shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
edited 5. Mar 2014, 12:37 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello I was on ESA but in December ATOS failed my medical and I was advised by DWP not to appeal as I wouldn't win so I didn't and had to go back onto JSA.I started doing some voluntary in January as I was unable to get work for the time being.I have been unable to do any voluntary now for the last 4 weeks due to being so ill.Last week I was advised to take 2 co-codamol with 2 Tramadol and this caused me to have a partial overdose that I thought I was no longer going to be here anymore.I was vomiting all day and just wanted to sleep but was too scared to even sleep.I even contacted A&E who could only advise me to drink sips of water.I was so scared I missed all my medication for 24 hours because my GP didn't even contact me until 5pm when I had called early in the morning expressing my concern.Now all I take is co-codamol as Tramadol does not agree with me.Now since Tuesday I have been in absolute agony with my sciatica which has now moved to my lower back top of thigh on my left side.I can't even put a pair of sock and shoes on or sit at all and walking is also agony.Everytime I walk a few steps I catch the nerve and recently I have noticed my left knee is also numb and I get pain in the knee also.All my GP can offer me is physio but they tell me they can't offer me any until my pain is under control or it will be too painful.It just seems to be getting worse and wondering if maybe I have a slipped disc or something like that.I don't know how I am expected to work with all this pain it worth getting a sick note and trying to get back on ESA as I don't know how long this will go on for as it's been since October but only got worse since January.Any advise would be much appreciated as I am in so much pain I have never experienced pain like it before.I want to work but I really am unable to at the moment.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm so sorry about all the pain you're currently experiencing and I can't help at all with advice re ESA. I think the cocos plus tramadol is a very difficult matter. Some say it's OK and others not. In fact the only thing I can offer is that a sock aid plus a long-handled shoe-horn would help in that department. Other than that I can only say I hope it all calms down sooner rather than later.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think that tramadol are the 'adult' version of cocodamol so no wonder you became so ill. It's a case of one or the other but pain levels vary so much: one man's agony is another's niggle. :roll: I make do with the minimum of pain 'relief' having learned over the years that nothing works as I wish. It's not easy.

    I don't know enough about the benefits system but I wonder if the CAB could be of any help? Work-wise I was self-employed so didn't have to worry about who could do what because my fate was in my hands . Sciatica is a nightmare, my late Ma had it and found that hydrotherapy plus ultra-sound helped but only after she badgered her hospital into giving her more than the usual six weeks. As I said, it's not easy. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • shandy4greenday
    shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thankyou I was thinking the same if maybe CAB could be any use.I can't believe all this time since October I have been experiencing Sciatica and I thought it was all to do with my RA.The only thing I am thankful for right now is that my RA is quite under control.It just feels at the moment I get over one thing and move on to the next.I wish I could earn enough to work at home it would make things much easier.I have decided not to touch Tramadol again as on it's own it still gave me an upset stomach.Today is the first day for some time my pain is bearable that I have been able to get up and walk about a bit today.I have always tried not to take any pain killers unless it is a last resort but the last 2 days I have taken them when I have got up in the morning,lunch and at bedtime as I have needed them and maybe that has helped with today being a little easier.I hope it is a sign of some easier days ahead it is driving me mad not being able to get around and do my day to day stuff and is especially hard when I still have 2 children to get to school each day even though my daughter helps when she can.Fingers crossed for some easier days ahead.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,405
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, and sorry you are having a tough time, that sounded like a terrifying experience with the tablets. :( I am posting lateish so if I find out any differently I will come back, but as far as I have always been aware, you can reapply for a sickness/disability benefit if your condition has changed/worsened, and it certainly sounds as though your has. I am not sure from memory how long any period is that you are required to wait before reapplying and it may have changed. I would have thought that applying again would be reasonable (assuming you can face it of course). It doesn't sound as though you should have been advised not to appeal, & to apply for JSA, but then again the DWP are not really impartial in this situation as they are not 'outside' in the way CAB etc are. Hope you can get some helpful advice about your position. If voluntary work was too much for you then you are not fit to work by any means, are you. All the best, toady.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It seems hugely unfair that other things happen to us on top of the arthritis - and it is easy for us to blame new troubles on arthritis when they are not connected. Sciatica can sort itself out over time in a way that RA rarely deigns. The Working Matters has been combined with Benefits, it may be worth your reading through some threads on there to find other people's experiences. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • shandy4greenday
    shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just a quick update from my last post.My doctor has given me a sicknote for a month and feels I am unable to work at the moment.i have a physio appointment finally for next Thursday 13th.I have applied for ESA again but I am quite worried about my medical as it was declined on my last ATOS medical.I also have now got my wrist pains back that I am stating to wonder if mine is worse in the summer as the last time they were this bad was back in August last year.On a good note my back pain and thigh pain has been a lot more bearable lately with my new pain killers.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,405
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Glad you are in less pain but you are bound to be worried about another Atos 'do'. Round up all the supporting stuff you can like letters from gp & clinic appointments, the more the better, & give it your best shot it's all you can do, you might get a better Atos person this time.. plus if you have worsening symptoms it may make a difference. Make sure they know if there are things you can only do on a rare good day, or can do but will suffer after so that it would make your condition worse. Are the CAB going to help you with your claim etc?
  • shandy4greenday
    shandy4greenday Member Posts: 344
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you for that.I've not contacted CAB it may be worth giving them a call perhaps.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,405
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    If you can't get sorted with CAB or want to do your own thing (that worked best for me to be honest) there are very good guides to completing the ESA50 on the net.. and useful sites for advice that helped me enormously with my claim. If you need any pointers do update your thread & I expect there are useful threads on the benefit section here. :)