Arthritis, the menopause and hrt

ouchpotato Member Posts: 453
edited 24. Mar 2014, 06:48 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello everyone

I am fairly sure I am going through the menopause. Messed up cycles, waking up drowning in sweat, and other rather more delicate symptoms. I have an appt on Monday with the Dr, but wanted to ask on here first what your thoughts are on hrt. I have OA, and as the menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis I was wondering whether hrt might help prevent further OA damage?

Thoughts and opinions appreciated.



  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    As far as I understand it HRT delays the inevitable so I guess it comes down to dealing with it now or much later - the choice is yours. I went through a difficult period of melting, sweating beyond reason, flushes ,the lot but wanted it done and dusted: much to my chagrin they continue, albeit at a reduced rate which I can only attribute to the meds for my PsA and the dullers for the OA.

    We're female. We cannot win. :wink: DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Lubs
    Lubs Member Posts: 155
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Ouch,

    I will give you the same advice that I gave my mother when she had a full hysterectomy. As we get older the amount of bone being broken down is greater than the amount being made. HRT will provide your body with the hormones that are needed to help generate bone density. Don't get me wrong, you should be still doing small repetitive weights (like lifting a small tin can). This also helps to generate bone density.
    However, the side effects of HRT are great as well and you need to look into them. This is for you to discus with the GP and nurse. I know my mother slowly came off her tablets recently, by taking the HRT tablet every other day. But she is healthy and able to go to yoga five times in a week.

    Take care and good luck with the decision.
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hey Ouch, I think I'm properly going to help a little with this question! Well you know I have Osteoporosis, I'm also going through the menopause after having a Hysterectomy when I was 25yrs old so I'm a old hand at the good ol' menopause now! I use a HRT Gel that has worked better than tablets for me. Yes I do get the occasional hot flush still and mood swing. As for it causing more damage I can't say a definite yes but my deterioration has carried on but I can't say it's due to the menopause. I started on tablets then went on to the implant which was the best thing for me but they scrapped the implant after they found some problems with it so I'm on the gel now.
  • 19smp59
    19smp59 Member Posts: 105
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have OA and was also diagnosed with Osteopenia for which my GP prescribed calcium. I also decided to go on HRT as I couldn't cope with the sweating, even going for a walk left me with soaking we hair! HRT will do nothing for OA though and there is no connection between OA and Osteoporosis.

    The only side-effects I've had from the HRT are some initial bleeding which has now stopped and painful breasts. I think it's best to discuss all this with your GP and look at the risks etc. For me, I decided that the risks were minimal and I loved being able to go for a walk without coming home looking like a drowned-rat!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi ouch
    Sorry I wont be much help, but I never went on HRT and wished I had given it a go.. :roll: I still use lightweights to excersise and I am sure this helps.
  • ouchpotato
    ouchpotato Member Posts: 453
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Barbara, why do you wish you had given it a go? I'm still in 2 minds about it. On the one hand I hate the thought of more meds going into my system, but on the other hand I believe they recommend it if you start the menopause before 50? I am 45, and my bones are clearly dodgy as it is, so am wondering whether I should do it for that alone. Only one symptom is really bothering me so far (I won't go into that on here!!!), I can handle the odd night sweat here and there, and as for periods disappearing...woohoo!!! I can't wait! They really have been a curse for far too long, very painful and heavy, so that will be a welcome relief. I don't suffer from mood swings, I am usually a happy person and that hasn't changed. women have far too many things to deal with!

    19...I was more thinking of the link between 'early' menopause (before 50) and osteoporosis. As I said I am 45, and I don't want more bone related problems if I can help it.

    I was going to try the natural route, and see if that helps but now I'm thinking about the bones issue again!
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    As I said I use a gel, you rub it into the top of your arm every night. Quick & easy! If you don't take any HRT you will really suffer, you say you can suffer with the hot flushes, you will really suffer! Your bed sheets will be soaking wet, you will wish you had a walk in freezer to cool you down. And you will get mood swings ! One minute in tears at silly things like Eastenders the next you will be Godzilla over something as silly as knife in fork section! And I'm usually a mild meek little mouse normally! I know as I went through it for a week while I waited for my Gel to be in stock at chemist!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    ouchpotato wrote:
    Barbara, why do you wish you had given it a go? I'm still in 2 minds about it. On the one hand I hate the thought of more meds going into my system, but on the other hand I believe they recommend it if you start the menopause before 50? I am 45, and my bones are clearly dodgy as it is, so am wondering whether I should do it for that alone. Only one symptom is really bothering me so far (I won't go into that on here!!!), I can handle the odd night sweat here and there, and as for periods disappearing...woohoo!!! I can't wait! They really have been a curse for far too long, very painful and heavy, so that will be a welcome relief. I don't suffer from mood swings, I am usually a happy person and that hasn't changed. women have far too many things to deal with!

    19...I was more thinking of the link between 'early' menopause (before 50) and osteoporosis. As I said I am 45, and I don't want more bone related problems if I can help it.

    I was going to try the natural route, and see if that helps but now I'm thinking about the bones issue again!
    Hi Ouch
    I am 63 nearly 64..and I have quite a few friends the same age has me that have or still on HRT..and don't have this is just 5 people but to see them getting on with life and skipping around has always made me think should I have given it a go...but we have breast cancer in our family so my GP even 12 years ago didn't want me to take it..suppose you have to weigh everything up..I mean my mum wasn't on HRT don't think it was invented ..and she got cancer..don't be put off with what others say do your homework them make a decision
    Just wanted to add I sailed through the menopause..just the odd sweats but got used to those.. :) xx