Worried sick about my mum...

nbl1 Member Posts: 7
edited 6. Mar 2013, 15:51 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the boards and after reading some posts on here it seems that people are really kind and helpful so I thought I would post myself.

My mum was diagnosed with RA almost 2 years ago now and is on Methotrexate injections (she cant take any other medications as she has a history of breast and ovarian cancer). Over the past 4-5 weeks she has been really suffering with fatigue she looks completely drained. She has also had a cough since before christmas (she has had a chronic cough for over 20 years and had every test under the sun, they never know what it is) but it seems to have really flared up lately. She has had 2 chest x-rays, her regular blood tests with the nurse and breathing tests. Her cough was worse at christmas when she went for her regular blood tests the ESR reading came back with something like 27 but the nurse said that was probably due to her cough, when she went last week it had dropped back down to about 2.5.

She also went for a mammogram last week as she has been getting breast pain they did an x-ray too and they all came back clear, the dr said the breast pain may be due to her RA but he wants her to have a bone scan because of her history.

She had breathing tests a few weeks ago and the nurse said there is some sort of obstruction there like her airways arent opening enough, she is now waiting for spirometry tests. Im just terrified its lung cancer and its not showing up on the x-rays. I feel like her health has just deteriorated so much lately im so worried that something is seriously wrong :( please can anyone help or offer some advice?

Thank you x


  • Numptydumpty
    Numptydumpty Member Posts: 6,417
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi nbl1, and welcome to the forum.
    How lovely for your mum to have someone as caring as you in her corner.
    I have RA, and I get terrible pain in my sternum, I think this is quite common with RA. I also have a dry cough, I think the meds have something to do with that.
    It seems the doctors are doing all the tests. I can see however, why you would be worried.
    I can't really offer any help or advice, but hopefully, someone wiser than me will be along soon.
    We are always here for support.
    Take care,
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, it's nice to meet you and I hope we can help with information and support.

    I am on injected meth (and other stuff too) for another form of auto-immune arthritis but, on the instructions of my hospital, I stop it at the first sign of a cough, cold or sore throat. I also have asthma and coughing can be a symptom. Asthma is an auto-immune condition as is RA.

    Fatigue is part-and-parcel of the disease but if your mum is also struggling with this cough then no wonder she is being pulled down so low. It seems positive to me that she is being tested (your poor mum, she must feel a bit like a guinea pig with all of this, that's tough too) but surely this is to rule stuff out rather than rule it in. We are not doctors and cannot make suggestions as to what might be what but I know that some on here have COPD (I think that stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) and that interferes with breathing.

    Please try not to leap into the darker recesses of the medical world - wait until you know what is what so that you can draw accurate conclusions (but I know that is far easier said than done). The human body is weird and wonderful thing in how it can go wrong and so many conditions present with very similar symptoms - you need your energies now to support and encourage your mum, not to fritter them on fretting about what might not be happening. Keep in touch, maybe your mum would like to join us too and I wish you both well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • maggsy
    maggsy Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi welcome to the forum, sorry to hear about your mum.
    i have OA but i also have COPD its good that they are going to do the spirometry tests. I also had a bad chest infection which left me with a cough which went on and on, my chest x ray was also normal, i had the spirometry tests done and it revealed that i have COPD, the problems COPD causes me is shortness of breath, and severe fatigue, The COPD is worse in the winter months due to the cold and also its worse if its windy, it also affects you in the summer months if its very hot. I use many different types inhalers to help with my breathing,
    Please try not to worry hopefully your mum will get an appointment soon

    Maggsy x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello nbl1
    Many years ago I went through this with both my parents and the stress and worry is enormous...I really do feel for you.
    Its lovely that you are there for your mum, and I will have everything crossed for her... make sure you look after yourself in all this.
    And please let us know how your mum gets on ((((()))) xx
  • MUM1
    MUM1 Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    nbl1 wrote:
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the boards and after reading some posts on here it seems that people are really kind and helpful so I thought I would post myself.

    My mum was diagnosed with RA almost 2 years ago now and is on Methotrexate injections (she cant take any other medications as she has a history of breast and ovarian cancer). Over the past 4-5 weeks she has been really suffering with fatigue she looks completely drained. She has also had a cough since before christmas (she has had a chronic cough for over 20 years and had every test under the sun, they never know what it is) but it seems to have really flared up lately. She has had 2 chest x-rays, her regular blood tests with the nurse and breathing tests. Her cough was worse at christmas when she went for her regular blood tests the ESR reading came back with something like 27 but the nurse said that was probably due to her cough, when she went last week it had dropped back down to about 2.5.

    She also went for a mammogram last week as she has been getting breast pain they did an x-ray too and they all came back clear, the dr said the breast pain may be due to her RA but he wants her to have a bone scan because of her history.

    She had breathing tests a few weeks ago and the nurse said there is some sort of obstruction there like her airways arent opening enough, she is now waiting for spirometry tests. Im just terrified its lung cancer and its not showing up on the x-rays. I feel like her health has just deteriorated so much lately im so worried that something is seriously wrong :( please can anyone help or offer some advice?

    Thank you x
    Hi nbl1 if your mum is waiting for a spirometry test this will be to check for/rule out chronic obstructive pulmanory disease(short for COPD).My OH has this and has regular spirometry tests. Hope all goes well with your mum.
  • villier
    villier Member Posts: 4,426
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello rbl1

    Welcome to the forum, sorry your mum is having a rubish time at the moment understandably you are worried, I'm sure a lot of us have been in the same situation so can relate to what you are going through. The good thing is they seem to be trying to get to the route of the problems not so nice for your mum, hopefully they will get to the bottom of it all soon, keep us informed how she gets on.........tc............Marie
    Smile a while and while you smile
    smile another smile and soon there
    will be miles and miles of smiles
    just because you smiled I wish your
    day is full of Smiles
  • nbl1
    nbl1 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks to everyone for your replies! Everyone on here seems so kind and helpful

    Just found out today that she has got her bone scan on monday unfortunately she has to wait until May for the results :(

    Do you think they are just doing the bone scan because of her breast/chest pain or do yoi think the dr suspects something more serious? I cant help but fear the worst

    Thanks again everyone I really appreciate your support x