hi im new

parry Member Posts: 14
edited 13. May 2013, 14:21 in Say Hello Archive
all my name karen and i am new here and i am 32. i was dionagsed with arthritis last year by my doctor got it in my knees and in my and ankels they sent me for x ray and all they done give me pain killers. i am in angony every day and because i am a bit over wighet doctor dont seem to care i am trying hard to deal with this plus i got a 2 half year old little girl so it can be changling plus suffer with other illness. just looking for friends im from south wales. my hubby is fab but its the pain and i have asked the doctor for some thing diffrent and say no all they give me is co-codmol and ibrofane plus they said i will need new knees when i am 50 i am so furstrated its like no one cares that this affect every day of my life and i am grumpy all the time sorry for the rant


  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen
    And welcome on here we are a friendly bunch who offer great advice and sympathy plus making you laugh depending on your needs at the time
    It must be really difficult having a young one around
    My arthritis started 10 yrs ago when my daughter was 8 & my son 7
    I'm now at the stage where I have Osteoarthritis & Inflammatory arthritis affecting all my joints so have pain 24/7 no matter what medication I take I have also had to retire due to ill health & not even 50 yet :wink:
    Has your GP referred you to a Rheumatologist yet? They are very good at sorting out medication which suits you best, most Rheumatology departments have a nurse specialist who are vey knowledgeable about our conditions. I know I can contact mine any time with any problems or questions I have.
    The trouble with our conditions they are not well known to the public and I often get "well you only have arthritis" which can be really annoying as well as upsetting I know tell people what it's really like and explain its like having severe toothache in my joints surprisingly enough it soon shuts them up.
    Every day is a struggle & I can imagine having a young one who is always on the go must be exhausting for you.
    Just remember this site is always here so you can vent your frustrations and will get support when you need it the most
    Take care
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Parry, it's nice to meet you and I hope we can help with information and support. Like Maria I have two sorts of arthritis, I began with an auto-immune sort and the joint damage from that has led to osteo in both knees, both ankles and my right hip. All I can have for that is pain relief, anti-inflammatory meds and exercise is helpful as it helps the muscles surrounding the joints to stay strong and therefore better support the joints. I struggle with it however as I am not very mobile. The drugs I take for the other sort do not help my OA.

    It is not usual for those with OA to be referred to a rheumatologist as it has a different root cause. GPs treat it and there is not much they can offer until it's time for an orthopaedic surgeon to be involved. New joints are very expensive and will not be considered until a certain level of damage has occurred (or an appropriate age is reached). I need two new knees but will have to wait another year or so - and lose some weight. :wink:

    On-going pain is very difficult to live with, it can make us feel very tired and the frustration of not being able to do what we want can be very demoralising. It must be hard looking after a young child too - I find it hard enough looking after an adult husband. I guess your little one is still in a pushchair - does that help you with support? It is good that your husband is understanding and supportive, mine is too and I always try to get grumpy on here rather than with him because my rubbish health is not his fault and people on here understand better.

    Pace yourself as best you can, make sure you get as much rest as ppossible in between doing the chores etc. I now cook, clean and iron sitting down and rest often. I wish you well and I look forward to seeing your name here and there around the forum. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • parry
    parry Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dreamdaisy wrote:
    Hello Parry, it's nice to meet you and I hope we can help with information and support. Like Maria I have two sorts of arthritis, I began with an auto-immune sort and the joint damage from that has led to osteo in both knees, both ankles and my right hip. All I can have for that is pain relief, anti-inflammatory meds and exercise is helpful as it helps the muscles surrounding the joints to stay strong and therefore better support the joints. I struggle with it however as I am not very mobile. The drugs I take for the other sort do not help my OA.

    It is not usual for those with OA to be referred to a rheumatologist as it has a different root cause. GPs treat it and there is not much they can offer until it's time for an orthopaedic surgeon to be involved. New joints are very expensive and will not be considered until a certain level of damage has occurred (or an appropriate age is reached). I need two new knees but will have to wait another year or so - and lose some weight. :wink:

    On-going pain is very difficult to live with, it can make us feel very tired and the frustration of not being able to do what we want can be very demoralising. It must be hard looking after a young child too - I find it hard enough looking after an adult husband. I guess your little one is still in a pushchair - does that help you with support? It is good that your husband is understanding and supportive, mine is too and I always try to get grumpy on here rather than with him because my rubbish health is not his fault and people on here understand better.

