Pregnancy and withdrawal of drugs

lisacook315 Member Posts: 8
edited 2. Mar 2014, 09:51 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all,

I am 29, have RA and 8 weeks ago came off Humira (anti-tnf) to try for a baby in 5 months time. I have been told by my Consultant that the side effects of Humira on unborn babies are unknown so best to come off all together.

Only 8 weeks in I had a big flare up this weekend - wrists, hands, both shoulders. Having been on Humira for 3 years with no flare ups, its scary to be back in this place.

Can anyone share their experieces of withdrawal of meds, pregnancy itself, if its been easy to conceive and what you have experienced? Its all a little daunting and appreciate each case is different but I have noone to talk to that is an RA sufferer who wants to try for a baby.




  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lisa!

    I've been waiting for someone to come along in a similar situation to me! Did you see the recent thread 'pregnancy and biologics' on here? I've written lots on there.

    I'm lucky I've not been bad enough to need anti tnfs yet but came off methotrexate a while ago and currently trying to manage a flare up with steroids in order to ttc soon.

    Wont repeat what I've written but have a little look. There are members on here too who've successfully been through it all, lignumvitae is one who had twins last year! I haven't heard from her personally but if you type 'pregnancy' into the search box it will bring up some old posts that I found useful to read.

    Also have a look at 2 of the of the girls blogs 'operation up the duff' and 'its all about getting from a to b', their stories are very warming but again I've never spoken to em on here, they're all too busy with babies now!

    Oh and I've ordered a book called 'pregnancy arthritis and the road to parenthood' which was highly recommended. Haven't received it yet.

    Cariad xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Lisa
    We do have a couple of ladies that have come off there meds to have a family, one of then has twins, the thing is has you can imagine she is so busy..I will PM her for you, and hopefully she will see it soon
    You could try the search at the top of the forum..sorry im not much help, but I do wish you well for the future , I can only imagine how scary it is for you..fingers crossed the flare eases up very soon xx
  • lisacook315
    lisacook315 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Barbara, appreciate your help.

    Hi Cariad,

    Good to hear from you. Its nice to hear from someone in a similar position to me. I had a call tonight from my rheumatology nurse and she said dependent on how severe I feel my flare up is, I can go in for a steroid injection or course of steroid tablets. She also mentioned that Sulfazalazine and Hydroxychloroquine are safe in pregnancy. Trouble is I was diagnosed in 2004 with RA and have failed on Sulfazalazine, Hydroxychlorquine, Lefluenomide and Methotrexate before finding some thing that made me feel like me again - Humira.

    I feel in a bit of a pickle at the moment as I've been told I will lose my Humira funding if I am off it for 12 months or more. I'd love to try for a baby but scared that if I have a baby, what state will I be in after. Without Humira will I be able to cope, decisions decisions.

    It was good to read your posts, I can see we are similar in age. I find it a real struggle finding anyone who is of a similar age.

    Where are you based? How are you coping at the moment?

    Lisa x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Lisa and Cariad
    I have PMed lignumvitae for you, like I said she doesn't come on much ..not surprising really but she had her lovely hopefully if she sees my PM she will offer some help to you both..I do wish you both well for the future..xx
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'd love to try for a baby but scared that if I have a baby, what state will I be in after. Without Humira will I be able to cope, decisions decisions.

    These are good questions to be asking, Lisa. It's not just the pregnancy but also the lifelong after-effects :lol: Mine are grown-up now but it was tough when they were younger.

    Have you considered adoption? I have two lovely grandsons one of whom is adopted. He has brought every bit as much joy and happiness to his parents as the natural son has to his.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • DebraKelly
    DebraKelly Member Posts: 398
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I have come of Methatrexate twice in the past year to try and have a baby (I have RA). This has not been successful for me at all.

    The first time I came off I was ok until about week 6 then I had a major flare up and couldn't walk, I ended up being off work for 4 years as a result.

    In June last year I developed Coshcundritis (chest inflamation) which is a very painful condition and as such went back on the Methatrexate.

    I came back off the Methatrexate again in October and in early January I had to go back on as my chest problem flared up again and I ended up in hospital.

    Overall it has not been a pleasant experience for me, espcially after having a miscarriage 2 years ago.

    But please don't let this put you off, we are all different and cope with things differently, I have not given up on on trying again, but we may have to go down another route if I can't come of the Methatrexate again.
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi debrakelly,

    I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sure you've already considered everything having been through all that twice, but was there an option of controlling you on a 'safer' alternative than methotrexate so you can try again? I know people do take other DMARDs and even anti TNFs during pregnancy, could they sort of cross-taper you off mtx and onto something else?

    I hope we're all successful at some point! Don't lose hope xx
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi again Lisa,

    Yes we're similar in age (I'm 29 this year) and I also find it hard to be able to discuss things with someone who understands. I'm finding myself worrying about everything at the moment, no idea how long it will even take to conceive etc, which I know is the same for all women wanting a baby but with the added worry of having to manage off meds while potentially damaging your joints and long term health.... :roll:

    I've been managing with steroids for a few months now, I was pretty good for the first 9 months off mtx and didn't need anything except occasional NSAIDS, I wish I'd timed things better! Have you ever had the steroid injections or tablets? I've had IM injections, IV injections recently and prednisolone by mouth currently as I think I need a more prolonged effect from them, the injections didn't last long this time even in high doses.

    Seeing rheum next week to discuss things but I'm guessing it will be down to my decision as to what to do next! Have you discussed this flare with your rheum yet to see what they suggest? It seems some rheumatologists are happy to continue anti tnfs during pregnancy, some say stop when you find out you are, and some say stop for ages before! I found something that told me the timescale recommended for each of them before ttc, I'll see if I can find it again for you but I'm sure the longest one was infliximab which recommended 6 months off it, the others were shorter. if you didn't have to wait the whole 7 months it would be easier.
    Try this link, I think OTIS is American but they've been studying the effects of anti tnfs in pregnancy in women with autoimmune diseases.

    Re losing the funding, that doesn't sound right to me if you came off to have a baby? I wonder if the helpline team on here could advise you on that?

    I also worry how I'll cope with a baby esp if the notorious post birth flare comes. If you're happy not to breastfeed you could probably restart meds straight away though? That's sort of my plan. Have you got any support you could rely on if you struggled afterwards?

    So many things to consider aren't there...

    Mod Supplement

    Please take care if visiting the OTIS site linked above: it is indeed American, contains advertising for US products & advice that may contradict best UK practice. It also requests personal details for research, which is not recommended. A search for appropriate UK NHS advice or request information via our Helplines team may be helpful.

    Mod B
  • Amyhassall
    Amyhassall Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm so happy to have found this link!

    I'm 28 and my husband and I want to have a baby.

    Came of humiera at the end of last year and went onto sulphazalazine. Now really struggling as sulphazalazine isn't working.

    Seeing my rheumy on 3rd March and want to talk through option with him but I really want to do it with as few drugs as possible.

    If you could do a timetable and know how long you have to battle through the pain and stiffness it might be easier but I'm really struggling in the mornings and work is hell.

    What dose of steroids are you on?

    Exciting times for us all but it sometimes feel like everything is a battle that everyone else finds so easy so I'm glad to have found this and people who understand.
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Amy!
    I'm so pleased were all in the same boat too! (Although we'd obviously all prefer not to have to worry about arthritis when ttc)

    I'm currently on 15mg prednisolone, been on it 2 and a half weeks and increased to 20mg for 5 days as it didn't work at first. I'm not sure how long I'll be on it, expecting symptoms to worsen if I start trying to come off it as I can tell my joints are dying to flare up! Im also taking arcoxia (NSAID) but would stop this when pregnant. Ideally I'd rather not be on anything when I get preg really, but we don't always get 'ideal' with arthritis do we?! If I can't control things with pred I was thinking of asking about sulfasalazine or hydroxychloroquine. I was first put on sulfasalazine when I was diagnosed at 21 but after about 2 months my neutrophils and white cells dipped dramatically and I had to stop it, so I'm not sure if they'd let me try it again.

    Is yours RA? How old we're you when you were diagnosed?

    Work is hard for me too at the moment, particularly early mornings, I've just had 2 weeks off but went back this week. Also, I can tell everyone is thinking 'why aren't you restarting your meds if things are this bad?' And I can't explain to them that its because I want a baby!
  • Amyhassall
    Amyhassall Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I know exactly what you mean with work! There's only a certain number of times you can say 'just having a bad day!'

    I've got JIA (juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and was diagnosed when I was 1. I bet it was horrible being diagnosed at 21.

    I'm really tempted to just take a dose of steroids but will try and hold off to see my rheumy.

    I sometimes feel like they don't listen and just want to get you on the drugs for an easy life. It's also so confusing that you get a different answer depending on which rheumy you see!

    Has the bad weather effected you?
  • lisacook315
    lisacook315 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Debrakelly,

    I'm sorry to hear that too. Sounds like you are staying strong and positive and will get there one way or another. Hope your flare calms soon for you xx

    Hi Cariad,

    Thanks for your reply. I have had steroids in then past and find that I respond better to oral tablets as opposed to the injection. My Doctor says I can have them if need be but trying to stay drug clear which is hard.

    Re losing the funding I've been told that for 'whatever reason' if I come off Humira for 12 months or more my funding would cease. I explained that I can't go back through the process of failing on Sulfasalazine, Hydroxychloroquine, Lefleunomide and Methotrexate again. My Rheumy said that wouldn't necessarily happen so I'm going to probe more at my next app and get some more concrete answers.

    In terms of support post baby my Mum could help I'm sure but it's the little things like doing poppers up on a baby grow and actually holding the baby that makes me worry. I'm sure I'll be fine. Having heard other posts on here where people have had month/year long flare ups- I don't seem to suffer from long periods of flare ups (mine are quite short and sharp) so I'm starting to thing my RA isn't as bad as some people so counting myself blessed in that respect. In terms of NSAID are you on Diclofenac, Naproxen or something like that? Xx

    Hi Amyhassall,

    I'm glad you found the link too! I'm the same as you in terms of this timetable of pain, we just don't know how long things will take so it's hard to know how long to persevere for. How long are staying of Humira before ttc?

    The morning stiffness gets me too, it takes double the time to get ready for work just to get up and get the joints moving. I work full time and the fatigue is also back with a bang! I now work locally which is good. I used to do the London commute and that would certainly take its toll now. I'm in a unique situation as my Manager has RA so I can talk to her about it. I was hoping to make it through this period without telling her but I found it hard to cover up the flare up last week when I've been fine on Humira for 3 years. There is only so much 'oh I hurt my shoulder at the weekend' excuses that you can make.

    I was diagnosed at Uni when I was 19 and sorry to hear you were diagnosed at 1. I'm now 29 so I've had 'Arthur' as I call him for the last 10 years and that feels like a lifetime. Must have been hard having it since you were little.

    Would be great if we could all keep in contact through this next daunting but exciting phase of our lives.

  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone,

    The site I was thinking of when I thought I'd seen recommended timescales for biologics was on the NASS website (national ankylosing spondylitis society) which I look at as well as RA info as I'm not sure if I actually have RA or AS. It does recommend at least 5 months off humira, as does the manufacturer of humira.

    You poor thing Amy I can't imagine having lived with this since I was a baby. I was diagnosed in my fourth year of uni and it came as a shock but luckily only interfered with my final year but I managed fine in the end. I was put on drugs very quickly which I think is partly to thank for me not being too disabled by it. I've had a mostly normal life during my 20s.

    Lisa that's rubbish about the funding, doesn't sound fair. I'd definitely check with a few different sources if I were you.

