Need help with knee pain and medication

angilee Member Posts: 102
edited 27. Mar 2014, 15:00 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all as well as can be expected living with Arthur! I wondered if I may ask a few questions here.

I have been suffering with pain and stiffness in the back of my knee (back of leg not the actual joint) although the joint definitely has arthritis,it was checked a couple of years ago. I went to my GP 3 months ago with this problem and have been passed from physio to orthopedic Dr and nothing has been done regarding scans etc, and the ortho was arrogant and seemingly less than interested..he sent a letter back to my GP to say the findings were non-conclusive. still suffering with the pain I went back to my GP who then got quite angry with me when I requested a scan for the now waiting to see if the hospital will allow me to have one. Has anyone else been treated in such a way? I find it disgusting that you practically have to beg for something to be done!

I have also been prescribed Naproxen,which is not really helping at all and is making me feel very sick (even with the stomach protector! A friend who has arthritis is taking this any better,does anyone have any information about it?

So sorry for the rant...I am losing all sense of reason over the way I have been treated..just wanted some help and advice



  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Angilee,

    Sorry to hear of the problems you are experiencing.

    I have OA in 1 hip after having a THR not long back and I have early onset of OA in my knee. I've been very lucky with my GP, he has been very supportive since I was diagnosed last year. Unfortunately he retires tomorrow and I'm waiting to see if my new GP is just as supportive.

    It was my surgeon who confirmed it in the knee when I went to a follow up after having a THR. He told me he would scan the knee but I am still waiting. He is going to inject steroids into it when I see him on Friday.

    I was on Naproxen as well and it made me feel very sick and I had stomach problems too. I've never heard of celebrex. I'm back on ibuprofen at the moment.

    I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience when you went back to your GP? Can you see another GP at your surgery and speak to them? Maybe even ask to be referred to a different ortho surgeon for a second opinion?

    Hope everything goes well for you and keep us posted.

    Take care
    Sarah x
  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sarah,

    Thank you so very much for your kind words and support. I am feeling very frustrated and down at the moment as I am sure we all understand here at the forum
    Thank you for pointing me down the second opinion route..seeing a different ortho will prob take another 9 weeks,so just for now I will keep on at the GP. (Will prob get struck off before long) they are a family practice and TBH the one I am seeing is the best of the bunch!

    P.s do let me know how you got on with your steroid injection and I hope it goes well for you.

    Thank you once again for your support
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm puzzled - how could the ortho say that the findings were inconclusive when no investigations have taken place? :? Have you had an Xray at any point in time? I have pain in both knees thanks to bone-on-bone OA throughout both joints, both ankles too and it's pretty miserable but it's OA - one just has to get on with it.

    I used to have celebrex (as prescribed by my rheumatologist) but my GP changed it to Naproxen plus Omeprazole because they worked out cheaper for his budget. They did nowt for me so now I have the Omep plus Diclofenac. I don't usually need the latter every day but as life is somewhat painful at the moment after a fall I do, plus the usual cocos. I don't notice much difference in pain levels, however.

    It can be difficult to get people to listen to us but it's worth pursuing your cause - there is something amiss and it needs sorting. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dreamdaisy,

    I welcome your support and advice! Yes, an x-ray was taken of my knee 3 years ago..and this was being looked at by the ortho from all that time ago. He then pushed and pulled my leg around a bit and said "DONT THINK WE NEED TO DO SCANS! come back in 3 months time!!! The issue I am having at the moment is pain and stiffness behind my knee (back of leg) and have gone round in a circle and back to where I started 3 months ago...I am used to the joint pain in the front of the knee,but never had any probs round the back before??
    So sorry to hear that your knees are hurting too...hope you can find some relief soon...I hope we all can!

  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Angilee,

    You are more than welcome :)

    I will keep you posted re my visit to the surgeon on Friday.

    Take care
    Sarah x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Relief is no longer an option, I have two kinds of arthritis and the knees have copped both types and then some. :wink: It doesn't matter - what was shocking was breaking my left upper humerus and it's only gone and healed. :shock: Now for the rest of me . . . . . :lol:

    Right, I reckon your starting point is a fresh set of Xrays, things change in three years and never mind what the medicos say: they are notyou, neither are they living with your current troubles. Twerps. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi DD,

    So sorry to hear of your knee relief? not even from pain meds?
    how do you keep a sense of humour?

    Yes, I agree..looking at x rays from 3 years ago is absolutely laughable! yet when I went back and challenged the GP he got quite angry with me when I asked for a it all down to money I wonder? Is this what we have to do..argue and fight for proper treatment...god I am so fed up of it went to NHS physio and had 2 sessions and she then said "i DONT THINK PHYSIOTHERAPY CAN HELP YOU! What???

