Passed out during infusion today

SaraD Member Posts: 31
edited 12. Oct 2013, 17:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all

Not had a great day. Was due my infusion of Inflixmab at 10.30am. They checked my ops, put the canular in, gave me the pre steriod injection, then started the infusion that should have taken an hour. Two minutes later I started feeling unwell. Next thing I know I'm waking up with an Oxygen mask on and surrounded by nurses and a doctor and everyone looking very concerned. They stopped the infusion so I've got no relief for the pain and kept me in the rest of the day. They also told me not to drive home so had the hassle of trying to get someone to pick me up and take me the twenty five miles home. Car is still there! My mum has been great as usual but there is only so much she can do. She said she feels helpless. Trouble is now i'm not sure if they will continue me on the drug. I've had five infusions in total and been fine. They can't understand why I had a bad reaction today. Anyway moan over. I know you all have it equally as bad as me in one way or another.



  • purpleowl
    purpleowl Member Posts: 231
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sara,

    I'm sorry that you've had such a miserable time today.

    hope the weekend is better for you!

    Trish x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Not good at all, Sara. Especially if you don't know whether or not you'll be able to continue with the infusions. I hope it turns out to be a minor blip.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • thistlegirl
    thistlegirl Member Posts: 229
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    oh dear, was it your first time at an hour? hopefully they will take you back to a slower infusion rate for a few goes and try again. how has your health been otherwise, any bugs going around? I am no doctor but I would be surprised if you were not given another try at least, you have had 5 other successful infusions so fingers crossed!
    I hope you hear from them after the weekend, if not I would be calling the rhumy nurse line and asking what the plan is.
    Infliximab is one of many infusions out there, have you been on any other ones before? If it turns out that you can't tolerate one there are always new ones waiting in the wings for us to try.

    I hope not too sore, it is so tough when you get sent home without your infusion as you have been counting down the days for the relief. treat yourself well this weekend, try to think of this as a hiccup not a brick wall?

  • lulubell69
    lulubell69 Member Posts: 110
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sara
    Is it possible you had an anaphylactic reaction whilst receiving your treatment. I was having my third infusion of infliximab a few months ago when I very suddenly felt unwell then I couldn't breath and passed out. I was vaguely aware of nurses and doctors doing their stuff and was told afterwards it was anaphylactic shock. I was unable to continue the treatment and I am now awaiting another new treatment.
    Reading your post it sounds just like my experience, however I have a rash (hives) just after my second infusion and apparently this is an early indication of an allergy.
    Did the staff not explain to you afterwards what and why it had happened?
    Forgot to say, I am 44 and being treated for RA and have been on most if not all standard treatments for arthritis.
    Take care and good luck.
  • SaraD
    SaraD Member Posts: 31
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all

    Thanks for your replies. I'm feeling loads better today although not much sleep. Think that was the steriod they managed to get in before my infusion failed.

    Hey Thistle it is my second time over an hour and I do hope they will give it another go but at a slower pace.

    Hey Les I don't think it was anaphylactic. They kept asking me about my breathing but it was fine. They checked my chest too. Apparently I started off by going very red in the face. Nurse said I looked like a tomatoe!!! Then vision went funny and I blacked out but only for a brief time probably less than a minute before I came to and vision started to come back. I think as I've been having a flare up over the last 3 weeks and been off work and in a lot of pain my body couldn't cope with the hour infusion and just shut down. The nurses they said they werent sure why it happened. I do hope they let me give it another go. I'll call the hospital on Monday and see what I can sort out.

    Thanks again for the replies.

  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh dear, Sara, you poor thing but I'm glad you're feeling a bit brighter today. Did you have the infusion lying down? It might be helpful for the next one for you to be lying down and you will hopefully be less likely to pass out.

    Hope you get a better night of sleep tonight. Rest up and take care!
  • As5567
    As5567 Member Posts: 665
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry to hear about what happened. I always wounder why there is such a variation in how inflixmab is given. For example I don't get any pre meds now (I did for the build up doses) I also won't be having 1 hour infusions until I have been on the medication for 1 year and 6 months.

    I hope that the doctors do give you another chance as medications like this can often be resumed after reactions, I had a reaction to Ritiximab on my 2nd dose and was offered another try but at a slower rate and a different mix of pre meds.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Sara

    I am so sorry - I hope that they will give you another try if that's what you want.

    Love and ((()))

    toni xxx