    I also count myself lucky that I don't seem to have arthritis as bad as I could, I've never needed biologics as yet and was pretty well controlled on mtx. I started coming off because I was so good and my symptoms changed a lot from the beginning when they were peripheral and started to get more sacroiliac/AS type symptoms so didn't know if I should be on mtx anymore anyway. I'm taking Arcoxia 90mg NSAID at the moment which I know I'll have to stop when get serious about ttc. I'd like to not take the steroids for the first trimester if possible too but who knows what will happen.

    Lisa it's sort of good your manager has RA, at least she can empathise. Have you told her about ttc then? It's just so hard when no one understands in work, especially as they never see you in the morning or evenings when things are at their worst. I can look pretty normal during the day when I'm in work which doesn't help people understand does it? I can't help thinking I'm just a pain to everyone because I can't carry out my normal duties at the moment, and even though there is a job I can do sitting down, its interfering with other people's work. They try to sympathise but I'm sure they'd rather have someone without these problems! I've been seeing occ health recently and the dr is very nice and supportive, he mentioned reduced hours etc but I don't feel I want to do that just yet. Need all the money I can get if thinking of having a baby and going part time!

    I agree Lisa its so nice to talk to people going through a similar thing, its a massive help to me as I've been feeling really stressed about everything! I talk to my husband about it and my family a bit but you guys are actually experiencing the same kinds of feelings as me! Do keep posting, I've noticed a lot of previous people asking these questions don't hang around for long on here xx
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh and thankyou Barbara for your kind words and support! X
  • DebraKelly
    DebraKelly Member Posts: 398
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Morning stiffness is something that I have suffered from since my original diagnosies.

    It does come and go, but can be quite painful.

    Swimming does help with this if thats a possibility.
    I try and swim at least twice a week if i can.
  • Amyhassall
    Amyhassall Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yes I have found swimming does help if you can make yourself do it!

    What painkillers do you guys take?
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think the term 'morning stiffness' does it no justice at all! Try morning-raging-joint-pain-swelling-stiffness-aches-all-over-coupled-with-fatigue-because-you-haven't-slept-ness!!

    I also try to swim when I can, especially to keep the spinal side of things flexible, terrified of the ' ankylosing' part of AS happening to me. If my feet are bad or don't want to aggravate the hip/SI area I use a float between my legs and just use arms to swim which is good, excercising does make me feel better about myself.

    Im a bit fed up tbh, my peripheral joints are getting worse and I haven't had these problems for years which is just proving to me that the mtx was doing a good job. Could hardly put my foot on the floor this morning and took so long to get ready for work :( steroids don't seem enough alone. In terms of painkillers Amy, I'm taking arcoxia (NSAID) and co-codamol
    When required, sometimes the strong 30/500 ones but only at night cause they space me out!

    Seeing rheum tomorrow and just cannot decide what to do about meds-to restart something or not? Would prob have to put off ttc for now if I do. It's also the last time I'm seeing him because I've been transfered to a different hospital, so I'm going to write down everything I want to ask. I'm also worried that if I start something now who will monitor my bloods etc while I'm transferring care?

    How are the rest of you doing? Sorry for any typos the iPhone isn't good for forum posting!
  • lisacook315
    lisacook315 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi guys,

    I know what you mean about morning stiffness, I am particularly bad at night at the moment and the fatigue is wearing me down. I could fall asleep at my desk right now!

    Cariad - I've never heard of Arcoxia, it that a better tolerated NSAID? I'm currently on Diclofenac but its really upsetting my stomach (it always has but particularly more so at the moment).

    I used to exercise 3 times a week on Humira and now I'm off it I can't go -my joints are swollen and stiff and I'd be in agony. Its getting me down as I need the buzz from exercise.

    Hope tomorrow goes well Cariad - my next app is 7th April so need to get some answers about Humira and my funding. Easy for me to say but I hope you try to keep going, we are all strong at heart and can tackle this RA/AS!!

    I'm particularly bad at the mo and hoping to power on through. If this continues into next week I'm going to get a steroid injection. Its my 30th birthday in April and my husband is taking me to Venice and I really want to have a good time so I might have an injection closer to then. I've got tubi-grip on my wrists to help type today but the amount of attention if gets is not good 'whats happened? Have you sprained your wrist' the well rehearsed answer is yes I have!

