dalaney Member Posts: 22
Hi has anyone had any success with receiving a PIP assessment and decision I have been waiting over 5 months now and still have not had an assessment this is getting ridiculous what are other peoples experience of PIP


  • hopeful93
    hopeful93 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I applied for pip in july had assesment in sept with capitita and apparently mine is still in the last stage with the healthcare professional or so they say , its ridiculous I spoke to a benefit welfare advisor and they said all the applications they have made havent had 1 decision.
  • ziggy
    ziggy Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    my grandaughter waited from sept to february and has just had a reply and been granted PIP.she did phone Atos and complained and lo and behold they suddenly sent her an appointment for assessment 2 weeks later she was awarded PIP