Podiatrist, Serbacous Cysts and very itchy scalp - questions

Mat48 Member Posts: 1,075
edited 8. Oct 2013, 09:04 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi All.

I am off to Edinburgh on Tuesday and booked myself my first ever appointment with a podiatrist who has been well recommended to me by various friends. If I'd asked for a referral I would have got nowhere fast because there's a very long queue so I just thought I'd splash out since I'm in town anyway. My feet look perfectly normal - small and dainty though I do say so myself :oops: unlike any other part of me! But they don't feel it - they are really sore around the toe joints and tendons and my achilles tendons hurt and are increasingly stiff - can't feel any swelling but when I get up to go to the toilet in the night they are really very sore indeed and this is getting worse daily now and is making me hobble - especially when I first start moving.

So what might I expect from half an hour with a podiatrist if there's nothing visibly wrong? Should I bother going at all? I only wear flat shoes and always use insoles so I thought he might advise on these but could he tell if there's inflammation there perhaps or is this not the job of a podiatrist?

Second question - I have what GP says is probably a serbaceous cyst on the side of my nose very close to my eye. It sits behind my glasses and is only mildly sore and uncomfortable sometimes when I push my glasses up onto my nose. I have had it for ages but assumed it was one of many litttle blisters caused, so I thought, by Methotrexate. Now I've been off this drug for over two months and the little cyst is going nowhere and there are other tiny ones on my face. Is there a link with autoimmunity and these cysts I wonder or is it just an age thing (I'm fifty and post meno). GP said if I want to get it removed it will have to be "a plastic job" because of where it is (so little tissue around it and very close to my eye). I'm being considered for anti-tnf so I'm wondering if I should pursue this sooner rather than later re infection? It's really pretty small - size of a lentil - but a bit annoying and red and shiny too and if it increases in size it will be more uncomfortable re my glasses which I wear all the time.

Finally - I had an extremely itchy scalp last time I came off Methotrexate and I treated it with Betacap the GP gave me. I went back on MTX and it went away. I use special coal tar shampoo and it's been fine until a few weeks ago it returned. Now it is back with a vengeance. Any ideas about what this could mean?
If you get lemons, make lemonade


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mat

    Lovely to see you.

    I can't answer all your questions, but am glad you have decided to take the bull by the horns and see a podiatrist. I think he/she will help you quite a lot in 1/2 an hour. Your insoles might not be right for you for instance and your gait can be 'off' amongst other things. If you don't go ahead with the appointment you might regret it I think??

    As far as the wee cyst is concerned in your shoes I would definitely have rid of it before your antiTNF then it's done and dusted. Must be irritating being near where your specs sit :?

    Have you ever seen a dermatologist about your scalp issues I wonder???


    Toni xx
  • Mat48
    Mat48 Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for this advice Toni. I've never seen a podiatrist before so a bit apprehensive. My GP checked my feet last week and said he could see no inflammation but the areas affected tied in with the slow return of my RA he thought.

    I used to suffer from terrible eczema and alopecia and this obviously affected my scalp too. Haven't seen a dermatologist - my GP said last time she didn't feel it corresponded with psoriasis as I had wondered as there were no plaques she could see - just red, dry and itchy. I just wondered is all.

    I will ask about the lentil cyst under my glasses - not sure if I would be able to get this done on NHS as they could say its just cosmetic presently. But I would like shot of it in case it gets infected. X
    If you get lemons, make lemonade
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Am I right in thinking you've recently been treated for RLS? It's just my hubby has it extremely badly & also has very tight Achilles tendons, I've no idea if the 2 are related but anything is possible!! I'd advise heal dips & raises on a step to try & re-lengthen them ... This, along with other more evil ways, was how we, as gymnastic coaches, would stretch & lengthen that tendon in gymnasts ... Its safe :)

    I can't offer much in the way of advice re ure cyst but I'd personally want to see dermatologist about it & ure scalp!! They are the experts after all.

    I have severe chronic plaque psoriasis, I also get other types. My youngest daughter has just been diagnosed with scalp psoriasis :cry: My point is it looks NOTHING like any of mine!!

    Uve been off of mtx for 2 months, I've been off of it for 3 months ..... I'm plastered head to toe & everywhere in between with plaques, guttate, scalp & nail psoriasis!! My PsA is rampant too. It's very hard going.

    I'm still having neuro problems which I think are related to the 1.5cm cyst in my brain, my gp agrees but the neuro doesn't :? More appointment waiting.Ggrrr

    Good luck with the podiatrist :)

    Healing Hugs
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mat, just a few words about sebacious cysts. The good news is that they are easily removed surgically, and if causing you are problem, wouldn't be regarded as 'cosmetic'. My suggestion (if you have the time) is to apply a hot compress to the cyst, several times a day. After a period of time (weeks or months) the heat sometimes dissolves the substance. Anyway, might be worth a try :)
  • Mat48
    Mat48 Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Mr Optimist this sounds very hopeful and I will try it. Matxx
    If you get lemons, make lemonade