support groups rutland

jt58 Member Posts: 14
Hello me again. I live in Rutland and have been looking for a local support group without much joy. Could do with something in the day time as I don’t get out much at night. Would welcome any ideas. JT x


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,863
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear JT

    Thank you for your posting on the forum. Our branches / support groups are set out by county on our website. I have looked at this and cannot see any that are in Rutland but you may like to take a look at the surrounding counties to see if any branches are accessible to you. You can see these on the link

    You can also contact our Central England office to see if they are aware of any branches that may be starting in your area. The contact details for Central England are on the link

    I hope that this information is helpful to you.

    Best Wishes
  • jt58
    jt58 Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thanks for that, I think that my nearest branches aren’t quite near enough. I did attend an arthritis day at the local volunteer centre a few years ago and they canvassed people about setting up a group but I heard nothing further so perhaps there is no demand.

    With thanks Jane
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,863
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Jane,

    Why not give us a call at Helplines? We might be able to discuss things and see if there are any other ideas that might be helpful.

    all the best
