Cumbrian Bake Off

elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
edited 20. Oct 2013, 11:41 in Community Chit-chat archive

My niece is coming tomorrow and its her birthday as well so I decided to save as I'm stony broke, make her a carrot cake. Well the more I thought about it thought that's a bit mean so have ended up making carrot cake, streusal cake (which is still in oven and not sure if its a faliure yet) so she would have something to take down to Reading with her....Well also saw Jamie's show and saw recipe for butternut squash rotolo...Bascially I've bitten off more than can chew and am paying for it!
Have done (almost) two cakes and squash is roasting, still got it to finish off but I ache, my leg hurts - didn't think it would, after 1.5 hours in kitchen and still got another hour or so to do...I guess this answers my question could I take up a retail job again, standing on my feet - NO!
Im bushed! Wish hadn't tried to do so much!

Elainexx :-((