finally cimzia

gemmapetken Member Posts: 263
edited 6. Aug 2013, 16:30 in Living with Arthritis archive
Ive finally managed to log back in!!

after feeling really bad after my nurse appointment I started Cimzia two weeks ago tomorrow. Its a bit tricky as the medicine is really thick and it bleached my skin at the injection sites!! I think its been having an effect but ive been in a bad way with my knee for 3 days now, dont know wether its the cimzia wearing off or just RA being a pain!! LOL

Ive wrestled with the toughts on going on biologics and if i feel this good (without the knee pain) i would be happy. No hand swelling so thats a positive!1

Anyone else on Cimzia???
Many thanks



  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Congratulations on starting an anti TNF and I hope it does the trick. It's not one I've tried, and I don't know much about it, but if you are feeling OK with it then that is a good sign. I've found over the years that they have not helped much with pain levels so I've had to keep taking the cocos but everyone is different and I hope your pain reduces soon. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gemma,

    I'm due to be starting cimzia in the next week or two, so I'll be watching with interest. :wink:

    It's still early days, so got my fingers crossed for you.

  • gemmapetken
    gemmapetken Member Posts: 263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you for your replies
    I am due my second dose tomorrow so will keep you posted!!
  • gemmapetken
    gemmapetken Member Posts: 263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I had the second dose today. Been signed off by the nurse!! I am competent to administer my own drugs!! Lol
    Bled a bit this time but I don't feel as "weirded out" as I did last time!
    When the nurse started questioning me on my symptoms it really makes you think, pain in my elbows and hand really only returned last night. Have cleaned the house top to bottom today so will see how I feel tomorrow. No real side effects so very happy (ATM) with this drug!!! Will see how I go!!!
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm glad you've had a good day and can now be independant from the nurses!

    If your feeling really bored, having done all your own housework, come round to mine and I'll find something to keep you busy :wink: Serously though, don't do too much and but yourself back. I know on a good day the temptation is to really go for it, but don't do so much that tomorrow you'll feel like a bus has hit you. That's my trick, thinking Im able to do every thing one day and then spending the next in bed or resting, as everything hurts. :roll:

    Take care, and enjoy the effect of the meds, Love Sue.xxxx