Appeal Work-Related Activity Group to Support Group Success.

routemaster279 Member Posts: 9
Hello everyone.

I want to share with you the very good news that my appeal at the DWP from being placed originally into a work-related activity group to being placed into a support group has been successful. Back on the 4th March 2013, I submitted my Appeal form GL24 as given to me by my local JobCentrePlus, and learned that this had been successful around 9th May 2013 some 60 days after its submission. I am awaiting to hear from the DWP with a statement of reasons. It does mean I am free of it for the next two years when i'm 61 before this has to be done all over again - oh joy. Unless of course medical science invents a new wonder-drug which will cure bodywide OA and fibromyalgia - yeah right.

I did my own appeal, and my GP wrote a letter of support saying he would attend any hearing with me in defence of my claim. I am also very grateful for the kindness and courtesy shown to me by the DWP in my home town and the DWP in Cardiff who also dealt with my forms.

I have written several stinking letters to Atos Healthcare. I cannot put any content in here as it would be inflamatory. Suffice to say though that a recent BBC News item put my claim into perspective and that I had something of worth to persue when I wrote them my letter on Sunday copied to the CEO of Atos in France and my MP. Such is my disgust and contempt for Atos Healthcare, I took it upon myself to read them the proverbial 'riot act'. Not that it'll do much good, but boy did I let them have it with all guns blazing and all barrells firing! I don't care who I upset or insult in Atos Healthcare, and see it as a kind of 'like-for-like' letter.

I thought this worth sharing with you.