me going on took me forever to do a baby blanket...but i was so proud when i finished it.
    Yours sounds brilliant..and what a good idea a poorly blanket of your very own...
    I remember in the 60s having a dress crochet for me...gosh I was so pleased with you say these things are not being taught the same..its such a shame what we are losing...could you not back it with a silk like fabric and fill with some light filling..xx
  • LignumVitae
    LignumVitae Member Posts: 1,972
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sadly despite trying my brain is not wired to knit or crochet and even under instruction something happens between my brain and my fingers and the wool does things the opposite way to the way it is supposed to so I admire the concept of a 5 foot blanket like you cannot believe! Well done, that is really amazing and it hasn't taken the six years I would assume it would take (not that I would even manage to complete one in six years with my skill level). I have the blanket that my Mum knitted herself at university resting over the back of my sofa for when I feel the need to snooze. So much more beautiful and interesting than anything shop bought.
    Hey little fighter, things will get brighter
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I always lacked the crochet brain cell. I did knit but only when pregnant. I knit a pram blanket which I was very proud of - gave it away once I'd finished with it. Well done for such perseverance.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright