Hi my name is Glyn

Glyn Member Posts: 3
edited 21. Dec 2013, 04:52 in Say Hello Archive
I am 56 years old and I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and it has become a very big shock and of course depressing. I felt a lump in near the bottom of my spine and after it being cleared as nothing terminal but osteoarthritis I thought ok I can deal with that, however, three days later I was back at the doctors complaining about a great deal of pain. Unfortunately she was dismissive wondering why I had not said anything three days earlier. I now think in that three days my shoulders wanted to join in.

Since then over the last two weeks I am concentrating getting through each day after having no previous signs of arthritis and dare I say looked after myself by regular exercise , diet etc. This was attributed to having Tinnitus over 20 years ago and having to keep that at bay, but unfortunately I do not think that T and O like to share the same room.

Prior to having O I would swim most mornings and I know exercise is good for it but I am struggling emotionally and can only just drag myself out of bed after trying to sleep. I am working because I know from my experience with T you have to keep going, but I am sure that they know there is something wrong with me because I probably appear a miserable git recently.

I used to cope with T by strapping an audio device to my back whilst doing DIY, or going for a walk and listening to a book, which then engages the brain and not the T. Now I am worried about the future because I was trying to undertake a career change, so I had plans and I am worried if this O gets worse it will continually exacerbate my T and I will not be able to undertake activities like I used to.

Xmas has always been a difficult time for me with a disrupted family life and learning to live on my own, and of course I am not feeling too jolly, but just by being able to write my feelings will help I am sure.
I am going to see the doctor on Monday and tell her about the dark place I feel in at the moment and hopefully she will not be so dismissive.
Thanks for reading


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, it's nice to meet you but I am sorry you have had to find us. I have drug-induced tinnitus (thanks to years of taking a med for my auto-immune arthritis) which affects many joints) and OA in both ankles, both knees and my right hip thanks to the joint damage caused by that arthritis so yes, I can empathise because it's not easy. I have to go to bed soon because we moved last Friday and I am utterly shattered with the unpacking (having been shattered by packing before we moved!) but I will be back tomorrow and hope to be of more help then. Rest assured you are talking to the initiated - well, talking to those who care to listen. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Glyn :(

    I am so sorry you are suffering so much with the OA and the tinnitus too. I have tinnitus myself, but it really only troubles me at night when I am trying to drop off to sleep.

    The pain though? your GP hasn't offered any pain relief/follow up treatment??? As you say maybe because the pain took 3 days to emerge so badly :(

    I hope she helps you when you return to see her because there is lots that can be done to ease things. Many pain medications are available and not all will make the T worse for you I hope.

    Treatments can range from self help ones like heat (hot water bottle wheatbag maybe a tens machine? through to physio and hydrotherapy. Some areas have pain clinics who can help. I personally went on one of arthritis care's pain management courses


    which really helped me to cope with pain and the feelings of isolation it can bring.

    You have done the right thing joining us lot and hope you find the forums as helpful as I have over the years

    Toni xx