Electro acupuncture

suziekettles Member Posts: 8
edited 16. Sep 2013, 13:45 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello. I have a low back and knee problem, can anyone relate to this and give me any advice or wisdom, or suggest something I've not thought of. :| :roll:
Has anyone has electro acupuncture or laser acupuncture? I had my first appointment with the pain clinic last week. The doctor has suggested trying this, following it up with use of a tens machine. I have attended the ROH in Birmingham for a number of years.
I've had increasing low back pain for a number of years. I have a thoracic scoliosis that has never been corrected, but has caused excessive wear and tear on my low back, had a decompression and fusion 8 yrs ago, a good year followed, but gradually pain has returned. Have had facet joint injections & an epidural, but neither of these made any difference. I manage on tramadol 100mg & Gabapentin 100mg in the morning & 200 mgs of each at bedtime. If I just potter round, I'm ok, but if I walk for more than 5 minutes or so, pain gradually builds up, this is really affecting my quality of life. My last MRI shows excessive wear & tear and more surgery is not indicated unless I have more leg involvement, treatment is managing symptoms. I'm only 52, also have bad knees, particularly the right one, which contributes to my misery! Have had knees injected with steroid/anti inflammatory juice, good response for a couple of years, but makes little difference now. Just prescribed Naproxen for knees and have been referred to a knee man.
We are going on holiday next week, I know that I am going to spend most of my time lounging around with a book and iPod, but husband will want to be out walking and exploring, I would have joined in until a few yrs ago, I'm so sick of the situation.


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Suzie
    have you tried a wheelchair or a mobility scoota some holiday places have them for people to get around on.
    enjoy your holiday
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I hope I can help. I too have knee problems but in my case it was initially caused by an auto-immune arthritis (PsA) which affects other joints too. I never had that good a response to aspirations and steroid injections - steroids vary in their effectiveness but they are not a 'cure', the trouble will return. Have you been offered any blood tests to rule in (or maybe out) an inflammatory arthritis? Do your knees swell or feel hot to the touch? I was then diagnosed in April 2011 with OA of the knees and that feels very different in the way it hurts. The meds for the PsA don't touch the OA which is not surprising.

    I concur with Joan, hire a scooter so can go with your man on some trips or maybe get yourself a cheap rollator. Me and my husband have led 'separate' holidays for years now, I have been on crutches since 2002 and now use a rollator to get about - that is a great help, mine has a seat so I can rest when needed. I have OA in both ankles, both knees and my right hip so I can empathise with the pain and discomfort in getting about - I too feel old before my time (I am 54). I wish you well and I hope you have a lovely holiday. DD

    PS I once tried needle acupuncture and got nowhere, I have not tried the other methods but there's no harm in giving them a go, especially if the NHS will provide the initial sessions.
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Suzie
    You do seem to have a good pain clinic ..the only thing I was offered was injections and ordinary acupuncture...sorry I haven't heard of them so wont be much help.
    I have OA in quite a few joints and just had my first THR,and awaiting the other..I bit the bullet last year and hired a wheelchair whilst on holiday...I could walk with it and sit in it has required...needs must I'm afraid...must say I got used to it after the first couple of days..I also use one at home when we go out and about...
    I do hope you get some help very soon,and have a good holiday x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello suzykettles. I'm sorry you're in so much pain right now. Not exactly what's required for a holiday, is it :roll: I'm afraid age has nothing to do with arthritis except in the eyes of those who don't have it. I got mine at 15 but one has only to look at the 'My Child Has Arthritis' forum to realise how indiscriminating this disease can be.

    If the Pain Clinic is recommending acupuncture then do give it a go. I tried the usual sort (needles) years ago. On the first occasion it helped a bit very temporarily. On the second it didn't. I think much might depend on the practitioner. If the NHS is sending you, yours should be OK.

    If you got 2 years' worth of help from your steroid jab you did very well. Why not ask for more?

    As for the holiday – as others have said, a scooter or rollator will help. That way you can join in. A book and iPod can also come in when you feel you've done enough. Then just sit down and read or whatever until he returns :D
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've had ordinary acupuncture with needles and it lasted 5 days out of the 7 {before I got the next lot} It was NHS
    I have a scooter for holidays if the place is big or hilly but you can hire them. I also have a rollator which I use most of the time and it comes as do the crutches :lol::lol::lol:
    Good job the kids are grown and don't come now....I wouldn't have room for everything :lol:
    I've got scoliosis in my spine, spinal stenosis, OA in lower back, hips and ankle
    I will not be left behind......I'll get out and about with my different aids :wink:
