
Tinamb Member Posts: 7
My name is Tina and I've just joined. I've had problems with my left hip with confirmed Arthritis for 4 years. Last October I fell and broke my right ankle. I had to use a frame to hop about as I was non weight baring for 4 weeks and partial for another 4. I had to use a frame rather than crutches as we had a 6 month old pup and the hospital were concerned the pup could knock me over on crutches. Once everything was healed I had been mobile again for about 3 weeks when I started to get a lot of pain right around the top of my arthritic hip leg, and muscle spasms in the front of the thigh when walking and buttock aching. This has become more and more debilitating as the months have gone on even though ive tried going to the gym twice a week to gain strength. I had an X-ray as my last was 3 years ago which showed that the arthritis hadn't changed much but my bone spur on that hip had worsened. They therefore sent me for an MRI on Friday. I see my consultant to discuss the results on 26th. I'm very concerned that the hospital won't help because the arthritis hasn't worsened. Do they perform replacements because of spurs causing pain please? Plus, how do I really know myself that its time to have one. I do have odd days when pain isn't so bad and then wonder to myself if I should have one. I will say though that this year thus far for me has been awful as I can't get out much because of the pain. Thanks for reading.


  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tina
    I don't think as your arthritis hasn't worsened they will give do a total hip replacement there is other things they can do which you need to discuss with your consultant
    You could look up on NHS website I'm sure it's there about hip arthroscopy, or hip resurfacing
    I used to be a nurse on an orthopaedic ward and these were just been performed when I went off sick and now I'm retired so I can offer no information or advice regarding these procedures as I have no knowledge of them but its worth a look
    Hope all goes well
    Let us know how you get on
  • Tinamb
    Tinamb Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for replying Maria. I've had a look on the Internet about the things you suggested. I've also looked at hip impingement and that seems to be my main problem. I am therefore hopeful that they may try to do something to remove or ease it. I suppose what I'm really scared about is that they won't do anything and send me away with painkillers or offer me steroid injections. I've had them before and they only worked for 2 weeks. I think I need to 'man up' and try to be strong when I have my appointment with the consultant and try not to be intimidated. I just can't go on as I am though!!
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tina

    I am a member of the forum. I am sorry to read your story. No fun hopping around on one leg with the aid of a frame. I am wondering if the strain on your hip whilst keeping the other leg off the ground all that time has not done it much good. I have no idea what the consultant will come up with. All I know is that generally they are not too keen to do THRs before trying all other avenues first. By all means gain knowledge and take this with you for your appointment so you can discuss different options with him. Do you think that perhaps you are getting referred pain from your back in your hip/leg as you mention pain in your buttock. Just a thought.

    Knee arthroscopies are not often successful but perhaps hip ones are more so. I hope your appointment goes well and in the direction you would like.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • Tinamb
    Tinamb Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elna,

    I do have degenerated spinal discs as well. I went to see a Orthopaedic clinician and she gave me a thorough exam. She knew all my history and decided on that the pain is coming from my hip. I really do think the hopping has made everything worse and probably increased the bone spurs on my hip. I have had hip injections 3 years ago but was only relieved for 2/3 weeks. I see no point in putting my body through a GA for only 3 weeks pain relief. I'm hoping the MRI I had last week will shed light on what's going on and then the consultant will make decisions. Thanks for replying to me. :D
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,655
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tina firstly welcome to the forum and I hope that you will find it supportive.

    Having looked at the responses to your posting it seems as if you have had some really helpful replies.

    I can hear your concerns around your appointment on the 26th, and really would like to say that is your opportunity to speak to the consultant and get some clarification around your thoughts.

    It might be that the consultant will talk to you about self management and whether or not you have had any physiotherapy. The link below might be helpful to you with regards to self management and arthritis.


    I know it can be really easy to feel intimidated when seeing a consultant. Maybe it would be helpful if you wrote down the questions you want to ask and take that into the appointment with you. That way you won’t forget, which can be easily done when we’re not feeling at ease.

    Tina if you would like to call and speak to one of the team on the Helplines please do so 0808 800 4050 (Monday – Friday 10 – 4) we can talk to you informally about what is going on.

    I hope your appointment goes well.

    Best wishes

  • Tinamb
    Tinamb Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you Lynda.
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Tinamb wrote:
    Hi Elna, Thanks for replying to me. :D

    Hi Tina

    Why not chat to us on the LWA (Living with Arthritis) forum? You will get lots of support and help on there. Do let us know how you go on at your next appointment or before.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.