New Zealand immigration help

Invictus Member Posts: 24

I live and work in the UK but have been offered a job in Auckland. The situation I am in is that for a number of years I have been receiving infliximab infusions for my psoriatic arthritis. My medication is integral to my health so I need to carry on taking it however, I do not know if this drug is covered in NZ.

can anybody help or offer me any advice please?


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,830
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear Invictus,

    Thanks for your post to Helplines. We don't know the situation in out of UK health services, so we'd suggest you contact local arthritis organisations in NZ for their support. And I'm sure that posting on NZ organisations forums will be worth exploring too. Doubtless you'll be able to get supporting documents from your UK rheumatology team to assist you. It's often worth talking things over with your rheumatology specialist nurse well ahead of time too. Your new employer may be able to help with liaison with local health services - perhaps supporting paperwork so you can approach doctors in NZ by email - obviously you'll need to certain of the town where you'll be living.

    If you'd like some informal support do post on Living with arthritis and you are welcome to ring us.

    I hope that is helpful