    Pace yourself as best you can, make sure you get as much rest as ppossible in between doing the chores etc. I now cook, clean and iron sitting down and rest often. I wish you well and I look forward to seeing your name here and there around the forum. DD
    hi thanks for your help and advice its nice to hear from some one who understands
  • parry
    parry Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    maria09 wrote:
    Hi Karen
    And welcome on here we are a friendly bunch who offer great advice and sympathy plus making you laugh depending on your needs at the time
    It must be really difficult having a young one around
    My arthritis started 10 yrs ago when my daughter was 8 & my son 7
    I'm now at the stage where I have Osteoarthritis & Inflammatory arthritis affecting all my joints so have pain 24/7 no matter what medication I take I have also had to retire due to ill health & not even 50 yet :wink:
    Has your GP referred you to a Rheumatologist yet? They are very good at sorting out medication which suits you best, most Rheumatology departments have a nurse specialist who are vey knowledgeable about our conditions. I know I can contact mine any time with any problems or questions I have.
    The trouble with our conditions they are not well known to the public and I often get "well you only have arthritis" which can be really annoying as well as upsetting I know tell people what it's really like and explain its like having severe toothache in my joints surprisingly enough it soon shuts them up.
    Every day is a struggle & I can imagine having a young one who is always on the go must be exhausting for you.
    Just remember this site is always here so you can vent your frustrations and will get support when you need it the most
    Take care
    hi thanks yes in pain all the time and no doctors just give me pain killers plus i got other heath problems its just nice having some one who understands thanks
  • polomint63
    polomint63 Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Karen i know it must be hard with wee one as all my friends have grandchildren and it ok too handle them in my arm s till they grow gets me down as i love children i dont have any grandchildren they have had them since they were 38yrs iam just coming up too big 50 thats bad enough hair is grey and i use a stick i feel ascent with a young head iam am on lots of medication amirtyptline diaziapam cetalopram preglabalin oyecontin oynorm etodolac iam rattling ihave had spinal surgery and 2 knee ops along with lots of other procedures be fore all this 5yrs ago i was fine sorry if i sound a moan but dont really talk too people who dont understand pain as they just think auld sear back be good too get a laugh on hear i also suffer memory loss or senior moments last week i get my friends 50th birthday surprise party mixed up from sat /fri felt so bad but we had a catch later in week and she understands have great friends and family thogh all my family dont just understand the pain we suffers can be in they dont know bigger picture when you try hard too put face on it thanks too anyone who has read this as i start too bore myself somtimes :wink::wink:
  • parry
    parry Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    polomint63 wrote:
    Hello Karen i know it must be hard with wee one as all my friends have grandchildren and it ok too handle them in my arm s till they grow gets me down as i love children i dont have any grandchildren they have had them since they were 38yrs iam just coming up too big 50 thats bad enough hair is grey and i use a stick i feel ascent with a young head iam am on lots of medication amirtyptline diaziapam cetalopram preglabalin oyecontin oynorm etodolac iam rattling ihave had spinal surgery and 2 knee ops along with lots of other procedures be fore all this 5yrs ago i was fine sorry if i sound a moan but dont really talk too people who dont understand pain as they just think auld sear back be good too get a laugh on hear i also suffer memory loss or senior moments last week i get my friends 50th birthday surprise party mixed up from sat /fri felt so bad but we had a catch later in week and she understands have great friends and family thogh all my family dont just understand the pain we suffers can be in they dont know bigger picture when you try hard too put face on it thanks too anyone who has read this as i start too bore myself somtimes :wink::wink:
    sorry to hear you had so many ops they said i need a op when i turn 50 i am also on a lot of other meds for other illness but i do understand the about the pain it not a day now i dont have it in my back and my knees
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Parry

    sorry I am late welcoming you, but I am pleased you have found us :) Everyone here is coping with pain so we can really relate to how you are feeling and not judge you.


    Toni xxx