Finger joints; anyone else experience this?

Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
edited 16. Jun 2013, 22:16 in Living with Arthritis archive

While I still do not have a specific diagnosis, the current theory is that I have psoriatic arthritis with spinal involvement. I take mtx, hydroxychloroquine (4.5 mths) and a variety of pain meds. I'm at the max dose of a few of them, so no increase is possible.

In the past week or so I've been having a new symptom develop. My hand joints are extremely tender to touch on the underside margins of the joints, near the creases where the joint flexes. It's become so bad in the last few days that I can't touch/use my hands at all. I just want to keep them curled up and not have anything touch the undersides. Strangely, typing is ok but I cannot hold a pen.

Does anyone else have this?

I've had this illness for at least seven years and I've never had this particular symptom before, although I do get severe finger joint pain and mild swelling. This is usually aching/burning, feels like needles poking into joints involved and diffuse aching throughout my hands.




  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anna,

    Yes, mine are often like that & it feels completely different from the stiffness with pain I'd become used too. I can't use mine wen they're like that. It reminds me of my fm pain wen my skin is extremely sensitive & painful :?

    Are you going into a new flare or have you been in the sun maybe?? I'm as stumped as you to be honest, sorry. I just tend to try n ride out the pain & use as many relaxation techniques as I can to help.

    It may be worth contacting ure Rheumy dept Monday for some advice?

    I hope the pain eases.x
    Healing Hugs
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you, Debbie.

    Yes I am in flare-mode right now. I think a moderate one but the symptom pattern is changing, sometimes for the worse, since I started mtx. I always flare severely at this time of year. I have no idea why.

    This one started a week ago when my husband left on a trip. I'm fine on my own but obviously it does something to me. I actually find things a bit easier when he's not here. But, I always flare-up when he leaves. A sign of my undying love I guess :oops:

    I agree, this pain is entirely different from my normal. It's more like the pain of a hundred infected thorns under the joints. EEk!

    Oh well, I'll do some more teeth-gritting and get through. I'm in bed because of my hip and now biopsy sites on the sole of my foot. I will phone the doctor on monday, I think I need to go back on pred for awhile. See what he says.

    Thanks for your input, I'm a bit whimpery today :(
    ((())) back to you,
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Since we're chatting, you mentioned the sun. I haven't been out, but I've noticed in the past my fatigue goes way up and joint pain etc gets a lot worse after some time out in the sun. The skin improves though :? We ruled out lupus in my case but it's bad enough that I'm afraid to sit out too long now.

    Do you have anything similar?

  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    As we've previously decided, well I have, I'm very odd!!Lol I've never been able to tolerate light treatment for my skin, actually the only thing that has helped is methotrexate but natural light, as long as I'm covered in 50 factor total block, is great for me. I believe methotrexate can make you sensitive to sun light tho ... Id check that with ure Gp, Rheumy team or the help line staff hun!!

    I have really severe fatigue at the best of times coz of fibromyalgia so its hard for me to say if the sun makes it worse, I don't think it does tho ... I don't seem to suffer wen we go abroad anyway. Actually the dry heat etc seems to help me!! Regarding flaring at this time of year I wonder if ure affected by humidity like I am? I'm usually awful in the spring-summer months!!

    Tho you find things easier with hubby out of the way & enjoy ure alone time, I do wonder if it makes you stressed?? Stress is a big trigger for my PsA but not my skin!!

    I think you deserve to have a whimper as much as you like hun. It's not easy living with these autoimmune diseases, not one bit!! I had my melt down last night.Lol

    Take care.x
    Healing Hugs
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    yes, you are right about the stress.

    And methotrexate and the sun; it thins the skin by slowing down production of cells so you burn more easily.

    With all practice we get dealing with this stuff, you'd think it would get easier at some point!! I regularly melt down and wonder where my mind has got to now because it sure is missing!! :lol:
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    We manage wen we all put our heads together ;) Lol

    I'm glad me rambling on triggered some links for you tho. Stress is awful for us, I don't know if it has the same affect on RA & other inflammatory arthritises tho?! I'm sure someone will be able to tell us :)