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I daresay I could get some relief if I took the big guns on a regular basis, increasing my resistance to them so upping the dose but, because I am rather fond of being reasonably awake and alert I prefer to keep it to a minimum. The cocos dull the sharper edges and for me that's enough. It won't go away so it's best to get on with it, yes? Anyhoo, it's not just the knees, it's all ten toes, both ankles, knees, both sacro-iliac joints and right hip. That's from the waist down, I won't bother detailing the upper bits. :wink:

    My sense of humour? That was one of the better genetic gifts from my Pa. I was raised on a diet of The Goons, Round-the-Horne, The Navy Lark ('This is Able Seaman Goldstein chattin' . . ' ) and a general love of language, puns and jokes. There are amusing sides to everything - I don't know how those without a sense of humour cope with life - I thank whoever that I have the likes of Frog, Mig, Sticky and Villier in my cyber-life - they touch my rather dull life with blazes of colour. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Fionabee
    Fionabee Member Posts: 146
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Angilee
    How old are you and how much does your knee pain affect your day to day life, home, work, social? It does see to make a difference how actively they treat knee pain, I was really lucky, but some under 55s are being told to go away and come back in 10yrs.
    If your x-rays were taken 3yrs ago, that is a long time, the condition of your knee could have changed considerably since then. When my knee trouble started, GP did a bit of manipulating the knee and told me he couldn't find anything wrong, he did refer me to the orthopaedic hospital, but only because I had already had a lot of dealings with them over my back, the X rays showed advanced OA for my age.
    I never had an MRI scan am not sure what the criteria is for carrying out that procedure.
    I found Diclofenac was really good for my knees, it's one of the non steroidal anti inflammatory group. It is not as popular now because of long term side effects and I know one of the Trusts locally no longer prescribe, but I felt like a new woman taking it.
    It's not to be taken continuously, just to get you over a bad patch, ha ha!! I did manage to have it for quite a while and was ok, no tummy probs. it did break the cycle of pain in the early days, I could stop it and be good for a while, then the pain would return, gradually it was less effective.
    I had really good relief from knee injections, gradually these did not do the job and I had my knee replaced earlier this yr. Have you tried taking ibuprofen and paracetamol regularly, up to the max 24hr allowance, that did help me at times.
    If your GP has requested some sort of procedure (I think you said 'scan') I believe the hospital will carry it out, the GP holds the purse strings.
    Be persistent, it's difficult tho, my last visit was to request a sick note, GP was so detached, uncommunicative, no empathy at all, it upset me for the rest of the day.
    I hope your knee gets sorted out soon, I know how miserable it can make you feel.
    Love fiona
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello angilee
    I was wondering if this is the beginning of a bakers cyst, I only say this because my hubby had one and before it was found he had a lot of pain the cyst actually burst...and cause pain that they thought was DVTs but after it had drained the pain was gone .
    You should feel a swelling behind your knee..just a thought I hope you get some answers very soon.
  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Fiona,

    Thank you so much for your is really helpful to know that others understand. The last 3 months have been spent chasing around trying to get this sorted...and it is very,very frustrating.
    Funny you should mention the Diclofenac as I have tried this before and found it very effective..I am a bit of a pill phobic, so just get by on the bare dose of Ibuprofen.

    I have got a bit nearer now...visited the Dr this morning for blood tests..for Gout, and a whole host of other things...then the doc will put forward the scan will keep you posted! We all know it should not have to be like this, having to beg for proper treatment and having to suffer from arrogant medical professionals...but I am determined I will get this sorted!

    Thank you again for your support and advice

  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Barbara,

    Thank you for your reply...I did mention to the GP the possibility of Baker's cyst because I know that can happen with arthritis..but he said no, and so did the ortho Dr. I do have slight bulges on both knees...but they said they were both the same size so no cyst.

    Hoping to get this sorted soon

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My husband is currently struggling with a bout of gout, it's affected his right big toe and (a new venue for him) his right ankle. He is taking diclofenac three times per day (without stomach protector because this is a short-term thing for him) and it is helping. Gout hurts - I believe it's on the auto-immune arthritis spectrum? I hope you get some answers soon. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • angilee
    angilee Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi again DD,

    Thanks for the reply, Dr has taken lots of blood this morning (well it looked like lots anyway!) to check for gout...and I believe Rheumatoid arthritis, among other things. This could take some time to figure out!

    Hope your hubby recovers very soon
