Hip replacement

Merlyn909 Member Posts: 12
My doctor and I have discussed hip replacement but not just yet. How soon after surgery can I expect to get back to normality.ie going back to work?


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,830
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi merlyn 909, thank you for your posting. You ask 'how soon after surgery can you expect to get back to normality, i.e. work'.
    Firstly everyone is different as is their recovery rate, when it comes to work one of the factors may be which type of work you do.
    Remaining as healthy and fit as you can prior to surgery is important. Do speak to your consultant as he/she would be best placed to answer your concerns.
    The following link to Arthritis Research UK 'Hip replacement' has information on what you can expect pre and post surgery:
    You are most welcome to call our Helplines: 0808 800 4050 (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) here we can talk informally and in confidence.
    Best wishes