    Talking of not having a mind ... With FM one of the most common things is cognitive difficulties, so memory is affected, finding the right words & silly things like that. It was really frightening in the beginning as I honestly thought it was early onset dementia. Well wen I saw the Neurologist about the brain cyst a couple of weeks ago she was firing questions at me & I kept apologising explaining why I was having difficulties & that it would come to me eventually. She said 'Well if it's real it doesn't actually affect ure memory!!' I was very very good & kept my mouth shut coz I needed answers not chucking out.Lol But I was gobsmacked :( It's not long passed peer review in the states & it's new classification is an immune deficiency, it's been established for a while now as neuro & central nervous system related. I just find younger consultants that are that dismissive really offensive, older ones can be stuck in their ways but they can't ignore evidence!!Ggrrrr

    Rant over. Sorry.x
    Healing Hugs
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    If we go by just the cognitive stuff then I really fit the FM profile. Like you I really struggle now with finding words and remembering spelling, well just remembering in general. I used to have a tremendous memory for all kinds of silly details, now I struggle to remember from minute to minute. It scares me to death. I try to laugh at myself but somehow it's just not that funny...

    Yes, I agree about doctors and FM. I've seen and/or read essays by a few who are non-believers even though, as you say, there's plenty of evidence proving it exists. I guess they just just don't try to stay current on all info. My experience is that doctors in general have a hard time telling their patients they don't know something, or aren't current in their knowledge.

    As odd as it sounds, I picked my current GP because I heard her asking questions and finding things out by research instead of trying to pretend she knew it all. Very refreshing after the previous one who didn't look anything up. I'll never trust doctors completely again, I'm sad to say.

    Now here I go, see how easily these rants happen.
    :D Anna
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Anna have you got FM? See, my memory is awful :?

    Many of my fm support group were very detail orientated b4 FM took a hold!! We generally seem to be very empathetic & sensitive people too. Massive generalization from a small group but I find it interesting :)

    I'm lucky that my regular gp will even pick up the phone & ring a hospital dept for advice if need be. She's very willing to let the specialists do wot they get the big bucks for. Mine is quite a young practice so perhaps that's part of the reason that I was so taken a back by the neurologist's reaction!!

    A good rant is great for clearing out our over cluttered minds ;) We're being very healthy.Lol x
    Healing Hugs
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Debbie;

    I really don't know. I haven't been given a diagnosis for my neurological symptoms. My rheum says I am a diagnostic "mystery". I've been negative for lupus and don't fulfill all diagnostic criteria for FM either. From my point of view it could still be either because of the cognitive symptoms and various CNS disturbances, etc. Or something else?? I know rheumatic diseases are treated similarly, but still it would be nice to have a clearer diagnosis/explanation.

    I'm always in a 'watching and waiting' category with doctors which is very tiresome after 7 years, although it seems there are many others in the boat.

    It's extra complicated in my case because my brother has a mysterious neuropathy that sometimes looks autoimmune, although his tests are negative for autoimmune disease too. The disease he has apparently can be expressed differently in females, progresses more slowly, and affects the body differently. He's stopped going for more testing now because he said he'd had enough of feeling like a "lab rat". Unfortunately he hasn't had his diagnosis confirmed either. He has widespread muscle atrophy, some disability but no pain. I have definite rheumatic disease and pain, muscle weakness but no muscle atrophy, CNS disturbance off & on. I keep asking him to be assessed by a rheumatologist too but he won't. His doctor put him off by telling him that his fatigue wasn't related to the neuro disease!! :x He seems much better able to cope with not knowing than I am.

    I have a GP now that thinks I've been through enough without answers so is willing to do all kinds of tests for me. The previous one did no tests unless you were likely to stop breathing :lol: I really want it figured out for the younger family members who may have inherited the problems, and to know how it may progress, or not. I find I'm so much better able to tolerate my symptoms if I know, and can read about, the physiology behind them.

    As if this wasn't all enough we've both developed a similar internal organ complaint that is in a medical grey area too. Ok I'll stop here. I'm sure that's too much information already :oops: !! All you asked was if I had FM!! :lol: I am realizing I have a lot pent up so thank you for letting me vent ((())).

    Sorry for the rambling letter. Sometimes it's just completely overwhelming.
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    And, to completely answer your question I was diagnosed with FM by two different doctors. Three years ago I was diagnosed with early RA and FM. I'm now seeing two new doctors who don't think I have FM, and the arthritis is definitely not RA. So I guess that means I don't know about the FM:?

    I'm glad you have a good neuro willing to help you in extra ways. Having a doctor do extra things like that sure helps with the worrying.

    Ok, I think I've cleared out some of the mind-clutter now. Until tomorrow at least :D . Take care,

  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ok, I meant GP. I'm supprised a neuro would make a comment like that. Yikes! :shock: