waiting for referal date to see rheumatiololgist

tam1272 Member Posts: 15
i have suffered on and off for many years with pains in one knee and my hands and wrists but never really worried too much about it. last year i had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands.

just before xmas i started to get pains in my shoulders, elbows and my wrists hands and knees got worse. after going to the docs i was sent for blood tests which came back positive to arthitis so i am now waiting to see a specialist.

it is a worrying time for me. i have read a little on ra. even though my blood tests were positive is it still possible that i dont have arthitis?


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,784
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear tam1272,

    Thanks for your post to Helplines. I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with pain in several areas of your body. I can appreciate that you may not want to have to consider another type of arthritis on top of the carpel tunnel that you've already been treated for.

    However if your GP has suspected an inflammatory type of arthritis and referred you to rheumatology then you'll be going to the best place to have the matter thoroughly investigated. These days the key to good management of arthritis is getting treated swiftly - it's the way that much joint damage is prevented.

    But there's a side of any arthritis that may simply feel like bad news - no matter that treatments are often effective. So if you'd like to talk over how you are feeling and have some support, you are always welcome to ring us at the Helpline.

    Also on the Living with arthritis forum you'll find lots of people who 'get' any feelings that you might like to share. You don't have to pretend to feel cheerful if it's a bad day.

    But do give us a call if you'd like to.

    Kind regards