    Its good my Manager has RA but I work in a busy HR team and I know the pressure any absence etc will have on her so its a fine line between personal/work. I have told her about ttc because she is all to aware why someone with RA would come off meds and its hard to hide now I'm flaring most days. It just circulates round my body at the moment - 1 day my wrist, next day my shoulder, then my hip etc.

    Is anyone aware of any RA groups in Surrey/London? I'd really like a network but stuggling to find anything.

    L x
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh yes the fatigue! I'm really struggling with that too at the moment just want to go to bed after work! I'm 4 days into 12 days working in a row and already struggling!

    Arcoxia is etoricoxib, One of the cox-2 NSAIDs and yes it is supposed to be better on the stomach. However I think I'm prescribed it because its supposed to be particularly good for AS and sacroiliac inflammation, not sure if they use it in RA so much. You could ask your rheum about trying a different NSAID though. Are you taking a stomach protector like omeprazole/lansoprazole? When I'm flaring it doesn't seem like NSAIDs do much, but maybe I'd notice if I stopped it.

    I really don't know what to do, I can sort of deal with the pain etc if i know i have a goal (a baby!) but worrying about the long term damage I'm doing letting this flare go on, its been almost 6 months now. and with the guesswork of how long it would take to ttc and whether I would even get the remission people talk about during pg. We haven't actually started ttc, we were putting it off as we've got a special holiday booked in may, and other reasons why timing isn't great, but now this ongoing flare is changing things! We had a bit of a chat today, I really don't want to put things off too much longer so I'm thinking possibly of asking to start one of the 'safe' drugs for pregnancy, giving it a few months to settle things (hopefully) then thinking about ttc when I'm more stable. I'm not keen on taking anything while pg though so would prob stop drugs when I knew I was, which kind of seems silly I know as I could be stopping them just when they start really working! Arrrgh I just don't know!

    Sorry to hear you're bad Lisa :( is it a depot intramuscular injection they're planning or IV? the depots have been quite good for me in the past but not sure i can have one while on steroid tabs. Have you been to Venice? We went on our honeymoon last year and absolutely loved it!! Would be good if your joints were better cause you can do a lot of walking there, just wandering the endless streets is amazing! But you can also take lots of stops in trattorias when you need to for wine :lol: and make sure you take the gondola ride, its expensive but so lovely and you can rest for an hour or so while the gondolier takes over!

    Im sorry I don't know of any regional groups, I've never looked into that kind of thing xx
  • Amyhassall
    Amyhassall Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It's so great reading all your replies!

    The fatigue really is hard isn't it! I'm currently training to be an accountant and work 9-5 then come home and study. This week hasn't been productive!

    My knee has decided to flare really badly and I'm like you guys and thinking is this a good idea or should I go back on the drugs but then equally don't want to go back and do the past months again! Thinking like you guys that steroid injections are a good idea. Do you know how long you have to stay still for after these for best result?

    I've just ordered ovulation tests so that when we can try I can hopefully know when is the best timing.

    Venice sounds amazing. I've never been but would love to one day. I'm going to Canada in April and want to feel like I want to move (at the moment I'm in one of those phases you all know well where moving is avoided as much as possible). Regretting choosing such a cold place when lying on a hot beach would be best for my joints!
  • lisacook315
    lisacook315 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi guys,

    I respond well to oral steroids as opposed to an injection. Going to get a GP app tomorrow as they give them to me save contacting my consultant. I'm not sure about the staying still bit.

    Full time work is knackering at the moment and bet it's harder training too Amy!

    Yes I've been to Venice before and love it, my husband hasn't been but I know he'll love it! Canada sounds amazing, hopefully the fact your away and taking a break from day to day stress will help even if it is cold!

    Rich and I have a special holiday in July that we were going to have and then ttc after but since the flares started we are going to ttc ASAP- mid May for me which feels ages away! My consultant says as I'm 30 this year, I don't want to have age against me as well as everything else...think that was his way of telling me to get on with ttc if I wanted a baby! I'm going to start the ovulation stick tests next month to get a sense of timing...don't you think ttc is more like a project than romantic and spontaneous?!

