I have only just started Methotrexate

Teapot Member Posts: 246
edited 3. Sep 2013, 10:31 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have only been on Methotrexate for 2 weeks and I take Folic Acid once a week. My hands, fingers and feet are hurting. I have been told that it takes a few weeks for it to start working. Did anyone take their Naproxen at the beginning to ease the pain whilst Mtx was kicking in. The Rheumy said I could take when I needed it but that is every morning around 4 am, but I don't want to be reliant on it as I want to know when and if the Mtx starts to work. Any suggestions anyone. Today really aching and feeling a bit down. I am going to hospital for my first lung function test this afternoon so things are moving. I have had chest Xray and have forms for regular tests. Am I being impatient ? and looking for a miracle pill !!!!!! Hope you all have a good day and thanks for reading my moans so early in the day.

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  • trepolpen
    trepolpen Member Posts: 504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thinking wish I had your rheumy guy like wtf , Naproxen is a NSAID & you should be taking it all the time or something similar , it helps with the inflammation & MTX is to control your immuine system

    MTX takes several week to work & get your GP or Rheumy nurse to give you a steriod boast until it kicks in (not steriod tablets)
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I agree. My rheumy had me on ibuprofen & tummy protectors as soon as I was diagnosed. U ought to ask ure GP for advise on this!!

    Mtx can 6-8 wks to kick in so ure a long way off yet. Uve been treated really well so far :) x
    Healing Hugs
  • Teapot
    Teapot Member Posts: 246
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you so much all. It is so nice to have this forum when I have a question or am feeling down. Now I understand that I should still be taking the Naproxen and tummy protectors so I will start them again now and perhaps it will ease off as the day goes on. I thought the Mtx would do the job - bit nieve of me but Rheumy never really explained in full that I should continue with Naproxene he only said take when needed so I took that to be when I am really in pain but as this is most days in my hands and feet I will go back to them. Will need to read up a bit more of Mtx but at least on here I am beginning to understand and learn a lot more. Consultants are alright but sometimes I feel they think the patient knows as much as them and sometimes I feel I need them to give me an idiots guide. thank you again so much and I am feeling better already in my head.....hope my body follows x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It can take anywhere between two and twelve weeks for the meth to begin to have an effect. The only effect I think I have from it is that it is (hopefully) preventing further damage. I have never found the anti-inflammatories work as pain relief either, probably because I started them far too late (I was at least eight years in before I was given my first one). Don't get your hopes up too high, Valde, that way you can be pleasantly surprised when things to work. You may not feel an immediate effect but hopefully you will soon start to feel better in yourself as the disease is brought under control. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just to add that methotrexate can take up to 3 months to kick in which both my rheumy, rheumy nurse and GP all reiterated the point
    I'm lucky I have a great team who keep me well informed but that might just be the fact I'm a nurse or was up until earlier in the year
    I hope it kicks in soon mine hasn't but did have to stop taking it for 8wks due to an operation and wound healing been back on it 3 weeks but no improvement yet
    As the saying goes keep taking the tablets
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I cant help but I do want to wish you well with the meth, and please let us know how it goes x
  • Kittkat
    Kittkat Member Posts: 309
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I got meth naproxen with stomach protector my rheum called it combination therapy. I think you should take the naproxen regularly or you may not get a benefit.Also I hope it kicks in soon for you best of luck
    How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
  • theunfamousfly
    theunfamousfly Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been on MTX year, they tell you it takes up to 12 weeks to work but its done nothing for me and my PsA though it totally cleared up my trivial skin Ps so I think thats why I am kept on it.
    I think from what i understand if you get through the first few weeks without an allergic reaction you just need to stick with it. I found when I started on it ( I took it at bed time) but couldn't sleep at all- like I was wired to the moon or something. Oddly was never that tired the next day either.
    I found the nausea and other side effect wore off after time and I went a good 3-4 months with little issue on it. But about 9 months in I started to get quite sick feeling and now I have been put on injections to give that a go.
    The difference is not earth shattering but seems a bit more tolerable. Will give it 6 weeks as there is a significant difference in cost, £4 odd for a pack of 28tabs against £70 for an injection ( the nurse told me).
  • happbthots
    happbthots Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Valdez
    I have been on metho now for 2 years firstly on the tablets & then changed over to injections due to the nausea. It does take time but I had a steroid injection at the start & it truly was a life saver as really helped with the pain until the metho kicked in. Even tho I'm on the metho I still get flare ups & from time to time I have had to get a steroid jab. Keep the chin up :)
  • lizzieuk1
    lizzieuk1 Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    As others say up to 12 weeks and stick with naproxen. Def ask for a steroid jab call the rheumy dept or helpline if u have one., they work wonders for me and may get you over the few months it takes mtx to work.
    Remember ur blood tests too. :)
  • shandy4greenday
    shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I still take my Naproxen everyday and I have been on Methotrexate since February my hands and wrists have recently been getting worse.It normally can take anything from 12 weeks to start to work but for some maybe not as well,most people have found it helps a lot I am still unsure if mine is working fully but I am not back to Rheumatology till October so I would carry on with Naproxen if you have been told you can take it as that helps me quite a lot.
  • destiny0321
    destiny0321 Member Posts: 88
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i have been on meth for 10yrs now & i take naproxen x2 every day as well as folic acid i take folic acid 6days & on the 7th day i dont.
    but arther getting worse shoulders arms, right knee, back ect,ect.
    can no longer use crutches ect now have to use a wheelchair.keep smiling
  • DebraKelly
    DebraKelly Member Posts: 398
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been on Meth for the past 4 years, first tablets then injections and now back on the tablets. Its a great drug and I wouldn't be without it.
    Although this past year I have really struggled with my RA but that has been due to other events too.

    I tried naproxen at the start, but it caused me all sorts of problems so I got taken off it. I was on Sulpha for a while too but got taken off that.

    I get a steriod injection into my knee every 6 months or so and they really help too. Have also had a few injections into my bum! lol :oops:

    I take a folic acid the day after Meth and then every 2 days after that.

    Please message me if you want any advise with Meth as I have been on it a while now and would be happy to help.

    Although I would be totally lost without this forum! :)

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