    I found some regional groups on NRAS website in the end but still quite far really. I'm South London based where are you guys based? Xx
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hey Amy, have you seen the new forum thread 'preparing for pregnancy'? Lignumvitae has kindly started the post, she's one of the people on here who successfully had twins!

    Just letting you know incase you hadn't seen it. I also put my update from today on the thread! Hope you're well (as well as you can be!) xx
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Amyhassall wrote:

    My knee has decided to flare really badly and I'm like you guys and thinking is this a good idea or should I go back on the drugs but then equally don't want to go back and do the past months again! Thinking like you guys that steroid injections are a good idea. Do you know how long you have to stay still for after these for best result?

    Amy did you mean the injections directly into the joint by this? I had one yesterday into my left foot sort of under the little toe joint, I wasn't expecting him to offer me that yesterday but took him up on it cause that joint looked like it was getting worse and he thought it was pretty bad (I thought nobody could tell from the outside but I guess he's got a good eye for it!).

    Anyway, I think you're supposed to rest the injected joint for at least a few days after. this is where i came into difficulty with work yesterday when i went in and told them i couldn't see how i could work the whole weekend like this when i can barely put my foot down and I'm supposed to rest it! I'd say it does get more stiff and a bit worse before it gets better. It sort of felt numb (i think they inject lignocaine a local anaesthetic as well as the steroid) but more puffy and stiff and still painful all day yesterday. Driving was difficult as its my clutch foot. Bit better today i think though. I remember the same when I had my ankle injected a few years ago. The IM or IV injections on the other hand, I don't think you particularly need to rest after but obviously you'd normally have them when your joints are pretty bad so you should generally be resting anyway then!

    I said I didn't think NSAIDs did much for me.... Well I ran out of Arcoxia on thurs due to being disorganised and not ordering more, so consequently didn't take it yesterday am. I thought I was having a bad day yesterday but gees, my Sacroiliac pain didn't half get worse last night! Was up at 4am this morning as couldnt sleep due to the pain, came down and took the Arcoxia which luckily my husband managed to get for me at 6pm before the surgery closed. Still a lot of SI pain this am but unless its a coincidence, the Arcoxia was doing a lot for the SI pain! Now I'm worried about that because I need to stop it to ttc, NSAIDs can affect fertility and ovulation and from what I've read I don't think they're particularly safe in pregnancy, possible increased risk of mc etc :( well 'possible risk' is too much of a risk as far as I'm concerned!

    On a nicer note, I'm so glad it's 1st march (and st David's day :) ) as I hate jan and feb! And its a beautiful day which always makes me feel more positive! Xx
  • bluefish
    bluefish Member Posts: 16
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi ladies
    Had RA since I was 13 moderate to severe and sero positive. Am 36 now, Meds wise been through most of them including a few anti tnf and settled on humira and methotrexate. 6 years ago I came off all and wowzers it was hard felt bloody awful. Had heaps of steroids and only just touched the surface. After 6 months like that we realized that I was so poorly that I wouldn't conceive like that! so reluctantly went back on humira and kept trying after lots of advice and amazing support from hospital, still no luck then fertility investigations, followed by 3 rounds of unsuccessful IUI then one successful IVF and am now the oh so happy mummy of a 2 and half year old girl!

    I was on humira and between 10-20mg prednisalone a day. I also breastfeed for a year after too on same meds. I met another girl through this forum who was same (including fertility treatment!) she was on humira on and off too I think.

    It wasnt easy but just wanted to say I did it and best of luck to you all
  • Cariad71
    Cariad71 Member Posts: 99
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi bluefish,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It must have been so difficult having fertility issues to deal with on top of all the other worries, but you didn't give up!

    Steroids aren't managing me very well either they seem to just wear off but just hoping I will conceive quickly. Seems like such a long road ahead though with everything that can go wrong or not work out as you thought! Xx